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1,316 days overstaying Chinese woman arrested after being found begging for money at a Phuket gas station


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2 hours ago, An0n said:

In case if any officer (either police or immigration or else) is reading -

Your process is extremely stupid, collecting paper after paper all day long, Wen will you ever learn to use computers and learn to consider about convenience of others?

Also if you have so much free time browsing around social networks, do your job efficiently and improve yourselves, otherwise nobody would wanna stay in this country in the end, and you'll lose all businesses.



Oh stop it AnOn.!!!


If they learn to use computers we'd all in trouble.


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18 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

She said she also asked foreigners for their bank accounts claiming she intended to pay them back later. Some foreigners wanted money back but some didn’t want anything according to her


Seriously ? Some idiots gave her their bank details ? IQ level of foreigners has just dropped 20%


20 hours ago, smedly said:

strange photo


May be those "foreigners" are from neighboring countries. The photo makes sense now.



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