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59 days instead of 60

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I have a TV for 60 days starting 31st august. They stamped 29th October as exit when 60 days is the 30th October meaning my flight out will be breaking the visa on the stamp but not the actual visa. 

I asked the agent and he said the system ….. but wouldn’t fix my stamp. Is this normal?  Should I just accept the day overstay when the time comes? 

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12 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

A popular misunderstanding.

The 60 days include the day of arrival and the day of exit.

That ends with 29th October.

Applies to all immigration arithmetic (15, 30, 45, 60, 90 day visas/reports etc.).


Lets make it easy with a "5 day visa":

Aug 31, Sep 1, 2, 3, 4

Sep 5 would be the 6th day.

Correctamundo ????????

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