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Thaksin tweets his sorrow at NE massacre - calls for urgent government action against drugs

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6 hours ago, bobbin said:

You have an interesting, and somewhat infuriating, style of communication. I heartily suggest you review my first post in this thread. I did not curse Thaksin. I have acknowledged his success with the 30 Baht program. There is no cheer-leading of the present government, yet you attribute your projections to me with the use of "you" liberally sprinkled through your post. This is dishonest discourse....


Because it was recent, I clearly remember your first direct response to me in another thread. You stated my posts were worthless. Your post was removed, as was my gentle reply to you, because that's how it's done here. The offending post and all direct replies to it are excised.


And history will be the judge of who is on the wrong side of history, not you.



I stated dishonest posts that ignore the truth are worthless - they are.

1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

I stated dishonest posts that ignore the truth are worthless - they are.



I see calling your arguments dishonest stung you..you used the same word in your subsequent two posts.. including your most recent response to me..


Also a little slow on the uptake since you just repeated the assertion that got your post removed in the first place..


My suggestion to you is to quit while you are behind..    ????


14 minutes ago, bobbin said:



I see calling your arguments dishonest stung you..you used the same word in your subsequent two posts.. including your most recent response to me..


Also a little slow on the uptake since you just repeated the assertion that got your post removed in the first place..


My suggestion to you is to quit while you are behind..    ????


You believe dishonest posts that ignore the truth have value? 


Your last two posts appeal for moderators to come to your rescue, they are appeals for authority to exercise power on your behalf - a classic trait of the type of individual that supports the likes of Prayuth and Trump.


If one cannot be honest, one should not be surprised to be labelled dishonest.

5 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

That sums it up.


He was just PM, not leader of the country  -  although his ego would suggest otherwise.


Like Eric Thai, I am no fan boy of the current regime but I don't want Thaksin back. 

IMHO he is/was a far better and more honest than ANYBODY from a military coup and far more trustworthy, as shown by the current lot and all the ones that have come along since 1932.

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18 hours ago, off road pat said:

Yes thanks they based the number 2000 on the original article by AFP but after AFP retracted the article they didn't update their information.
What they don't tell you though is that before the war on drugs about the same amount of people were being killed by Drug Dealers.
So were all those people killed by Cops or were some killed by Drug Dealers?

3 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

You really do have a very childish way of debating.  When I criticised his war on drugs your comeback was "but what about the 30 baht health scheme".  Weird.

And now anyone who criticises Thaksin you call them a coup or a Trump supporter.  Very childish.   You do realise it is possible to dislike Thaksin and also dislike Prayut.  It's quite easy.  You can count me as one of those people.  Disliking one does not make you a supporter of the other.

Try and engage in a normal debate, you might make some friends.

Some innocent people died during the 2003 "drug war" when Thaksin was PM.


17,000 infants died annually due to the decades of extreme levels of poverty and inequality inflicted upon the nation by a greedy elite.


Neither is good, but which is worse?


Your outrage over the death of some innocent Thais during the drug war is confected.


It is no more than a cowardly fabrication, third rate false outrage summoned solely to enable the espousing of horrid personal beliefs.


Blah, blah, blah...Thaksin is the devil so I am forced to throw my support behind the oppressive, fascist, anti democratic forces in Thailand. I really do support democracy but Thaksin is just so so evil I have to support coups, censorship and arbitrary imprisonment of protesting school kids. If only Thaksin weren't so evil I wouldn't have to side with those who don't believe in elections, equality before the law and a free press. Woe is me.


Friends... I wouldn't <deleted> on such people were they ablaze from head to toe.


3 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Some innocent people died during the 2003 "drug war" when Thaksin was PM.


17,000 infants died annually due to the decades of extreme levels of poverty and inequality inflicted upon the nation by a greedy elite.


Neither is good, but which is worse?


Your outrage over the death of some innocent Thais during the drug war is confected.


It is no more than a cowardly fabrication, third rate false outrage summoned solely to enable the espousing of horrid personal beliefs.


Blah, blah, blah...Thaksin is the devil so I am forced to throw my support behind the oppressive, fascist, anti democratic forces in Thailand. I really do support democracy but Thaksin is just so so evil I have to support coups, censorship and arbitrary imprisonment of protesting school kids. If only Thaksin weren't so evil I wouldn't have to side with those who don't believe in elections, equality before the law and a free press. Woe is me.


Friends... I wouldn't <deleted> on such people were they ablaze from head to toe.


What on earth are you wibbling on about?  You have really lost the plot now and I think you need a lie down.  Once you are lying down re-read my post very carefully because you are doing it again - attacking people who criticise Thaksin and calling them anti democracy, coup supporting, censorship loving, arbitrary imprisonment supporting people with "horrible personal beliefs".  You are acting like a two year old.  I have already stated my position on Prayut and it has nothing to do with what I think of Thaksin and what he did.

By the same token if someone criticises the current regime should we call them extra-judicial killing loving, embezzlement supporting, mosque massacre backing, corruption championing people?

This is getting silly now, I'm done going round in circles because you'll just come back and make the same unrelated attacks again.


6 hours ago, billd766 said:

IMHO he is/was a far better and more honest than ANYBODY from a military coup and far more trustworthy, as shown by the current lot and all the ones that have come along since 1932.

Honesty is a matter of scale in Thailand  - he just did it better (and bigger) than most.

  • Haha 1
20 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:

Honesty is a matter of scale in Thailand  - he just did it better (and bigger) than most.



Better than the army who made a coup against him and yet another coup against his sister?

16 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Indeed, Thaksin was no saint.

Here’s the thing, there will never be a saint who saves the day.
Cheerleading coup after coup because elected governments are not perfect is a road to nowhere. 
Imperfect progress is still progress.

Thanathorn was a perfectly fine individual, not a saint, but a good many steps in the right direction and what happened to him?

Bashing Thaksin for not being perfect is just the cowards way of supporting the policies and practices of the anti democratic establishment. It is weak and dishonest… certainly not saintly.


There is no doubt, absolutely zero doubt that any free and fair election held in Thailand over the last 20 years would be won by Thaksin in a landslide. It is Q Anon level delusion to believe anything else. 

Thaksin hates foreigners… good for him. Just because the guy is not perfect you’ll never find me supporting a coup, supporting taking away the civil rights and freedoms of an entire population and condemning generation after generation to economic exploitation. I am no saint, but I am a damn site better than that - how about you?

when did I say I support a coup or the current government? 

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