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How Do Bms Picture Their Thai Visa Correspondents?

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For some reason, whenever I see Neeranam's name, I always get a mental picture of Father Jack from the Father Ted BBC sitcom of the 90s. I have no idea why.

Not sure how to add a pic, but google it and you'll get the idea.

qwertz, for some reason, conjures up a pic of a small, immaculately groomed gentleman (with small mustache), the sort who used to appear as a hen-pecked husband in a 1950s english movie.

Thaipauly I also think of as a tall guy with white hair.

Bendix, this close to what I've become with age.

Not so small but the mustache and the grooming (when I'm out and about) fit the picture.

You missed the glasses too, which I've worn since teenage.

Earlier I had a full beard and long hair.

The hair gradually waved gooodbye and I took off the beard when it turned prematurely grey and I started to look like Captain Birdseye.

I'm the kind of guy who always resembles sombody's uncle John or cousin Fred.

If you watch many movies I have an exact double, name of Gerald McCraney, star of many American TV movies and series like Simon & Simon.

So if you can google him, it's a close resemblance.

Oh, and many Germans think I have Jack Nicholson's mannerisms and way of talking.

This last is accidental as I make no effort to imitate him.

P.S. I see you as a little like my brother, slight resemblance to the late Frank Sinatra, medium height and build, neatly dressed, intelligent, don't smile much, ironic humour and big heart.

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Well, I am 4 feet 11 inches, and carry about 100 kilos on me, as well as the big dark moles covering most of face. However, lucky for me, my nose is about 5 inches long, and can give balance to the moles.

I also seem to have huge areas of my body, which tend to get more of the muscle then the other areas ... for example, my ass is somewhat larger than everything else.

And my brain, well that can only be outdone by my ass. That is why I still post here.


MiG, Bambina, Girlx and November Rain - I think of them as my blood sisters.

Suegha - my spiritual adviser and shrink

Terry - my cousin

Rikpa21 - a worthy opponent, someone who can be my bestfriend and enemy at the same time

Grover - a lab rat

MTW - insomniac, restless, but surprisingly nice

LBD - my avatar consultant

Wolfie - actually a tiger?


me well im just a no brainer and i live in a jar in front of the pc and sometimes when iv been good i get put in front of the tv ,,


Nice OP, Gwertzy. Who's that in your new av? Is that you in German costume? hehe

I don't really picture the physical side of folks. I visualise them as different-coloured spirits. When I saw a few snaps of some of the bad boys, like Kayo, Mossy, Robski, and Scouser, they matched my spirit modes, except for Robski, of course, I always thought he was a typing pigeon and how do you give that a colour? A colour for coo: hmm, mottled grey?

To me, most of the posters are turquoise or creamy cadmium; extremely thoughtful and kind -- like NR, Leisurely, Suegha, Kayo, Gwertzy, et al. Then there are the charcoal grays and royal blues, the dry wit and philosophical types, like Bendix and CVic. Cotton candy pink for soft, cuddly and kind; well, no brainer, like Miggy Chocs and Kayo (I have erased all memory of his photo). Blood red (with a blue base) for people who always seem to be angry. Psychadelic swirls for those who free range between frivolous, clever and cocky, like Raro, SamuiJens and Tippaporn. And then the no-nonsense navy and cream collection -- the mods, altho Endure, Sbk and Tywais often spice that up with unexpected splashes of carmine or emerald.

Yep, just one big abstract painting.

Nice OP, Gwertzy. Who's that in your new av? Is that you in German costume? hehe

I don't really picture the physical side of folks. I visualise them as different-coloured spirits. When I saw a few snaps of some of the bad boys, like Kayo, Mossy, Robski, and Scouser, they matched my spirit modes, except for Robski, of course, I always thought he was a typing pigeon and how do you give that a colour? A colour for coo: hmm, mottled grey?

To me, most of the posters are turquoise or creamy cadmium; extremely thoughtful and kind -- like NR, Leisurely, Suegha, Kayo, Gwertzy, et al. Then there are the charcoal grays and royal blues, the dry wit and philosophical types, like Bendix and CVic. Cotton candy pink for soft, cuddly and kind; well, no brainer, like Miggy Chocs and Kayo (I have erased all memory of his photo). Blood red (with a blue base) for people who always seem to be angry. Psychadelic swirls for those who free range between frivolous, clever and cocky, like Raro, SamuiJens and Tippaporn. And then the no-nonsense navy and cream collection -- the mods, altho Endure, Sbk and Tywais often spice that up with unexpected splashes of carmine or emerald.

Yep, just one big abstract painting.

Did lots of acid in the day didn't you????

Who else? MiG I picture as a petite, stunning, glossy type (in a gooners shirt, of course!).

awwwww :o thanks NR......for the lovely image.. awwwwwwww


Quote Jet Gorgon: Nice OP, Gwertzy. Who's that in your new av? Is that you in German costume? hehe

Yep, that's my German persona.

I call him Percy, JG. he's a well equipped little guy don't you think?

The caption is too small; in case you can't read it he's saying "Hellooooo ladies!"

Anyway, I've been thinking about you and how you look in my mind's eye: here goes -

Tallish, broad shouldered and firm bodied with penetrating grey eyes, probably a bit of the Celt or Scandinavian in your bloodline.

Not a beauty but easy on the eye and with a commanding presence.

Your personality comes across in your posts; you don't suffer fools gladly, can't stand BS.

You're reliable and probably make a good friend to the few good friends you have.

How'm I doing?

P.S. Haven't heard from Alf Witt for a while but I imagine him looking a bit like Barry Manilow.


November Rain - nice looking gal who loves animals

Boo - Cheeky tall barbie

SBK - A madam who is fall in love with dogs

GracelessFawn - Hot filipana who rides on a horse

Mig16 - dirty face with ciocolata

Lariena - Khao soi eater.

Eisie - Me speaks British English

seonai - chaiyo chaiyo

donna - hill tribe

canadian girl - she loves maple

Jockstar - never wear knickers..just kilt

tywais - busy boy with scientific stuff

britmarverick - ex-pattaya reporter

girlX - white Venus Williams

Endure - Panda man

IJWT - Teacher

...will add more later.. :o


Jet gorgon - Hot girl in glasses .. and say " B- spelling" whip her students later

tutsiwarrior - Nice boy .. but is he an actror for Tussi? (far from that)

Nignoy - Ant ..(nidnoi = small /little)

observer21 - Camfog

chuchok -Big belly boy (chuchok is a name of a guy in a book who loves eating)

Insight - Ball

PeaceBlondie - Barbie


:o Percy, Gwertzy? On closer inspection, he definitely has the full set of family jewels. You're pretty close on my personality side, and yes, I inflict major damage to anyone who even thinks of hurting one of my friends or family. Eyes are red, white and green with a yellow starburst; not tall but that makes it easier to cut through a crowd of BS.

ChinT, I'm gonna buy a colouring book for you and order an extra dose of lithium. Prepare for the sensation of a wooden spoon being applied vigorously to your backside in 47.

Farangsay: well, he is more of a scent than a colour. Old spice with a bit of Thai chili pepper. Erudite little whippersnapper who tries to hide his benevolence and perhaps some sadness; he is one of my fav posters.

Thaddeus is sugar and spice and a true blue kinsman.

Crowboy: well, he's just another road accident statistic, ain't he? Colour him bruised. I heard the accident bumped his IQ up a notch (look out Hawkings). Caw caw. An excellent addition to TV, nonetheless, IMHO, and becoming a true pet.

Suiging is icy blue with tinges of tangerine orange. Good brain, can slice and dice, despite being lame in one paw.

Purple Haze.


What a pleasingly cosy thread, can anybody join this mutual admiration society?

OK slot me in as a "Mr Bean with campaign medals" and a penchant for shooting people in the head at great distances!

What colour catagory does that place me in?

Actually this thread is making me review some of my previous perceptions of BMs, where's Bendix's "Jack the ripper" scapel today?

For some reason, whenever I see Neeranam's name, I always get a mental picture of Father Jack from the Father Ted BBC sitcom of the 90s. I have no idea why.

Not sure how to add a pic, but google it and you'll get the idea.

qwertz, for some reason, conjures up a pic of a small, immaculately groomed gentleman (with small mustache), the sort who used to appear as a hen-pecked husband in a 1950s english movie.

Thaipauly I also think of as a tall guy with white hair.



I see neeranam as a James Mason lookalike.

I'd love to see some of you people as you really are though.

I guess I must be a typical Anglo- Saxon Mr. Everyman.

Everywhere I go, I'm told I look like somebody else.

I never get to meet them.

I wonder if they know they look me.

Poor buggers.


BambinA, I don't look much like Barbie. But in the book I wrote, the guy who resembles me goes to Thailand to teach English, and his first Thai boyfriend is a khatoey ajarn who tells him on their first day of school, "Now remember, don't cross your legs like an American schoolgirl!"

......Cotton candy pink for soft, cuddly and kind; well, no brainer, like Miggy Chocs and Kayo.........

awwwwwwwwww Jet :D....luv ya too!

and people ask why Im on an expat forum.....with all the loving here...why shouldnt I be here :D

PS. edited tiny bit of partial quote of Jet's lovely words for clarification :o to prevent any smartypants from twisting the words :D


As mentioned before I imagine the bored members (Men) would look like this:


And the happy women members would look like this:


PS;thats me in the middle before I lose weight!!!!! :D

C'mon that was just a silly joke!! No offense intended whatsoever but its only my picture that it is true genuine :D

I just can't match a picture to a certain member; because most of the times its just our imagination playing tricks on our minds ! :o

Are you the guy in the Ray Bans?

heyyyyyyyyyy,I just can afford to buy the left lens of a Ray Bans glasses :D

Does it mean u had a pre-thought that am rich? :o

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