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A Thai Woman


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On the som tam. My wife makes it so hot that she has stomach pains after she eats it. Then sits around and complains about how bad her stomach hurts. Does this every time.

Sometimes they not the fastest learners! Like Bart Simpson & the electric plug.


She would be the champion of slow learners then. It has been going on for over 8 years already and she still does it.

One time she got some som tom and it was so hot that i could barely eat it (and i have won a chill pepper eating contest with my workers).

She then tried to give me a spoon full of the juice. I said no way am I going to eat it.

She did.

A few minutes later we were pulled over on the side of the road with her puking her guts out. Even after that she said it was the best som tom she ever had.


Good stuff!


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WHY is this restricted to JUST Thai wives and GF's ?

I got a English wife and she gets on me nerves, but after 30 odd years, who wants to break in a new one :D

I'll wait till she pops her clogs and then get myself a deaf and dumb one, who never went to school and doesnt know what money is, straight from the hills,

Oh, well the dream is still there :D

I did get offered a camel and an old martini henry rifle when I was in Oman for her, but turned it down, I mean what am I going to do with a camel ? :o

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the lazy assed walk and flip flops..... :o

I always find that quite funny! The other day i was in a mall, and a tall beautiful young Thai girl walked past me. She looked so graceful apart from the funny foot shuffle. It was like she had no idea what her knees were for. :D

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The usefulness of threads like these is to point out that all those nigling little traits that get on our nerves are quite common amongst the Thai ladies, if the posts are anything to go by.

There's no need to stress about them because even if they upset us enough to find a new lady we'll probably end up no better off.

So best not to worry or stress, after all this is Thailand, and get on with enjoying life and all the good things which make Thai ladies so special.

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They all have their quirks.

7. Lends money to 'friends' who NEVER pay her back. I made the same mistake, so can't complain. She's improving. Learning to say 'Not have'.

Tell me about it!

I've told her that she'll lose both money and friend, several times.

Money doesn't get paid back, she gets upset, friend doesn't talk to her any more.

I get the blame.

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This is a great thread, really funny, love the camel and gun post had me in stiches. As for the moderators..lighten-up guys, it's just a bit of fun.

I can relate to a fair bit of whats been said, i love me wife but my niggles are; her standard reply to any question i have is "up to you" drives me crazy. Her lack of initive, seems to be a Thai trait. Her huge mood swings and the resulting silent treatment for any misdomeaner on my part and finaly..."Darling can you give me some money"

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Tell me about it!

I've told her that she'll lose both money and friend, several times.

Money doesn't get paid back, she gets upset, friend doesn't talk to her any more.

I get the blame.

Lending money here is a big problem.

First and foremost we're not just talking about someone needing some cash for a luxury. Often we are talking money for the next meal, or rent, or for milk for the young'ns. Often loans can make a huge difference to someone on the poverty line with nowhere else to go. So it's hardly surprising when your wife or girlfriend is targeted.

Then there is Thai face. As difficult as farangs may find it to say no to our friends and family when they come asking for money, it is about a thousand times more difficult for Thais, as the dreaded 'face' is involved.

My wife has a rule that she will only lend a second time if the borrower has repaid the first loan. Of course she loses a lot of money, but it does help to keep the loans in check.

Today her very best friend - and I know this to be so - actually a distant relative - needed 15,000 Baht. The wife came to me as she had already exhausted her free cash on other family largess this month. I was very unhappy. She explained that her friend had been having terrible problems with her husband, who had left her; she had three kids including a 1 year old baby, and desperately needed to find a new place to live. My wife said "What can I do? I have to help her!"

I knew everything she told me to be true, including the fact that we had no choice but to help. She had lent this friend money before and it had been paid back. so....

TIT folks,

shit happens.

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This is a great thread, really funny, love the camel and gun post had me in stiches. As for the moderators..lighten-up guys, it's just a bit of fun.

I can relate to a fair bit of whats been said, i love me wife but my niggles are; her standard reply to any question i have is "up to you" drives me crazy. Her lack of initive, seems to be a Thai trait. Her huge mood swings and the resulting silent treatment for any misdomeaner on my part and finaly..."Darling can you give me some money"

my wife must have been in the same class at school. My wife cant make a decision from a choice and it's always up too you. If the decision is wrong she blames me and does'nt speak to me for days. At the end of the day we love them that's why we married them.

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My Thai Boyfriend is very similar to whats been said about the Thai ladies on this thread - we have been together many years, and i am still waiting and maybe expecting him to tell me, one day, that his mum and dads bufallo in the country is sick and has just had 10 babies, and needs my contribution. My answer will be "yes whatever, me no money, me no money" i have learned my lesson, if you cant beat them - join them. i am an English Rose by the way, but learnt to give what i receive - nothing. i dont contribute anymore. If he does not like it, then there are plenty more fish in the sea in amazing Pattaya. :o

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My Thai Boyfriend is very similar to whats been said about the Thai ladies on this thread - we have been together many years, and i am still waiting and maybe expecting him to tell me, one day, that his mum and dads bufallo in the country is sick and has just had 10 babies, and needs my contribution. My answer will be "yes whatever, me no money, me no money" i have learned my lesson, if you cant beat them - join them. i am an English Rose by the way, but learnt to give what i receive - nothing. i dont contribute anymore. If he does not like it, then there are plenty more fish in the sea in amazing Pattaya. :o

:D Thats the way Pattaya_girl, thats the way, you go girl! :D

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"I lub you too mut, but no have money. Can gib nit noy?"

"Mama me hab big problem, no hab money, can gib?"

etc, etc...

Why would guys with Thai GF's complain about them asking for money?

It's the main/only reason they are with you in the first place.

To make things simple and workable, wake up, understand what's happening, and arrange a regular support budget.

To win the game one must know the game.

You're always going to take second place to children, family and even Thai boyfriends.

LOL! HA HA... yes that is so true... it is all about the money. I am not saying our thai GFs do not love us (at some level) but all in all its about the money. The sooner people realise that and are honest with themseleves on this, the better!

I was always very generous to the GF and the family in our almost 2 years together. in fact I took care of some large bills they had, that was really nothing to do with me. Its funny, I tightened the purse strings for about 3 months, and I tell you my over generous donations to her and her family for the fiscal year of 2006, was very quickly forgotten about. lol!!! cheek of them!

I do not think that old bit of wisdom is known by thai gfs and their family..." do not bite the hand that feeds" ; - )

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Som tam

I'm lucky - the doctor has forbidden my wife to eat Som Tam any more. The pappaya affects her innards.

Can you give me the name of your doctor please - assuming he's not in Saudi

Big hospital in Korat - don't know the name - everything is in Thai.

Good Luck!

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If I could change anything it would overused stereotypes. There are, however, certain cultural differences with Thai women, but I know few Thai women who check with every observed trait by farangs to make sure they are being a proper Thai woman.

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What about the one where you go to great lengths to explain how a washing machine (or other appliance) should be used and - next day - she's doing something completely different because she has discussed the problem with friends (who have never used such an appliance) and they have advised her differently.

Always, always - the advice of friends is more important than the advice of 'my farang'.

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Conversation just had 1 minute ago:

me: Why aren't you taking the PILL your doctor gave you?

her: my friends say no good.

me: any of those friends a doctor?

her: blank stare

me: any of them gynecologists?

me: Why go to your doctor - just call your friends next time you have a problem?

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I love (?) the way they insist on doing things their own way.

"I come with you to airport, see you to plane."

"It is not the interesting place you hope, lots of waiting for things to happen."

"I come."


Go to airport, she watches as I wait in line for book in. 45 minutes later I have seating and can now go to immigration.

I explain I have to wait in another line to get stamp, then I go through door. She cannot come. :o

"OK I go now, can you give me fare home?"

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On my third Thai wife and the same things are always there. First thing ever said on a phone "Where are you?" Second thing, "when will you be back home"

3 kids (all by wife 3) and 2 houses (never buying another one) later I still love them all and I smile every day. Of course I swear a lot as well!

I would never be able to do this if they were western wives, I would already have 3 jobs, 3 mortgages and lawyers fees up the AS**

Looking for # 4 (will she be Thai - of course!!)

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What about the one where you go to great lengths to explain how a washing machine (or other appliance) should be used and - next day - she's doing something completely different because she has discussed the problem with friends (who have never used such an appliance) and they have advised her differently.

Always, always - the advice of friends is more important than the advice of 'my farang'.

AGREED!! My wife will go to the doctor, get meds and be told how to take them by the perscribing doctor. Then on the way out she'll stop by another pharmacy (This is at St. Louis hospital) and ask the people there. Then she'll ask me, at which point I ask her to translate the label for me, which is very clear on how to take the meds....then she'll call her mom and friends to discuss the matter further.

Papaya Salad....

Of course, money, but I've been getting real tight with that and have stopped supporting her family, so we'll see what happens.

As it has been said earlier, plenty of fish in the sea....

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Conversation just had 1 minute ago:

me: Why aren't you taking the PILL your doctor gave you?

her: my friends say no good.

me: any of those friends a doctor?

her: blank stare

me: any of them gynecologists?

me: Why go to your doctor - just call your friends next time you have a problem?

So very very true, one idiot friend can undo all you have tried to do.

i give up know days when i hear Jep Jep, and just say go ask your friends whats wrong or go to hospital.

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mmmmmmmmmm garlic and fish,you kiss them?

bought a toilet air freshner cost 500 baht for a plumber to unblock the toilet

she had a small infection on her toe,got antibiotic capsules broke them open and poured the powder over her toe

watching apollo 13 on dvd."why america go to moon,it vely small ?"do they have noodle?"

priceless wouldn't change her for anything.

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long black hairs in the plug hole

ordering coffee,not drinking it because she dosn't like the taste(thinks she's being trendy)

ordering heiniken,not drinking it because she dosn't like beer(thinks she's being trendy)

ordering a non alcoholic drink in pk not drinking it because it's too beautiful to look at.

washing my t-shirts with a scrubbing brush on the bathroom floor with a scrubbing brush(washing machine supplied)

using my razor ahem.

cleaning my ears with cotton buds when i'm watching footie.

c'mon boys it's a laugh,think about those selfish,spoilt hard nosed bitches back home.if i have enough money for food and a few cold ones i give her some money what she does with it is up to her,sick mamma,pappa,bufallo,cat dog who gives a s**t

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Love them, but hard to go along with their closed minds when it comes to doing new things [or tasting new foods]. I can honestly say that I'll try anything once, just for the experience.....bugs, snakes, spicy food etc, but i can't get her to try certain things like cheese, pasta, wine etc.

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