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Has any foreigner on this forum over 55 ever donated blood in Thailand?  My understanding is most us over 55 cannot donate blood.  Also, I have also read that even foreigners who are under 55 at times have difficulty donating blood.  The weirdest thing I have ever read was a British National under 55 who was denied because Mad Cow Disease was spreading back in the UK.  


Just wondering because I might need a transfusion someday in LOS. 


sorry, this does not answer your question but i want to put in a plug for donating blood.


donating blood apparently helps to reduce cardiovascular risk factors. 

https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/surprising-benefits-donating-blood#:~:text=A healthier heart and vascular,risk factors%2C” says DeSimone.


give blood if you can once or twice a year. it's good for your health and helps others.


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I have given blood in both Thailand and Laos.  I'm over 55 years old and simply lie about my age because I know that giving blood is important.  No-one has ever asked to see my passport to confirm DoB...

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I became a Thai whole blood donor at age 63. Signed up at a local mobile session (held every 3 months). Told them I had been a blood/plasma/platelet donor in UK since age 18 (true). Every time you donate you have to fill out a questionnaire (fortunately usually available in English). Questions include living in UK during 80's & 90's. I answered yes but was still accepted. I think it depends upon the discretion of the Thai Red Cross staff. I believe the questions are now redundant but the forms have yet to be amended. You could try answering no as it won't make any difference now. They have always asked for my Passport at every session so couldn't lie about my age!

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