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Cambodian PM Hun Sen says positive for Covid after hosting ASEAN summit


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Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Tuesday he had tested positive for Covid-19, after hosting more than a dozen world leaders including US President Joe Biden at a summit in Phnom Penh. Asia’s longest-ruling leader said in a Facebook post that he got the positive result on arrival in Indonesia for a G20 summit, but was not experiencing any symptoms.


Hun Sen had mask-less encounters with leaders from eight Southeast Asian countries as well as the United States, China, Japan, Australia and Canada at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit, which wrapped up Sunday. “Beloved compatriots! Now I have tested positive for Covid-19,” he wrote on Facebook, saying he had been tested every day including before flying to the G20 in Bali, and all the results had been negative.


“I am not sure when this virus came to me, but when I arrived, the Indonesians took a sample from me in the evening, and in the morning it confirmed Covid-19 positive.” He said it was “lucky” that he arrived in Bali late and missed a dinner with other leaders.


read more https://www.thaipbsworld.com/cambodian-pm-hun-sen-says-positive-for-covid-after-hosting-asean-summit/



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Hung Sen has been face to face with New Zealand's Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.


Ardern's huge PR contingent has advised that she has had a RAT test and has proved negative so far.


Hang on a minute mate,

This is the same woman that made RAT Tests illegal in New Zealand and threatened prison for my wife and I if we brought any back from Thailand.


Her hypocrisy astounds me.

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