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The UK is heading for the perfect storm ! Worst recession for a century

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9 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Tik tok video posted by "Tory scum out" from the "Anti Tory league"

Could have some biasedness there ?

Which, while no fan of the Tories, is the core of my objection to videos being posted as comments.


A video might contain footage that is presented out of context or out of time sequence, images and sound might be manipulated and any other of myriad editing and selection.


So I simply don’t watch videos that are presented as comment.


I’m more than happy to debate comments made and much prefer to see claimed ‘facts’ backed up with links to credible sources, but videos, no thanks.



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8 hours ago, Chivas said:

Bizarrely the FTSE is about to close for the day up 2.25% biggest gain for a long time

Sterling/Dollar up as well

As a result of the BOE  it increasing interest as high as the markets had priced for and the statements about interest rates ‘probably’ not going any higher:



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