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This post is flaying about like an out of control hose.

All the Americans reading have twisted and blown up the posts of Ambassador and anyone else with anything slightly critical to say about Westernisation or America.

They have got all defensive and started delving into history, it really is pathetic.

SOME of you make some valid points, but they all spiral out of control and accuse those who think it's a shame that the westernisation of Thailand is going too far of moaning about EVERYTHING.

Also note that anyone who has said anything that the U.S. posters don't find favourable are suddenly small minded, uneducated bigots who should live in a cave and who would be enslaved by Japs if it hadn't been for the good old US of A.

I am a nice guy and reasonably open minded but I have to admit that it's for the above reasons that I find most American company very taxing indeed...

And trust me, I give everyone a chance.

I agree with many of the points made by Rainman, Davethailand, Stocky and Stroll to name but a few, but where's the Ambassador? Hiding in a cave prehaps? :o

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I again ask what does a bunch of brits bitchen about the United States on the 4th of July have to do with the westernization of this country? The same people who do the most bitchen are the ones who dont have a clue about this place cause they only talk to each other and all hold the same grandiose view of their hole they crawlled out of. I would rather be preached to by Germans or Italians cause at least they know how to make decent cars.

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I again ask what does a bunch of brits bitchen about the United States on the 4th of July have to do with the westernization of this country? The same people who do the most bitchen are the ones who dont have a clue about this place cause they only talk to each other and all hold the same grandiose view of their hole they crawlled out of. I would rather be preached to by Germans or Italians cause at least they know how to make decent cars.

The short answer to your question is nothing. :o

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This is mental!

A thread regarding the westernization of Thailand has become a screaming match regarding saving brittish ass in WW2, well done.

Incidentally, wasn't it Pearl Harbour that bought the US into the war? or about four days afterwards when Japan followed by Germany said they were at war with America?

Americans are people, Thai's are people, Brit's are people - the aussies, well thats a different story :D just joking, Aussies are people too and we all have the same problems; a few muppets, crappy watered down politics, gay foreign policies, a youth troubled by angst, reality tv, corporate globalisation, drugs, we all have it all

Get a grip fella's, this is the land of smiles :o please relax!

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This is mental!

A thread regarding the westernization of Thailand has become a screaming match regarding saving brittish ass in WW2, well done.

Incidentally, wasn't it Pearl Harbour that bought the US into the war? or about four days afterwards when Japan followed by Germany said they were at war with America?

Americans are people, Thai's are people, Brit's are people - the aussies, well thats a different story  :D just joking, Aussies are people too and we all have the same problems; a few muppets, crappy watered down politics, gay foreign policies, a youth troubled by angst, reality tv, corporate globalisation, drugs, we all  have it all

Get a grip fella's, this is the land of smiles  :o please relax!

Well said FTH :D

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The U.S could of let Japan have asia and Germany have Europe very easily, would that of been to your liking.

Aye, and the Brits could have left the Americas to the French. No taxation without representation, in other words we don't want to pay for our own defence. And don't forget to say a big thank Q to the people of France for your independence.

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Could of left it to the indians also if it was not for the need of MacDonalds.

Every place the europeans have tried to westernize has not been the best of results until independence was accomplished. So a Brit trying to blame it on others seems to be par for the self righteous. Who to H*** would stay in Thailand if they did not modernize. I am really suprised that the complaining is not the arrival by air.

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Funny thing is I've never met an American. I know Irish Americans, Polish americans, Jewish Americans, etc. Lets face it if your corcasion your roots are European. What's that saying about limeys and yanks, "the same people seperated by two different languages."

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I guess we are just bleached out snow birds with nothing to do but complain with big noses to warm the air and sweaty smelly farangs with long noses in the heat.

Maybe if we quit shoving food in our mouth every 10 minutes we would lose some

pounds. Maybe if we were not so westernized we would walk more (isn't that so un thai) and burn up some off the calories.

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Some other gems of slogans seen on the chests of pubescent teenage girls recently, proving the point that the West is Best. Or not..........perhaps those "SOD" (Thai characters), ones aren't so offensive after all?

Scamp, I agree with you almost entirely, but think that the die was cast long ago and it's waaaaaaay too late to change owt now. The writing was on the wall, when Thailand chose the US Empire over the Russian Bear or China's version of totalitarianism back in the 50s/60s, although it seems to be dithering nowadays as to which model appeals most. Wonder what Chinese T-shirt slogans would say?

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Westernisation may well be the cancer of Thailand but it's Americanisation that is the cancer of the west.

The poor Yanks are brainwashed from birth into believing they are the greatest, most powerful nation on earth, only to grow up, venture outside of the U.S. and realise that they are probably the most hated and despised nation on earth.

I am astonished my wee post has caused such a hoo haa, I re-phrased a couple of words but it was too late - the guns were out.

I wasn't trying to hijack the original posting and fly it into the stars and stripes I was saying that the U.S. is the nucleus of westernisation which I agree is going too far. We all like a few home comforts but that isn't what G.Scamp was referring to.

There is nothing wrong with patriotism either as long as it isn't imposed on others, and like many, the anti American feelings are more aimed at the Bush administration. We didn't vote for him did we?

Now let's either stick to the topic or start a new thread to continue this arguement.

Nobody is perfect, we are far from it as a species but at the end of the day, we are all individuals and everyone should be given a chance to explain themselves.

Not all Brits are snobs or football hooligans.

Not all Aussies are fun loving, beer swilling, sheep shearers.

And not all Americans are ignorant, greedy, over emotional, disgustingly obese, dramatic, rude, gullable, false, stupid, immature, arrogant and overly patriotic.


I feel that the brakes should be put on westernisation before it starts to affect tourism.

People want to see something different and Ko Samui is already suffering because many farang feel it has lost a lot of it's charm to globalisation and that it is best kept to Bangkok.

It's understandable that Thailand wants to be sucessful and rich after being previously underdeveloped but surely there are ways to do it without trying to immitate the west.

A KFC on Ko Samet would be a tragedy would it not?.

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I feel that the brakes should be put on westernization before it starts to affect tourism.

People want to see something different and Ko Samui is already suffering because many farang feel it has lost a lot of it's charm to globalization and that it is best kept to Bangkok.""

I agree with you 100%, Now to do a really good job.

Why don't you pack up your mates from the most populous areas of LOS, where it seems that it is the only places here that your kind can survive,leave it to the tourists, and return to where you came from and stop all this westernization.

There,see how simple it was.. :o

It does appear that it is much easier to hate an American than a Brit,some Brits do not seem to have to much personality,altho I have worked with some that were pretty nice folks.

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I agree with you 100%, Now to do a really good job.

Why don't you pack up your mates from the most populous areas of LOS, where it seems that it is the only places here that your kind can survive,leave it to the tourists, and return to where you came from and stop all this westernization.

I think you need to read my post again.

By the way, my close mates are nearly all Thai.

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