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lump above left clavicle -- whom to see?


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A friend has a painful, slightly reddish lump/swelling above her left collarbone. Not result of known injury to the area. Anyone has had such? Lymph node? What kind of doctor should she see? Recommendation at Chula Hosp. especially welcome. Thank you. 

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There are lymph nodes in that area. So quite possibly that is what it is, assuming it is not a dermatological issue like acne, infected cyst  or reaction to insect bite. 


 A lipoma would usually not be red and painful. 


Hard to say what sort of doctor to see as (assuming it is lymph node) cause can be infection or malignancy. 


First step is a  biopsy. This will give a definitive diagnosis. Might be possible to do via needle aspiration or might require excision.  They might have her take antibiotics in the interim.


She could start with a general surgeon for the biopsy. They will refer her to appropruate specialist depending on the biopsy results.



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3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

There are lymph nodes in that area. So quite possibly that is what it is, assuming it is not a dermatological issue like acne, infected cyst  or reaction to insect bite. 


 A lipoma would usually not be red and painful. 


Hard to say what sort of doctor to see as (assuming it is lymph node) cause can be infection or malignancy. 


First step is a  biopsy. This will give a definitive diagnosis. Might be possible to do via needle aspiration or might require excision.  They might have her take antibiotics in the interim.


She could start with a general surgeon for the biopsy. They will refer her to appropruate dpecialust depending on the biopsy results.



Sheryl, By any chance can you recommend a general surgeon at Chula? Or should we look at list and select one with Western qualifications?

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1 hour ago, david_je said:

Sheryl, By any chance can you recommend a general surgeon at Chula? Or should we look at list and select one with Western qualifications?

If she goes through the public channel she has no choice of doctor; this is a government hospital.  There is an after hours clinic, which of course costs more.  But there is no online listing of doctors or their CVs.


Is she Thai or foreign?If Thai should go to the hospital where she is registered under 30 baht scheme or SS as applicable.

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