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Cambodia needs $136m more to be mine-free by 2025

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Cambodia needs another $136 million to achieve its target of becoming a nation free of landmines by 2025. The figure was given by Ly Thuch, the First Vice-President of Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), during a coffee briefing at the residence of British Ambassador to Cambodia yesterday.


This year, Cambodia marks 30 years of mine action in the country, which have seen landmines or explosive remnants of war (ERW) removed from approximately 2,385 square kilometres of land, which are now being used for productive purposes such as agriculture, resettlement, roads, schools, and other infrastructure development.


However, according to Thuch, 1,991 square kilometres of land in Cambodia is still contaminated with remnants of war, of which 716sqm are identified as contaminated with landmine. “To release this 716sqm, we need $136 million with an estimated average cost of 19 cents per square metre,” he said, adding that this number is not inclusive of sector-wide coordination, management, and oversight.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501117274/cambodia-needs-136m-more-to-be-mine-free-by-2020/



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