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Smartwatches 2022

Gabe H Coud

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Sorry if a thread on this already could Mods please move if necessary.... 


I'm in the market for a smartwatch but I just don't quite really know what to buy??

Before anyone says just use Google and YouTube, well .... I have, for a good month or so now. And my brain has been overloaded with technical information and.... I still don't know what to buy!

My parameters....

????If it's square or rectangular it ain't going on my wrist, even if it's free. Circular only, non negotiable!
????I don't really have a budget as I don't particularly want the most expensive one. I'm definitely not flash but don't want the cheapest either
????I don't like anything Apple never have never will! I'm an Android boy
????I'm not a runner or a big workout guy but I cycle and swim.
????My passion is playing golf and would like to bring in some golf gps apps (but somewhat oddly I don't especially want to buy a dedicated Garmin golf watch).
????I don't think I need to make/receive calls on it(LTE). I see that as a step too far at the moment (am I wrong?)
????I'm unsure about Play store support. Concerned I might regret if I didn't have access to that

I'm sure there are other factors to consider


I was wondering whether anyone else has been through the same painful process as I'm going through and made a happy decision?!

I would welcome any feedback

thanks in advance

Sent from my M2007J20CG using Tapatalk

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Don’t want square.

Don’t want Garmin.

Don’t want to receive calls.


Xiaomi Watch S1 Active (https://www.mi.com/global/product/xiaomi-watch-s1-active/)

(note - I use apple so can’t offer first hand experiences of the Xiaomi watch - but have other Xiaomi products and have been happy with them).


Other options: Suunto (various watches / prices).

Google Pixel (maybe too expensive)


That should get you started.



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Im slowly getting pulled in by Samsung... 


The only real alternative to the watch 4(or 5) are the various Mobvoi Tic watches, that is if you want full Play store access and support going forward. I'm told all rest don't/won't give that. 


Also many people saying the galaxy 5 is barely an upgrade on the 4 and to just buy 4 at less money??? What's the difference.... a 1000 baht? I wouldn't want to miss out on something for a 1000 baht 

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so i got a galaxy watch 4.....early days so still assessing it


has anyone got this watch or similar and found a reliable fully functional golf gps app that works on the watch(usually linked with app on phone too)?


preferably one thats free although i will pay up if its really good user experience


im looking for real feedback here , i can see many articles stating which ones are 'available' i want to hear from golfers whove been on the course and used them





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On 10/20/2022 at 12:46 PM, Gabe H Coud said:

Galaxy watch 5, any thoughts?


Great Choice or the new Google watch coming out.


I've got the Galaxy watch 4.  I'm suprised how fast the 5 came out.  I like the Galaxy watches as they integrate well with all my Samsung products. 

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