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Creating keyboard key to turn off monitor ?

Daffy D

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I would like to be able to turn off the monitor screen but leave the computer still running.


There are several free programs available that will do that, but they all reactivate the screen with key press or mouse movement.


This is not very practical when a cat jumps up to walk on the keyboard or nudge the mouse. :annoyed:


I would like to program a key that when pressed will turn off the screen and press again to turn the screen on.


I have a eMachines keyboard with a sleep button on the top right corner that I don't use and this would be perfect if it could be programmed to do the screen switch on/off thing.


The sleep key is small and recessed and a cat's pad could probably step right on it without actually activating it.



Cheers!  :smile:

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4 hours ago, Richard 2020 said:

The easiest way, which I also use, is to turn off the monitor at its own off and on switch!

This is usually also not so far away from the keyboard... ????

That's what I have been doing until one night the cat knocked the monitor off it's stand. :annoyed:


Ever since when I use the switch I get flashing lines on the screen, which so far only happen when fiddling with the switch but I'm afraid one day the lines will stay, making the monitor useless. 


Obviously something happened to the area round the switch when the monitor got knocked off onto the floor, that's why I want to stop using the switch altogether and looking for a key press solution. :smile:



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18 hours ago, Daffy D said:

Obviously something happened to the area round the switch when the monitor got knocked off onto the floor, that's why I want to stop using the switch altogether and looking for a key press solution. :smile:

Better to look for a new switch solution. At its most elementary:






I can attest to its efficacy.

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