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A strikingly handsome young man walked into the office of a Hollywood

agent with his resume and portfolio in hand.

The agent reviewed the young man's slim resume and small portfolio

with the care that was deserving of this fine young specimen.

"You have the very obvious good looks and excellent demeanor of an

actor. Tell me, have you had any roles that I might be aware of."

"Other than the requisite high school and college plays, no sir,"

said the handsome young man.

"I dare say I know the reason why, with a name like yours," said the



"Your name. Penus Van Lesbian. That's not a name that will go far in

Hollywood. I'd love to represent you, but you'll have to change your name."

"Sir," the handsome young man protested. "The Van Lesbian name was my

father's, my grandfather's and his grandfather's name. We have

carried this name for generations and I will not change it for

Hollywood or any other reason."

"If you won't change your name, I cannot represent you young man."

"Then I bid you farewell - my name will not change."

With that, Penus Van Lesbian left the agents office never to return.

Five Years Later the Hollywood agent returned to his office after

lunch with some producers and shuffled through his mail. Mostly junk

mail, trade journals and the like.

There was one letter. He opened the envelope and removed the letter.

As he unfolded the fine linen paper, a check dropped from the folds

and onto his desk. He looked at the check. It was for 50,000 dollars!

He read the letter:

Dear Sir:

Several years ago, I entered your office determined to

become an actor. You refused to represent me unless I

changed my name. I objected, saying the Penus Van Lesbian

name had been carried for generations and left your office.

However, upon leaving, I chanced to reconsider my hastiness

and after considerable reflection, I decided to heed your

advice and endeavored to change my name. Now I am a famous

actor with many roles and known to millions worldwide.

Having achieved this fame and fortune, it is often that

I think back to my meeting with you and your insistence

that I change my name. I owe you a debt of gratitude,

so please accept this check with my humble thanks,

for it was your idea which has brought me to such wealth

and fame.

Very Sincerely Yours,

Dick Van Dyke

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