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Windows update anomaly


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Running Windows 10 on a laptop, legit installation.

Recently when looking at the Windows Update window I starting getting the message:

Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.


I am not offered any updates or a way of fixing this.

I've looked this up, seems it has been around for a while and most of the wisdom on the net is about getting rid of the annoying message rather seeing it as a warning of something amiss.  First noticed it a few weeks ago, didn't see before the July updates.  Is anyone else getting this?  I'm wondering if this is a way of MS goading users to upgrade to Win 11.



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Did you press the Check for Updates button?


You can try the troubleshooter.




Could be a previous update failed to install properly. Look at your Updates history, maybe uninstall a couple, and then do the Check.


Windows Update isn't perfectly reliable and a source of monthly annoyance, yes. Had a big problem about a year ago--for no reason, of course--and it was a PITA to fix, had to go medieval on it. If it were any computer other than mine, I would have just held my nose and reinstalled. 


Linux users commonly point to smooth Linux updating as one of the reasons they like Linux. Yes, SO much better. 


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