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Biden urges Cambodia to free outspoken activist jailed for six years for treason


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US president Joe Biden urged Cambodia to free Theary Seng, an outspoken American-Cambodian activist given six-years of jail term for treason earlier in June this year. She was one of 60 defendants charged in connection with a failed attempt by an opposition leader to return from exile in 2019.


Mr Biden took up her case with Cambodia’s prime minister Hun Sen, while meeting him on the sidelines of Asean summit. The president “called for the release of activists detained on politically motivated charges, including US-Cambodian dual citizen Seng Theary”, said the White House in a statement following the talks.

Meanwhile, the 51-year-old human rights activist began a hunger strike on Monday as her advocates called for her to be transferred from the prison in Preah Vihear province to Phnom Penh. According to her lawyers, she has been prevented from attending church services and making regular phone calls, reported Voice of America.

read more https://sg.news.yahoo.com/biden-urges-cambodia-free-outspoken-112129988.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMgJqKvwOo6vDGFBbRY1AblLrNKg-s1Jko36Ow8XYHjCwy4vm-wFNQ9TnXvJOfHsT7eNdVruQW_75MaUZCU4qq77fE-tIP4zAurrYhaeDkQEZICulqq78g3DlpjFWtD4Cr45ZRAQUR9o-hpfnKRq6xNUOx8zfByGokzyK7RvpYLr



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