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Several years ago I arranged a visa for the wife and I to visit Europe. Im out of touch now with the process. 


We want to fly to Vienna first and then Budapest and return 2 weeks later. 


Do we simply apply at the Austrian consulate and surely this covers entry to Hungary as well?


Actually she wants to do a 3 day course there. Do you agree its unnecessary to mention this or does it help to substantiate the visit?


Finally, am I able to complete the whole process and even take her passport to the consulate. Its difficult for her to take time off from the bar. 


If you have done this recently please assist 

Many thanks


@jack71You should apply via the consulate that has juristiction for your main destiation, ie where your spending the longest time, so it really depends how long you're staying in each country, it looks like you'll spend longer in Austria.


If you are intending to spend an equal amount of time in Austria and Hungary, then you should apply at the consulate with juristiction for your point of entry. Some member states are very picky about this, especially the French.


I'm pretty sure that a course may need a Student Visa, it may depend on the course but the course provider may have an issue with it if you don't have the correct visa https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/student-schengen-visa/


My wife and I stayed in Vienna a few years ago and did a side trip to Budapest by train, absolutely loved it, stayed up in the old ramparts in Budapest.


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