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Jehova's Witness - Romford, Essex, Uk


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The Moroms have silly little boys riding around Chiangmai....It's real hard to keep from swerving violently left every time I drive past 'em................ bottom line, I would rather they were road kill.

Thanks, we'll know where to send the police if we find any of 'em knocked about on the highways... :o

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This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

Depends on whose version of the bible your reading from sonny............ 144,000 what a joke, guess that was a big number one day!

How many versions you posses? Never heard of any other bibles? :o

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This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

Depends on whose version of the bible your reading from sonny............ 144,000 what a joke, guess that was a big number one day!

How many versions you posses? Never heard of any other bibles? :o

Do a search on Ellen White, that'll do for a start, in fifty years you might have tracked down half the versions in existence......

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I had a chat with a mormon kid on a flight to the US last year. His parents were so proud of him they bought him an upper class ticket. I find it hard to believe they could convert many in Thailand and asked him that straight out. He admitted it. He said they don't have much success for their 2 year post here.

I was thinking as I was talking to this strapping handsome 20 year old kid, and envisioning him being swarmed by uni girls at RCA on weekends - Boy, you have no idea what you missed these last two years. Probably going home to marry childhood sweetheart.

I'll bet he will be back in a few years - without the bike and nametag. :o

Edited by Bryan in Isaan
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6. Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

If they believe this then I would have thought getting up numbers would be the last thing on their minds. Sorry, didn't care enough to get past No.6

This is straight from the bible, moses' books. 144,000 seats.

You're way off, sonnyJ. It comes from the last book of the Bible, Revelation. Moses' books are the first five and contain no prophecy. Revelation is a prophetic book.

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The Moroms have silly little boys riding around Chiangmai in white shirts, long slacks and helmets(and don't forget there ever present nametags). They have bikes from the 1800's, presumably they are more efficient than todays mountain bike versions ... Chiangmai must be an Asian stagging post before they hit other areas, maybe even R&R before they do time in more difficult areas like Nepal/Bangladesh etc........

It's real hard to keep from swerving violently left every time I drive past 'em................ bottom line, I would rather they were road kill.

Nope, they always get a 2 year post to one place only and then go back home. There is no "staging" post. They get sent somewhere and stay there.

I suppose there could be a few Mormons that perhaps are lifers and go to different places, or some could be lifers in order to keep organization abroad, but I'm guessing.

The norm is to go 2 years and you're done.

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Do a search on Ellen White, that'll do for a start, in fifty years you might have tracked down half the versions in existence......

Hmm, seem to be a lot of misunderstandings here.

Ellen White's writings have never been professed to be a version of the Bible by those who believe in the holiness of her writings. Seventh-day Adventists officially believe that her writings are inspired, just like the Bible writers were, but it is not supposed to supercede the Bible or be a different version of it.

In terms of different translations, there certainly are different versions. There's the New International Version, New King James, Living Bible, etc. Essentially, those like the New International Version are the most faithful and rigid translations to original texts.

As for Jehovah's Witnesses, and I'm not trying to bash a religion here, they seem to be more aggressive and less open-minded than most other Christians. They have very specific beliefs and very rigidly defend them. They have a sense of superiority because they believe everyone else is wrong and this is where the bad experiences start to happen.

Edit: The 144,000, which most Bible scholars believe to be a representational as it's in a prophetic book (a metahpor, not an actual accurate number), is certainly in the Bible in Revelation in all of the accepted and rigid translations.

Sorry for the triplicate post, but I responded once, found something again, etc.

I vote to close the thread so inaccuracies and bashing don't abound and it's going to lose it's Thai-related feel I believe.

Edited by Jimjim
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The 144,000 comment is an obvious case of the JW’s seeing whatever they want to see in the bible. Regardless of the logic. The passage in question is Rev 7: 4-8 clearly describes descendents from Jewish tribes, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes. Who have been sealed, or protected from destruction, apparently during the tribulation. The very next segment describes people from all over the world alive and well in heaven. Rev 7:9-10 “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"

This very verse they use to show that they have the only ticket to heaven, clearly shows the opposite to be true and that the 144,000 certainly does not include JW’s

Edited by canuckamuck
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The Moroms have silly little boys riding around Chiangmai....It's real hard to keep from swerving violently left every time I drive past 'em................ bottom line, I would rather they were road kill.

Thanks, we'll know where to send the police if we find any of 'em knocked about on the highways... :o

I used to work with a friend who had a unusual reply to their questions.

JW "What do you do for a living?"


" I am a serving Paratrooper and I kill people for a living.

Personally ,once they are dead ,I don't care if they go to heaven or hel_l .

The important thing is that they are dead and they don't start getting up again and trying to shoot me in the back.

Now,how I can help you ?

Interestingly,they would always move on to another door.

:D Wiley Coyote

Edited by wileycoyote
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WOW!! So many replies. Thanks guys.

Seems to me the best thing would be to politely refuse their friendship and then stay well clear.

Malai has since spoken to some of her friends who have pretty much had the same concerns as raised here.

Fortunately, my bicycle had a puncture the other day so Malai had to turn down an invite to go to this young Thai grls house to eat food...phew!

Oh, John from Brentwood.. thanks for that appreciate it. Just moved to the area and I'm getting bad vibes already. Good job I didn't move to Brentwood innit otherwise I really would have had problems!

The JW people haven't been back for a day and a half but I'm guessing its only a matter of time. Malai has said she's ready for them!

Thanks to all for your advice.


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  • 1 year later...

Great topic guys, I have employed These JW guys over the last five years. at one point i had five of them working for me. They seem to be all from Chaingmai and Chaingrai.In my opinion they are very honest hard working folks. however had a a few dramas... One of them a very old lady, out of pity i gave her a job as a cleaner. In the end she had to go, many of my thai staff complained about her non stop preaching in the office. Mind you nothing was ever stolen from my house...so my advice is employ one as a cleaner but only around farangs...yeah and a younger one as the old lady could hardly make it up the stairs :o

The delivery guys x 2, one of which still works for me and is one of my most trusted staff. just dont ask him to work Thursdays nights or Sundays. however again i trust him with large (ish) amounts of money and great for working unsupervised in customers homes.

The other guy who worked for me for over two years turned very strange and in the end left. I believe he was fighting inner demons, from a happy easy going guy he turned very strange. One day i caught him in my office running off 100+ copies of some religious pamplet on the phototcopier and i said what are you doing?, i thought your religion didnt steel?. i just got a blank look.

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