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New Political Party Ready To Launch

sriracha john

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PPP member Samak met TRT core members

People Power Party member Samak Sundaravej (สมัคร สุนทรเวช) met with the core members of the Thai Rak Thai Group at the Thai Rak Thai head office today.

Former Thai Citizen Party leader Samak had a meeting with the Thai Rak Thai key members, including Mr. Sompong Amornwiwat (สมพงษ์ อมรวิวัฒน์), Mr. Samphan Lertnuwat (สัมพันธ์ เลิศนุวัฒน์) and Mrs. Yhaowapa Wongsawat (เยาวภา วงศ์สวัสดิ์). The People Power Party will have a meeting to select its party leader on August 22nd, and Mr. Samak is also one of the candidates.

Meanwhile, former Permanent Secretary for Justice Somchai Wongsawat (สมชาย วงษ์สวัสดิ์), who also joined the meeting with the Thai Rak Thai Group today, speaks about his political career, saying his skills and experience would help him work for the society. Nevertheless, Mr. Somchai says he does not have any expectation to work in a higher position.

He further admits that he was a former classmate of Pol. Col. Charnchai Netiratthakarn (ชาญชัย เนติรัฐการ), the high-ranking police officer who was charged for bribing Constitution Tribunal judges. Mr. Somchai affirms that he was not aware of Pol. Col. Charnchai’s case since they have not met each other for about 30 years.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 14 August 2007

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liberals and leftists cannot not openly address many faults of the system without the threat of long prison sentences.

Try lynch mobs, not prison sentences.

The reality is that the crux of their liberal and leftist ideas is unacceptable to Thai society, that's why they keep it behind closed doors.

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There exists a possibility that there will a tremendous thinning of the herd of kwai that the makes up Thai Rak Thai running all through this thread:

CDC Bans Dissolved Party MPs from Election Campaigns

The Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) released a statement yesterday banning former executives of dissolved political parties from involvement with any party’s election campaign.

A majority of the committee had agreed to issue a stipulation controlling political activities of former executives of dissolved political parties.

National Legislative Assembly president Meechai Ruchupan warned the CDC to reconsider such stipulation for it might violate people’s rights.

After reviewing the Political Party Bill yesterday, the CDC argued that removal of the stipulation would put the Constitutional Tribunal’s verdict in barring former MPs from politics for five years to waste.

Sriracha Charoenpanich, one of CDC’s 35 members said banned executives should also be prohibited from any engagement in election activities because the verdict alone was not strict enough to change their behaviors.

*A great name with a great point.*

Agreeing with his colleague, Wittaya Ngarnthawee asserted the banned executives should also be forbidden to hold speeches opposing or favoring politicians aside to the termination of their voting rights.

Meanwhile, financial contributions to political parties had not yet been thoroughly agreed by CDC members. The donation limit set forth by an initial draft of the Political Party Bill allows individuals or organizations to a maximum of 10 million baht per year.

Predicting such amount would tempt parties into finding ways to conceal larger contribution funds; a CDC member proposed increasing the limit to 50 million baht a year.

The clause affirming the CDC’s decision will be drafted by the committee’s secretariat on Friday where the committee would also look into three supplementary laws of the draft constitution governing the election, political parties and the Election Commission.

Upon approval, the CDC would forward the supplementary laws to the National Legislative Assembly on Sunday for consideration where the assembly is allowed 45 days to hold three readings on the bills

- Thailand Outlook

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Samak Sundaravej is greeted by Payap Shinawatra, brother of former prime minister Thaksin, during a meeting with core members of the Thai Rak Thai Group yesterday.

Samak is expected to become leader of the People Power Party, which includes many former members of the disbanded Thai Rak Thai Party.

Source: The Nation - 15 August 2007

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Thaksin will play a waiting game now, hoping Palang Prachachon will win enough seats to form the next government.

The people of Issan and the north will undoubtedly vote for Palang Prachachon so there's a strong possibility they can form the next government. In which case it's worth it for Thaksin to financially back them as they are his only hope of avoiding lengthy trials.

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Thaksin will play a waiting game now, hoping Palang Prachachon will win enough seats to form the next government.

The people of Issan and the north will undoubtedly vote for Palang Prachachon so there's a strong possibility they can form the next government. In which case it's worth it for Thaksin to financially back them as they are his only hope of avoiding lengthy trials.

Depends how much cheating is involved this time around even though it's their stronghold. The cheating will go on as happened in the last elections even though they were sure to win it. It's inevitable for them as it's second nature AND they've lost A LOT of votes elsewhere in the country, even in Chiang Mai. :o

I'm expecting quite a few to be disqualified before, but more after the elections.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Suranand Vejjajiva

Suranand helps set up Bangkok-centric political group

Former Thai Rak Thai executive Suranand Vejjajiva has joined with members of the social elite to launch a group calling itself the Bangkok 50. They say they will work with all political parties with the aim of improving the quality of life of people in the capital. The group is led by Kulthon Prachuabmoh, who left the Mahachon party. Mr Suranand, an adviser to the group, said Bangkok 50 at this stage had no political leanings and was not looking to compete against any parties. Instead, he said, Bangkok 50 was open to cooperating with all parties, be it the Democrats or People's Power (the re-flagged Thai Rak Thai), the Council for National Security or the city administration. ''We haven't decided if we will be a political party. That's a question for the future and depends on people's reactions to the group,'' Mr Suranand said at the launching of the new group yesterday. There would be no problem if some members of the group decided to run in the general election, but Bangkok 50 was not a proxy for any political party, he said. Bangkok 50 leader Pol Lt-Col Kulthon also insisted they were not a proxy for Thai Rak Thai.

Continued here:



Same question as Post #204:

Is Suranand one of the banned TRT members?

Yep... he's number #51 on the list of 111 Thai Rak Thai executives who were banned from politics for five years for engaging in electoral fraud. Perhaps they should have called his group Bangkok 51.

Edited by sriracha john
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Democrat Party to increase the number of female candidates for MPs

The Democrat Party will increase the number of female candidates for MPs in the next election.

According to Mr Abpisit Democrat Party leader, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva (อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ), he said that the charter draft has pushed for participation of women in the politics. He said that in the past, the quota for women in the Parliament and the Cabinet is only at 10%. he further added that in the past, female MPs have always felt social obstacles while taking a political role.

However, the Democrat party plans to convince more women to join in the party and will increase the number of its female candidates for MPs by 30%.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 16 August 2007

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Suranand Vejjajiva

Suranand helps set up Bangkok-centric political group

Former Thai Rak Thai executive Suranand Vejjajiva has joined with members of the social elite to launch a group calling itself the Bangkok 50. They say they will work with all political parties with the aim of improving the quality of life of people in the capital. The group is led by Kulthon Prachuabmoh, who left the Mahachon party. Mr Suranand, an adviser to the group, said Bangkok 50 at this stage had no political leanings and was not looking to compete against any parties. Instead, he said, Bangkok 50 was open to cooperating with all parties, be it the Democrats or People's Power (the re-flagged Thai Rak Thai), the Council for National Security or the city administration. ''We haven't decided if we will be a political party. That's a question for the future and depends on people's reactions to the group,'' Mr Suranand said at the launching of the new group yesterday. There would be no problem if some members of the group decided to run in the general election, but Bangkok 50 was not a proxy for any political party, he said. Bangkok 50 leader Pol Lt-Col Kulthon also insisted they were not a proxy for Thai Rak Thai.

Continued here:



Same question as Post #204:

Is Suranand one of the banned TRT members?

Yep... he's number #51 on the list of 111 Thai Rak Thai executives who were banned from politics for five years for engaging in electoral fraud. Perhaps they should have called his group Bangkok 51.

They certainly are slow to understand the word ‘NO’ or the phrase “Five year holiday.”

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Thaksin will play a waiting game now, hoping Palang Prachachon will win enough seats to form the next government.

The people of Issan and the north will undoubtedly vote for Palang Prachachon so there's a strong possibility they can form the next government. In which case it's worth it for Thaksin to financially back them as they are his only hope of avoiding lengthy trials.

Depends how much cheating is involved this time around even though it's their stronghold. The cheating will go on as happened in the last elections even though they were sure to win it. It's inevitable for them as it's second nature AND they've lost A LOT of votes elsewhere in the country, even in Chiang Mai. :o

I'm expecting quite a few to be disqualified before, but more after the elections.

Well judging even by the money and lie based flyers that I have personally heard of emanating from the ex-TRT before the charter vote the election will be a pretty dirty one. Already a few people in one village are claiming TRT are going to give them several thousand to vote for their slate. Funnily enough the ones talking aboput it werent going to vote TRT but are reconsidering if they can get that much from dear leader. When vote buying gets to that level it will have an effect. Funnily enough I havent heard of a single baht or lie based flyer that is linked to any other political party before the charter vote. Odd that.

I wonder if we will hear Chatchuron denouncing all this. Always funny to see someone who all of a sudden drapes himself in the mantle of democracy be extremely selective in what anti-democratic actions he condemns. Oh but funnily enough I forgot he was one of those that happily forgot about any democratic priciple other than winning an election when in power. Even to the point of condoning a mass slaughter or two. Another anti-democracy democratic activist. Oh yes we see a fair few of those extreme hypocrits right now. Maybe they were right in nominating the cheerleader of death squads Samak as their new leader. At least that is to honestly admit what the party is all about as shown by history, or at least until they can ensure the return of dear leader the enacter of even more death.

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Matchima Thipathai to register on Aug 28

The Machima group have unveiled their 200 party members at a press conference held at the Sofitel Central hotel on Lat Phrao road on Friday morning.

Group leader Somsak Thepsuthin said in his opening speech that the Machima group was set up with the sole intention of serving as an alternative for the people.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

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Matchima Thipathai to register on Aug 28

The Machima group have unveiled their 200 party members at a press conference held at the Sofitel Central hotel on Lat Phrao road on Friday morning.

Group leader Somsak Thepsuthin said in his opening speech that the Machima group was set up with the sole intention of serving as an alternative for the people.

More from the Bangkok Post here.

Theyll probably be a medium sized party if they dont have any of their sitting MPs sucked.

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Formation of new political parties allowed

Fri, August 17, 2007 : Last updated 17:19 hours

Thailand on Friday paved the way for politicians to form new parties after it was banned since the military junta's takeover in September last year.

The move is decided as the country is gearing up for the national election scheduled by the end of this year.

Politicians will now be free to start rallying their supporters for the elections.

The laws to allow the formation of new political parties will become effective as soon as it is published in the government's official register, probably later Friday.

Government spokesman Yongyuth Maiyalarp told reporters that politicians can submit their applications for new parties with the Election Commission on the following working day after it is published in the Royal Gazette," he said.


horse , cart ?? anyhow they're in a line now ................................

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Matchima Thipathai to register on Aug 28

The Machima group have unveiled their 200 party members at a press conference held at the Sofitel Central hotel on Lat Phrao road on Friday morning.

Group leader Somsak Thepsuthin said in his opening speech that the Machima group was set up with the sole intention of serving as an alternative for the people.

More from the Bangkok Post here.


Somsak Thepsuthin


Same obligatory question as Post #204 and Post #217:

Is Somsak one of the banned TRT members?

Yep... he's number #18 on the list of 111 Thai Rak Thai executives who were banned from politics for five years for engaging in electoral fraud.

Edited by sriracha john
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Suranand Vejjajiva

Suranand helps set up Bangkok-centric political group

Former Thai Rak Thai executive Suranand Vejjajiva has joined with members of the social elite to launch a group calling itself the Bangkok 50. They say they will work with all political parties with the aim of improving the quality of life of people in the capital. The group is led by Kulthon Prachuabmoh, who left the Mahachon party. Mr Suranand, an adviser to the group, said Bangkok 50 at this stage had no political leanings and was not looking to compete against any parties. Instead, he said, Bangkok 50 was open to cooperating with all parties, be it the Democrats or People's Power (the re-flagged Thai Rak Thai), the Council for National Security or the city administration. ''We haven't decided if we will be a political party. That's a question for the future and depends on people's reactions to the group,'' Mr Suranand said at the launching of the new group yesterday. There would be no problem if some members of the group decided to run in the general election, but Bangkok 50 was not a proxy for any political party, he said. Bangkok 50 leader Pol Lt-Col Kulthon also insisted they were not a proxy for Thai Rak Thai.

Continued here:



Same question as Post #204:

Is Suranand one of the banned TRT members?

Yep... he's number #51 on the list of 111 Thai Rak Thai executives who were banned from politics for five years for engaging in electoral fraud. Perhaps they should have called his group Bangkok 51.

They certainly are slow to understand the word ‘NO’ or the phrase “Five year holiday.”

Holiday here John only means banned from voting or holding any official position in a party for 5 years.When Sanan of the Democrats was banned for 5 years for not revealing his assets, exactly the same offence that Thaksin escaped scot-free on, he was still able to assist the party in informal ways.

Suranand obviously has his eye on the future, if he disappears the public will forget him so, to look good, positive and an asset for the community what better way than to form a so-called civic non- partisan group?

Later on, if popular, they or him, can think of which party to join and cite their civic accomplishments to woo voters.

Promin has declared his leave of politics. Which left winger is still loyal to Thaksin?

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Chart Thai Party deputy leader Somsak believes revocation of CDR 15th Announcement is beneficial to Thailand

The Chart Thai Party deputy leader, Mr. Somsak Prissana-nantakul (สมศักดิ์ ปริศนานันทกุล), says the revocation of the Council for Democratic Reform’s 15th Announcement will improve Thailand’s political situation. The revocation will allow registration of new political parties.

Mr. Somsak says His Majesty the King’s endorsement of the CDR’s 15th Announcement will allow the country to continue to develop the political institution as Thai people would have more political choices. He says people would also be encouraged to follow political issues. Mr. Somsak also expresses his good wishes to the groups that will register themselves as new political parties.

Meanwhile, Thai Rak Thai core member Chaturon Chaisang (จาตุรนต์ ฉายแสง) considers the revocation as a good thing as it would allow new parties to register, and people would have more alternatives.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 18 August 2007

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Matchima Group prepares to register its Matchima Thipatai

The Matchima (มัชฌิมา) Group is preparing to register its new political party, the Matchima Thipatai (มัชฌิมาธิปไตย) Party, on August 28th after the amendment of the Council for Democratic Reform (CDR)'s 15th Announcement has been endorsed.

Matchima leader Somsak Thepsuthin (สมศักดิ์ เทพสุทิน) says he will send the representative of his group to process the subject. However, the name of leader of the new party has not been decided yet.

Meanwhile, Chart (ชาติ) Thai Party deputy leader Somsak Prissana-nantakul (สมศักดิ์ ปริศนานันทกุล) says the endorsement of the amendment of the CDR's 15th Announcment will bring about political development and it will also allow political groups to announce themselves as political parties. He says people would have more choices to in the upcoming election.

According to Mr. Sathit Wongnongteoy (สาทิตย์ วงศ์หนองเตย), the chairman of the Democrat Party's management board, the endorsement will improve different situations of the country as political conflicts would be reduced and confidence of foreign countries would be boosted.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 18 August 2007

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PM says political party of army does not violate law

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont (สุรยุทธ์ จุลานนท์) says setting up a political party, in which the majority of its members are former army officials, is not illegal, saying that it is the gathering of people who share the same political belief.

Gen. Surayud says many new political parties will be set up after August 20th, following the amendment of the Council for Democratic Reform’s 15th Announcement. He says it is a good sign for political development, and it is also following the intention of the 2007 charter draft as it would allow political activities to be conducted more conveniently.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 18 August 2007

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Pol. Capt. Purachai considers political entrance

Mr. Noppadol Inna, a close associate of Pol. Capt. Purachai Piumsombun, discloses that former Interior Minister Purachai will make a decision whether he will enter politics once again within this week since Thailand’s political direction has become clearer following the 2007 constitution referendum yesterday (August 19th).

Mr. Noppadol says many political parties have approached Pol. Capt. Purachai to join them. However, Mr. Noppadol says Pol. Capt. Purachai does not want other people to use his name to gain personal benefits.

However, Mr. Noppadol says Pol. Capt. Purachai’s political decision is unrelated to the Assets Examination Committee (AEC)’s charges against the previous government of deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 20 August 2007

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Ruam Jai Thai Group to register as political party this week

One of the executives from the Ruam Jai (รวมใจ) Thai Group, Mr. Pradit Phattharaprasit (ประดิษฐ์ ภัทรประสิทธิ์), says the Ruam Jai Thai Group will register itself as a political party in the middle of this week after public members have approved the 2007 constitution draft in the national referendum yesterday (August 19th).

Mr. Pradit says he already has a person in mind who could be appointed as the Ruam Jai Thai Party leader. However, he refuses to disclose whether Mr. Uthai Phimjaichon (อุทัย พิมพ์ใจชน) will be the person in the hot seat.

As for the regulation barring certain politicians from playing politics for five years, Mr. Pradit believes it will not affect the Ruam Jai Thai Group since his group has many members who have not been barred from politics and they can help carry out the party’s election campaign in the future.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 20 August 2007

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From nation website:-

Samak could face charges

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) has recommended criminal proceedings against former Bangkok Governor Samak Sundaravej, who is tipped to lead the People Power Party that has taken many former Thai Rak Thai MPs.

"The OAG has asked police to report investigation results within 90 days," a well informed source at the OAG revealed on Monday.

According to the source, the OAG has found convincing evidence Samak and senior officials at the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) abused their authority in hiring private companies to carry out waste management in 2003.

The hire contract was worth Bt9.58 billion but allegedly caused the state to lose money.

Might make his leadership somewhat problematic.


The Nation

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Matchima (formerly Thai Rak Thais) leader Somsak Thepsuthin, centre, front row, addresses a press conference yesterday to announce a merger between his group and Ruam Jai Thai (formerly Thai Rak Thais) for the upcoming poll.

Parties jockey for position

The election race is on; no group is dominant like TRT, so wheeling and dealing is being ratcheted up

With the success of the draft constitution in the referendum, politicians have already begun to jockey for

opportunities by forging new groups and establishing power mergers to contest the upcoming election.

The Matchima Group and the Ruam Jai Thai have decided to merge and form a new party to run for the election, Anek Laothammatas said yesterday. *TRT III and TRT IV merge to form TRT VI*

The high number of voters who rejected the draft in the stronghold of the now defunct Thai Rak Thai Party in the Northeast and the North have forced political groups and factions to unite. The Thai Rak Thai Party may have been dissolved, but its politicians have gathered to create a new brand - the People Power Party.

Anek, a co-leader of Ruam Jai Thai, said his group had wanted to join forces with Matchima for a long time because Matchima had strength in remote constituencies, while his group had power in city constituencies.

He said that following the result of the referendum vote a merger was the best option for both groups.

Matchima leader Somsak Thepsuthin said his group was ready to merge with Ruam Jai Thai to be "an alternative party" because there is only the junta and the Thai Rak Thai group.

He said he had talked to Ruam Jai Thai leader Pradit Pattharaprasit about a working strategy, adding he had also asked both the Saman Chan group and the Pracharaj Party to join the new entity.

*TRT II and TRT V could join this newly-made TRT VI to make TRT VII*

When asked about a possible move to combine the People Power Party, Somsak said it was too soon to talk about it.

Pracharaj party leader Snoh Thienthong remain reserved about making a commitment, but admitted Matchima and Ruam Jai Thai had asked his party to join them.

"The political situation is not clear yet. It is always changing and we will have to talk again," he said.

Sophon Phetsawang, a key member of Matchima, said Somsak told members he would lead the group to join with the three factions to establish a new party.

Thai Rak Thai group member Kuthep Saikrajang said the merging of the four groups was not a surprise because following the vote, a number of groups would have to combine to create any unity.

"Thai Rak Thai had the idea to get each group to join with us, but they now want to form their own groups," he said.

Kuthep said it was admirable if the intention to merge was genuine, but it would be a pity if the four factions only came together after receiving a green light from the military.

TRT group core member, Surapong Suebwonglee yesterday called on the government to hold the election in December and urged the state to lift martial law - except in the deep South. The Election Commission should prepare the upcoming poll to be more efficient than the national referendum, he said.

Surapong said the group plans to propose that constitution drafters should come "from the people" to amend the 2007 charter for the next elected government.

Ban Rim Nam faction key member, Chalermchai Urankul said the faction had placed themselves under Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, but were not sure whether Chavalit would form a new party or move to join with the People Power Party.

Ban Rim Nam is led by Suchart Tancharoen and Sora-at Klinprathum - both members of the People Power Party.

Chat Thai Party leader Banharn Silapa-archa said the party would hold a meeting on Monday to discuss its campaign for the election.

Meanwhile, Wadah group leader Muk Sulaiman said his members, who were former Thai Rak Thai MPs, had decided to join the Matchima group because they wanted to gain more support in the deep South.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said that within two weeks a number of new political parties would start registering, which was good for the people because they would have more choices.

He said if the Democrats won the election he would establish a coalition government with any parties that wanted to serve the country.

- The Nation

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Ruam Jai Thai, Matchima unite

The outcome of Sunday's referendum forced the Matchima and Ruam Jai Thai political groups to merge yesterday in a move reflecting their concerns about their prospects in the general election. But the Thai Rak Thai group quickly pointed to the political marriage, which brings about 100 former MPs together, as a clear statement of intent to block it from entering the House after it enjoyed a strong showing in the referendum. Matchima leader Somsak Thepsuthin declared the merger as a decision to position the merged party, whose name has not yet been decided, as a third option in the polls _ an alternative to the alliance of the Democrat, Chart Thai and Mahachon parties on one side and the Thai Rak Thai forces on the other. Other political factions, including the Bangkok 50, led by Suranand Vejjajiva, a group led by Suwat Liptapanlop and the Pracharaj party of Sanoh Thienthong will be approached to join, he said. The decision to merge was made yesterday morning after the result of the referendum was made clear, admitted Pradit Phataraprasit, a key leader of Ruam Jai Thai. Ruam Jai Thai's key leader is former deputy prime minister Somkid Jatusripitak, who was a key economic policy maker when Thaksin Shinawatra was in power before the Sept 19 coup. Sompong Amornwiwat, a leader of the Thai Rak Thai group, saw the merger as a direct challenge to his group in the next poll but shrugged off its importance. ''They want to beat us but we will fight to see them fail,'' he said.

Continued here:



PHEW!!.... so as it is, we have

TRT II: Pracharaj Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Sanoh

TRT III: Matchima Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Somsak

TRT IV: Ruam Jai Thai Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Somkid

TRT V: Saman Chan Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Suwat

TRT VI : Unnamed Party that is a union of TRT III:Matchima Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) and TRT IV:Ruam Jai Thai (formerly Thai Rak Thai)

TRT VII: Potential party that Unnamed that is a union of TRT II:Pracharaj Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai), TRT III:Matchima Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai), TRT IV:Ruam Jai Thai Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai), and TRT V: Saman Chan Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai)

TRT VII: Bangkok 50 Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Suranand

TRT IX: Thai Rai Thai Group (waiting to form a party from formerly Thai Rak Thai) Samak

Does that cover things accurately up until now? and yes, they aren't "parties" yet.

Edited by sriracha john
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Matchima Group cooperates with Ruam Jai Thai Group in politics

The Matchima (มัจฉิมา) Group has announced its intention to proceed with its political agenda in cooperation with the Ruam Jai (รวมใจ) Thai Group.

The leader of the Matchima Group, Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin (สมศักดิ์ เทพสุทิน), says the results of the public referendum has indicated the existence of two political polarities. Therefore, the Matchima Group will pursue its political agenda with the cooperation of the Ruam Jai Thai Group in order to reduce political conflicts in the nation.

Meanwhile the leader of the Ruam Jai Thai Group, Mr. Pradit Pattanapradit (ประดิษฐ์ พัฒนประสิทธิ์ ), will be coordinating with other political groups in creating joint political party.

Mr. Somsak says additional time is required before a conclusion can be derived on the matter.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 21 August 2007

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Snoh denies he plans to merge Pracharaj with Matchima

Pracharaj Party leader Snoh Thienthong denied Tuesday that he planned to dissolve his Pracharaj Party to merge with the Matchima Group of Somsak Thepsutin.

He said his party had already been established so there was no need for him to dissolve it to merge with any group or party.

He admitted that talks on merger had been held with the group several times but there was no breakthrough.

"How could I be supposed to dissolve my party to merge with a group?" Snoh asked.

- The Nation


so no joining of TRT II and TRT III

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Ruam Jai Thai, Matchima unite

The outcome of Sunday's referendum forced the Matchima and Ruam Jai Thai political groups to merge yesterday in a move reflecting their concerns about their prospects in the general election. But the Thai Rak Thai group quickly pointed to the political marriage, which brings about 100 former MPs together, as a clear statement of intent to block it from entering the House after it enjoyed a strong showing in the referendum. Matchima leader Somsak Thepsuthin declared the merger as a decision to position the merged party, whose name has not yet been decided, as a third option in the polls _ an alternative to the alliance of the Democrat, Chart Thai and Mahachon parties on one side and the Thai Rak Thai forces on the other. Other political factions, including the Bangkok 50, led by Suranand Vejjajiva, a group led by Suwat Liptapanlop and the Pracharaj party of Sanoh Thienthong will be approached to join, he said. The decision to merge was made yesterday morning after the result of the referendum was made clear, admitted Pradit Phataraprasit, a key leader of Ruam Jai Thai. Ruam Jai Thai's key leader is former deputy prime minister Somkid Jatusripitak, who was a key economic policy maker when Thaksin Shinawatra was in power before the Sept 19 coup. Sompong Amornwiwat, a leader of the Thai Rak Thai group, saw the merger as a direct challenge to his group in the next poll but shrugged off its importance. ''They want to beat us but we will fight to see them fail,'' he said.

Continued here:



PHEW!!.... so as it is, we have

TRT II: Pracharaj Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Sanoh

TRT III: Matchima Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Somsak

TRT IV: Ruam Jai Thai Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Somkid

TRT V: Saman Chan Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Suwat

TRT VI : Unnamed Party that is a union of TRT III:Matchima Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) and TRT IV:Ruam Jai Thai (formerly Thai Rak Thai)

TRT VII: Potential party that Unnamed that is a union of TRT II:Pracharaj Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai), TRT III:Matchima Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai), TRT IV:Ruam Jai Thai Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai), and TRT V: Saman Chan Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai)

TRT VII: Bangkok 50 Party (formerly Thai Rak Thai) Suranand

TRT IX: Thai Rai Thai Group (waiting to form a party from formerly Thai Rak Thai) Samak

Does that cover things accurately up until now? and yes, they aren't "parties" yet.

Ruam Jai Thai includes Pradit the ex-democrat and if I rememeber correctly an ally of Sanan. It also includes former BKK governor Bhichai ex Democrat from a democrat family and I hear rumors they would like Dr. Spachai another ex-Democrat to join. Not all of the ex-TRT factions becoming parties are 100% ex-TRT. In fact PPP which is very heavily ex-TRT is a bit suspicious of the Matchima-Ruam Jai Thai alliance having done a deal with the Junta.

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Yes, Ruam Jai is the odd assortment in this bridge mix of TRT by having non-TRT'ers within it.

Am I not mistaken that the others are all TRT-exclusives?

Of course not even delving yet into the Chavalits and the Chuwits and the other parties.

By the by, the who is with whom needs to be sorted soon as party registrations start the first week of October as per EC.

Edited by sriracha john
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Yes, Ruam Jai is the odd assortment in this bridge mix of TRT by having non-TRT'ers within it.

Am I not mistaken that the others are all TRT-exclusives?

Of course not even delving yet into the Chavalits and the Chuwits and the other parties.

My total inexpert reading of the Matchima-Ruam Jai Thai alliance is that they see themselves as a third force, which probably means they see themselves as king makers if neither PPP or the Dem-CT alliance can get a clear majority which many analysts see likely. By having a few ex-Dems on board it will make it easier to negotiaite an alliance with the Dems. They already have plenty of ex-TRT and ex-CT and will perobably absorb a soldier or two just for good measure. If they play their cards right they become the obvious coalition partner for either Dem-CT or PPP and will be in government, which will please their handlers.

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Late ex-PM Chatichai's Chart Pattana Party revived

Tuesday 21 August 2007 08:07:33 PM (GMT+7:00)

BANGKOK, Aug 21 (TNA) – The Chart Pattana Party, formerly led by the late prime minister Gen. Chatichai Choonhavan, has been revived by being registered at the Election Commission with a little-known party leader named Piyawat Limpaphand.

The resurrected Chart Pattana Party became the first to register with the Election Commission after the Coup-makers' announcement No. 15 had been lifted and political activity legally allowed since August 18.


MCOT Public Company Limited.

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Doesn't look like TRT VII from the above list is going to come about...

Pracharaj Party Leader Denies Plan to Merge with Other Groups

A key member of the Ruam Jai Thai group reveals his camp will make a decision on whether to merge with other parties or establish its own party this month.

Meanwhile, the Pracharaj Party leader denies a plan to merge with the Matchima group.

Pracharaj Party leader Sanoh Thienthong insists his party will not merge with Matchima and Ruam Jai Thai groups as Matchima leader Somsak Thepsutin announced to the press on Monday.

Sanoh accepts he earlier discussed with Somsak a proposal to get former Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak to lead them, but the plan was abandoned as Somkid is among Thai Rak Thai executives who are banned from politics for 5 years.

He also reveals he has held talks with two key members of the Saman nachan group, Suwat Liptapanlop and Pinij Jarusombat, but they remain undecided whether to merge with Pracharaj.

The veteran politician also denies a plan to approach military officers to join Pracharaj, as this was not the right time for military officers to enter politics.

Sanoh says his Pracharaj party will give new faces the chance to join politics and he will not mind if members demand a new leader.

Meanwhile, Ruam Jai Thai group member Pradit Pattaraprasit confirms his camp agreed to merge with the Matchima group, but it is not yet clear whether they will work with Mahachon and Pracharaj.

Pradit accepts he has talked with Mahachon leader Sanan Kajornprasart about the possible establishment of a new party. He says the group's decision whether to merge with an existing party or join other groups to set up a new party will be reached this month.

He says former members of the now defunct Thai Rak Thai party in the North and Northeast have plans to join Ruam Jai Thai, but the group will select only people who have high potential to win in the election.

- Thailand Outlook

Edited by sriracha john
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