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Can We Rename This Site And Drop The Word Soccer


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American sense of humour? Do me a favour You probably think irony is way of pressing clothes. As for whining no one is whining apart from you. As for your 'quips' about inferority complexes and colonialism being funny. Really? Now that is ironic :o

Hold on, I'll got get some cheese for the big whiny baby who started this thread in the first place. You say we don't need the world soccer even as a secondary title; I think we don't even need all this BS whining in the first place. Just give it a rest. By the way, the English are the ones who always like to refer to the U.S. as the rebellious colony, even to this day. Some people just can't let go.

Hush, now, and go to sleep.


The only one who is whining is you JimJim. Obviously you don't get it. so just run along, go back to your trailer, pluck your banjo and try to come up with something better next time, though I'm not holding my breath. :D

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She's doing a show here...a reality TV show about how she's coming to LA and doing a search for a new house. Something like that. Our popular radio station is giving away tickets to this weekend's Galaxy game, which they said that "Beckham might or might not play".

Pshhh...Posh on American TV.

...I'll probably watch it. :o

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By the way, the English are the ones who always like to refer to the U.S. as the rebellious colony, even to this day.

News to me :o

I've heard it many times as a joke from English people. And thats the news for the day.

Torv, that show was a special one episode deal. It was supposed to be 6 episodes or something, but they only had enough footage for one since she spent so much time back in Spain at the end of the Real Madrid season.

keddy, I do get it, actually. I don't know what I said that makes you think I don't. I call it "football" more often than not, except when speaking with Americans. Your poor responses, whining, illogical and irrelevant arguments and low blows amuse me, though. Don't see how I"m whining. At least I understand why the word "soccer" is on the thread instead of going into essays about the origins of the word and why the word doesn't satisfy you and "true" fans. Contrary to your anglo-centric views, true fans can call it "soccer" if they're a true fan depending on what country in which they were born. You just have to be open to the different uses of the English language that have evolved throughout the world.

I'm sorry you can't understand American humor. I can appreciate British and American humor both, but I guess it just comes with an understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Give it a try instead of putting me in your box full of inaccurate and stereoptypical views of the U.S.

:D :D

C'mon, give another response of, "The only who is whining is you," with nothing more to say. I thought you were taking this all in good fun, but it appears not, unless you have an even dryer sense of humor than I imagined.

I'll go back to my trailer and play my banjo, because I'm American, right? Brilliant! I'm rolling on the floor, here. And I suppose you should go back to your castle and play your lyre mister court jester.

Edited by Jimjim
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By the way, the English are the ones who always like to refer to the U.S. as the rebellious colony, even to this day.

News to me :o

I've heard it many times as a joke from English people. And thats the news for the day.

Torv, that show was a special one episode deal. It was supposed to be 6 episodes or something, but they only had enough footage for one since she spent so much time back in Spain at the end of the Real Madrid season.

keddy, I do get it, actually. I don't know what I said that makes you think I don't. I call it "football" more often than not, except when speaking with Americans. Your poor responses, whining, illogical and irrelevant arguments and low blows amuse me, though. Don't see how I"m whining. At least I understand why the word "soccer" is on the thread instead of going into essays about the origins of the word and why the word doesn't satisfy you and "true" fans. Contrary to your anglo-centric views, true fans can call it "soccer" if they're a true fan depending on what country in which they were born. You just have to be open to the different uses of the English language that have evolved throughout the world.

I'm sorry you can't understand American humor. I can appreciate British and American humor both, but I guess it just comes with an understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Give it a try instead of putting me in your box full of inaccurate and stereoptypical views of the U.S.


C'mon, give another response of, "The only who is whining is you," with nothing more to say. I thought you were taking this all in good fun, but it appears not, unless you have an even dryer sense of humor than I imagined.

I'll go back to my trailer and play my banjo, because I'm American, right? Brilliant! I'm rolling on the floor, here. And I suppose you should go back to your castle and play your lyre mister court jester.

Ilogical and irrelevant arguments eh, what's irrelevant about the fans of the game wanting to call the game by it's proper name and not by a name imposed on it. As I've said before we don't have duel terms for the other sports so why have it for football. I don't call baseball rounders because I'm too dim to tell the difference between the two even though they are similar and many English people have grown up with it. As for anglo-centricism I think you'll find that the vast majority of fans call it by the proper name. When I started this thread I never imagined this thing would roll on for 7 pages plus and it's starting to get tedious. As for court jesters, where did you drag that one out? Don Maclean, Woody Allen or Barney the Dinosaur. :D However the one saving grace about them, though is that they would often be the only ones in a position to 'tell it how it is' to the establishment. In contrast, there are loads of people brought up on a diet of day time TV and junk food with their knee jerk 'opinions' recycling the same old stuff.

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Morning, keddy.

I was too harsh on ya, mate. Forgive me.

Rounders played in England is actually a little different than baseball so I think you should stop using that argument.

It's not irrelevant that fans want to call football football. You don't have to call it soccer. So don't. You're not expected to as that's not the word commonly used in your country (but remember it came from your country, high classes or not). But you MUST accept that there are other cultures in the world with different language usage. Believe it or not, Americans speak a different kind of English. When you say "fans" you seem to be excluding American fans who call it soccer in their language. I hear they use it in Australia and New Zealand, too. What's to argue about? Not much.

Edit: The core is not about language usage of fans but of different countries.

Edit again: See here and here for interesting discussion on the origin of the two words in dispute.

Edited by Jimjim
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Morning, keddy.

I was too harsh on ya, mate. Forgive me.

Rounders played in England is actually a little different than baseball so I think you should stop using that argument.

It's not irrelevant that fans want to call football football. You don't have to call it soccer. So don't. You're not expected to as that's not the word commonly used in your country (but remember it came from your country, high classes or not). But you MUST accept that there are other cultures in the world with different language usage. Believe it or not, Americans speak a different kind of English. When you say "fans" you seem to be excluding American fans who call it soccer in their language. I hear they use it in Australia and New Zealand, too. What's to argue about? Not much.

Edit: The core is not about language usage of fans but of different countries.

Edit again: See here and here for interesting discussion on the origin of the two words in dispute.

It's commonly used in Australia where football is used for 4 different sports.

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Obviously you have never trampolined with professionals. If you were to witness one of our brutal mano-a-mano jump-offs you would be so frightened you would soil yourself. One of our senior members lost an eyebrow in a trampolining accident, and I don't appreciate you sullying his memory with your misinformed tomfoolery.

Oh, I assure you that I am serious. Though I am shouting into an abyss here, as not one person amongst you has a realistic concept of sports.

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Good lord, as if anyone of any import cares a whit for the silly and redundant games you people play. Soccer! Oh my, it is to laugh!

What a marvelous match! No one scored! We were privileged to watch a gaggle of fruits run back and forth and tickle each other's testicles. How lovely.

I prefer extreme, dangerous sports, as do all the members of our club. Let me see one of your "soccer" boys juggle sharp knives why unicycling, or participate in extreme trampoline! They wouldn't last ten seconds.

I spit on your clean and dainty soccer boys. They are not worthy of carrying my Liquid Nitrogen tanks!

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Good lord, as if anyone of any import cares a whit for the silly and redundant games you people play. Soccer! Oh my, it is to laugh!

What a marvelous match! No one scored! We were privileged to watch a gaggle of fruits run back and forth and tickle each other's testicles. How lovely.

I prefer extreme, dangerous sports, as do all the members of our club. Let me see one of your "soccer" boys juggle sharp knives why unicycling, or participate in extreme trampoline! They wouldn't last ten seconds.

I spit on your clean and dainty soccer boys. They are not worthy of carrying my Liquid Nitrogen tanks!

Come on admit it , the rules are too complicated for you to understand. :D

Wooden Plank (Cockney rhyming slang ain't it) :o

Edited by Happy Hammer
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Good lord, as if anyone of any import cares a whit for the silly and redundant games you people play. Soccer! Oh my, it is to laugh!

What a marvelous match! No one scored! We were privileged to watch a gaggle of fruits run back and forth and tickle each other's testicles. How lovely.

I prefer extreme, dangerous sports, as do all the members of our club. Let me see one of your "soccer" boys juggle sharp knives why unicycling, or participate in extreme trampoline! They wouldn't last ten seconds.

I spit on your clean and dainty soccer boys. They are not worthy of carrying my Liquid Nitrogen tanks!

Come on admit it , the rules are too complicated for you to understand. :D

Wooden Plank (Cockney rhyming slang ain't it) :o

Your remarks are not only comical, but also legally actionable.

Mark my word - before the fortnight is out I will have my attorney filing briefs against and anyone else who denies my superiority. We will file subpoenas and get all of your internet IP addresses. Then it is only a hop, skip and a jump to your front doors, where my team will serve you and your negligent parents with legal papers.

After a speedy trial - and your public defender's pathetic attempt at an appeal - I will own all of your trailer "homes," big screen TV's and George Foreman grills. I will then auction the collected refuse of your sodden existences on ebay and use the proceeds to get a haircut.

The sooner you peons recognize the fact that I am correct, superior and invincible, the happier your lives will be.

Edited by Butchersdog
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Good lord, as if anyone of any import cares a whit for the silly and redundant games you people play. Soccer! Oh my, it is to laugh!

What a marvelous match! No one scored! We were privileged to watch a gaggle of fruits run back and forth and tickle each other's testicles. How lovely.

I prefer extreme, dangerous sports, as do all the members of our club. Let me see one of your "soccer" boys juggle sharp knives why unicycling, or participate in extreme trampoline! They wouldn't last ten seconds.

I spit on your clean and dainty soccer boys. They are not worthy of carrying my Liquid Nitrogen tanks!

I thought that was why they call it Soccer.....cos they socca it here and socca it there and dont do stuff all else with it.... :D It really is a boring game to watch....much too slow....watching all the moves as they try to find a way through to the goal is like watching a game of chess played by beginners.

To a previous poster.....in Aussie Rules the kick stats are usually higher that the handball stats per player. So while they do carry the ball a lot, the end action is more likely to be a kick rather than a handball. :o

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Good lord, as if anyone of any import cares a whit for the silly and redundant games you people play. Soccer! Oh my, it is to laugh!

What a marvelous match! No one scored! We were privileged to watch a gaggle of fruits run back and forth and tickle each other's testicles. How lovely.

I prefer extreme, dangerous sports, as do all the members of our club. Let me see one of your "soccer" boys juggle sharp knives why unicycling, or participate in extreme trampoline! They wouldn't last ten seconds.

I spit on your clean and dainty soccer boys. They are not worthy of carrying my Liquid Nitrogen tanks!

I thought that was why they call it Soccer.....cos they socca it here and socca it there and dont do stuff all else with it.... :D It really is a boring game to watch....much too slow....watching all the moves as they try to find a way through to the goal is like watching a game of chess played by beginners.

To a previous poster.....in Aussie Rules the kick stats are usually higher that the handball stats per player. So while they do carry the ball a lot, the end action is more likely to be a kick rather than a handball. :D

Sounds like you've got the attention span of a fruit fly on speed. :o

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Good lord, as if anyone of any import cares a whit for the silly and redundant games you people play. Soccer! Oh my, it is to laugh!

What a marvelous match! No one scored! We were privileged to watch a gaggle of fruits run back and forth and tickle each other's testicles. How lovely.

I prefer extreme, dangerous sports, as do all the members of our club. Let me see one of your "soccer" boys juggle sharp knives why unicycling, or participate in extreme trampoline! They wouldn't last ten seconds.

I spit on your clean and dainty soccer boys. They are not worthy of carrying my Liquid Nitrogen tanks!

I thought that was why they call it Soccer.....cos they socca it here and socca it there and dont do stuff all else with it.... :D It really is a boring game to watch....much too slow....watching all the moves as they try to find a way through to the goal is like watching a game of chess played by beginners.

To a previous poster.....in Aussie Rules the kick stats are usually higher that the handball stats per player. So while they do carry the ball a lot, the end action is more likely to be a kick rather than a handball. :D

Sounds like you've got the attention span of a fruit fly on speed. :o

What are you on about ??.................... :D

Sorry, I was UK born and lived in Oz for nearly 40 years...I prefer an action filled fast game with some body contact to a game where they just kick a ball around playing keepies off for an hour and a half. Soccer or FA football...just bores me to tears now.

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I prefer an action filled fast game with some body contact

Like I always said about rugger buggers... :o

Hey at least our guys dont butt touch and kiss after a goal is kicked...

and rugby is that game where 1 guy tries to put 2 guys up three 3 guys backsides...

Aussie rules is about good solid hits...with out the grid iron padding of course.


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I prefer an action filled fast game with some body contact

Like I always said about rugger buggers... :D

Hey at least our guys dont butt touch and kiss after a goal is kicked...

and rugby is that game where 1 guy tries to put 2 guys up three 3 guys backsides...

Aussie rules is about good solid hits...with out the grid iron padding of course.


Is'nt it about time this thread was put to bed :D , where's a football mod when you need one :o , I'm sure chonabot would have put a stop to rugby on the football thread :bah: ............anyway , any news on who the new mod is ????? :o:D:D

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This thread, I think, is the perfect explanation of why you should keep the Soccer title as well..

God knows you might get Americans getting confused and posting about American football.

Or some rugby fan posting about rugby!

or, even worse, some Aussie posting about Aussie rules! :o

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