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Possible overstay

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I recently got a 30 day extension stamped in my passport untill the 30th October, my outbound flight leaves 0.15 31st October, so i will go through immigration @ BKK approx 21.00 on the 30th, but technically i don't leave till the 31st, i forgot to ask at immigration in Nakhon Ratchasima if this would be aproblem, in my excitment at obtaining my extension, So would seem extreemly harsh if they do me for 1 day overstay, So any input would be welcome! tia

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I did exactly this on our last trip (on a TR60) here, Thai Airways changed their timetable mid trip and moved us to a 16 hour BKK>HKT>LHR flight on day 58, after asking nicely they moved us to a direct flight on the 61st day @00.15 Hrs. Not a problem as we obviously cleared immigration earlier in the evening of the 60th day. Certainly maxed out the value of the TR60 Visa!

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