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English and Thai tutor for school childen


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I am looking for any recommendations for a Thai tutor (preferably a woman as the students are girls aged 7/8) to be

of assistance with English homework--as girls are enrolled in an excellent Thai private school, yet, hey are given limited English

instruction, but given some extensive homework in writing and reading English.  I do not want a tutor who does their work for them, but

actually provides some additional instruction and assistance so the girls can complete assignments independently. Yes, I am looking for a Thai woman, as the girls' first language is Thai--and their spoken English is fairly good, but need help in reading and writing, so the tutor's ability 

to converse and instruct in both Thai and English is necessary.


I would need for this tutor to travel to my house later afternoons to work with the girls--of course, I will not only compensate

for the tutor's instructional efforts but for travel as well.


If anyone has someone they might recommend, we would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you

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