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Legal Help to Dispute a will left by my Father in Law

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21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Do one days work in Aus... get the Brother a new place and continue your life without the hassle and need to prove anyone wrong... just get on and enjoy your life without the stress...


If it were a lot of money it would be different, but its just one day for you so it can’t be that much unless you are earning 10’s of thousands per day... 


... It's also going to be virtually impossible to contest a will signed by the deceased.


In the eye's of the court it may look as though you're the one stirring up trouble contesting a will unfortunately. 

11 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Couldn't you have checked with her first whether she had any intention to release them to you before starting 5 years of court fights?

Anyway, a good lesson about true love, thanks.

That's why you hire a supposed legal expert, aka a lawyer.

All I was told that yes you can fight, and you can win.

I didn't know about the last release being signed by her.

But there was always another piece of paper and more information, each piece of paper has to be produced, go to the lawyer who presents it to the court who then set a date maybe six months hence, where they ask for another document and back and forth for years.

The court system isn't corrupt from my dealing but is just glacier slow

After winning every court case, the lawyer took the last piece of paper to be signed by her, nobody had ever heard of anyone refusing.

She refused.

She could be out of prison if her sister signed a letter of stewardship

I got her to refuse.

True love indeed.


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