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American pensioner on 'brand new' Ducati collides with backhoe carrying truck and dies in South


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3 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes most likely he crashed in to the back of it at speed

You write a lot but did you read everything? He did not crash into the back at speed. The truck driver himself said he crashed while on the right side of it. The bike also looks way too good for having crashed at speed.


BTW why all those tripe ??? !!! and ...? They are making it harder to read and look like the text was posted under emotional stress but I'm not sure because there are rational arguments made.

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1 hour ago, eisfeld said:

You write a lot but did you read everything? He did not crash into the back at speed. The truck driver himself said he crashed while on the right side of it. The bike also looks way too good for having crashed at speed.


BTW why all those tripe ??? !!! and ...? They are making it harder to read and look like the text was posted under emotional stress but I'm not sure because there are rational arguments made.

Yes after considering what I read more i think you are probably right. He went in to the side and not fast.... I still wonder why. I also remember some on posting that the Bike the guy and the scratches on the road were all on the left hence my hit from behind theory. ... Like a quite huge Bike accident Scynario !!! ... bikes being fast and Low loaders pretty slowe? (Like Thai racing boys going under the backs of Bussrs. ?...Pretty Spectacularly !!!    )


But well thinking about it it was probably that the Police moved it all in to the left to keep Traffic moving in the right lane. 


Still why did he hit the Back Right side of the Low Loader. ... Well Low loaders are pretty wide and also difficult looking pieces of kit to keep clear of I think ! ... Like they all scare me ! ...


And also the men that point out that Ducaties are more dificult ? Well muck diferent to ride than othet bikes like my old Jap Rice burners ! ... I think this and bad judgment probably was the basis of it. ... as they say.


And I had better not get in to ... Traditional bikes with big wheels Handel !!! Big or small, But Scooters don't ... well unless you only go  very Slowly on them I guess ?  Like Should Scooters even be around Big wide low loaders ??? ...


Yes I WILL finally start to loose the Triple Bhudist number Exclamation marks. Yes I just recovered from the American Funded mainland Chinese Incompetence Disaster  ! ... So yes probably now tome to reverse back the yes, Stress Anitation Triple Explanation marks. (Well or just silly Defiance about top end School Grammar.. So yes ! ... Thanks.

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2 hours ago, eisfeld said:

BTW why all those tripe ??? !!! and ...? They are making it harder to read and look like the text was posted under emotional stress but I'm not sure because there are rational arguments made.

That's how he rolls. Take it or leave it.

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Thanks for the Kindness Fellows, and I WAS going to just Shut up now, so sorry.

 But this WILL be the last. !!! ... Some support for tripple exclamations I see above, Thanks, though I have deleted them all here !!! as a Trial for "the new Mark mark Right ???


... Motor cycles, and the analysis of the thinking of how to survive on them ??? Though I think that the comments on Mr Edward not Really knowing Dukes to well, and as it was new !!! probably are the most Accurate on this story. And well a Bit of Joy Riding also possibly ? And that "It was a <Dreaded> Scooter ??? 


And as an Ex-Motorcyclist and a Competent and well Planed one ? … So made 67 !!! … But I just still DO get off on Bike Discussions. …


Always have an Escape Plan, for every few seconds, while riding. ... Re Breaking, … and the safest way to go off the road ! ... WHERE YOU GO !!! ... If you have to, if something goes badly wrong, ON the road.  ....


 ... Like “someone” did 164 km p/h on Asia Highway between the Bridges, where you get a Good look, at about 4 or 5 K of open Road, if you are Lucky, from the top of the first one ... So then ! G, O, … GO ! (Heading South from the Lopburi river bridge, to the Prasak River one. ... Hit just over 100, ... 120 now, as you pas the only turn off and the Servo, ... and then if it is still Clear ! .....  Yesss ! …. Goooeee !  ... Like they had to slow down as they had No faring so it was starting to take off ! (But these days, I would say that on a Jap, Yamaha 360 That I hear, at Nights ??? It just would be a doddle I think ! ? 


... But Well back then, if you Step son has screwed the Auto Lube down, to save money, ... it might Ceases up at about 150 ! ... ... And then you end up in the fast lane, on a little rice Burner with it's back wheel ceased up. ... But this guy lived as he had developed an Exit plan, ... Fast ... a LOT of Honking etc from the other Traffic as they caught up with him, ! But it was a good day, ... and he was able to stay upright, ... and by pulling the clutch in, so it went faster But it did not skid, ... so he was able to go at the same speed as the traffic, so staying with the Flow of the Traffic, so as not to get hit ... and then the exit strategy, ... exited Stage left, when the Cars had all passed. ... And then see if the engine would still go. ... On the side of the Road.


Like he did not really have an Escape plan to start with, but the run between the Bridges WAS pretty well Planed, ...and the open Road was the escape plan, ... like little to hit, and Little to hit him ! ? ...  So he Did have a free mind, .... to be able to develop another one, Real Fast !!! When he did need it ! ... and he did not panic ? ... And he was wearing a full faced Helmut, AND shoes, so he did not get his feet destroyed, if he came off !  ... Though well I do think that he might have bene very Very Scared !!! .... Like only young people can do this ! as they are never going to Die ! ? Are they !!!


... and I my self, do not ride Motor bikes any more, other then down to the shop.


Yes still alive at 67 But RIP Poor ? Mr. Edward ... who was the same age ... And his accident looks just So, SO unnecessary. ! ?


Though well this fast speed on Asia was probably about 20 Years ago now, ! when we all were a Lot Younger, and well things were a Lot LOT LOT Quieter. (And No Low loaders or all bets would have been off !) 


But Well I just do remember this other incident in Ayutthaya itself, Re Motor bikes, Like Motor bikes, … AND Life ? …. It’s Management and speed !!!  and No names as the Guy survived and has 2 Kids now, and IS very happy in the God Dam US of A right ? … But re Bikes and Speed ! … AND pretty ? well very bad Thinking, …. but well some pretty helpful Thais also, who saved his life ! !!!


J shall we say, was coming home from the Grand Night club Soi, near Asia and had Just roared over the Bridge crossing the Chalphya ... and must have picked up a LOT of speed on the down slop, …. Race with a local Thai Pickup, and taking him on the left, …like about Normal peoples closing time !!! In the Dark !!! and in The rain !!!  ... But he did not see this just Huge Hole in the Road, a new Drain hole, about 3 m deep and 2 wide, that was Only protected by a Pile of Dirt and a small bit of red and white wood, and a small red Light !!!


… And he went down this Hole on his Honda 150 Street racer, one of the first Exhaust Valve racing 2 strokes (I had a Yamaha TZR) ...  and he hit the other end of the Excavation, at Oh ? It must have been about 100K I would Imagine, … smashed his jaw in, on the edge of the hole and got some Rebar or dirt down his throat I think ??? … Then flew 63 ? or was it 67 meters through the air, down the Road ! Missed 2 Trees and a traffic sign, and landed on his Face in the same lane that he had started off in, … and then slid on about another 10 meters or so ? Like they measured it, and I saw the Blood Splats ! … and well I am sure that is what happened (Like he told me Right )


 .... But a Thai Pickup, Possibly the racers, or their mates ? ... Rushed in and Really just Picked him up, and threw him in the back of their pickup, and drove him at speed Up the road, and around the corner to the Ayutthaya general Hospital ! …. Where he WAS Saved !


Pumped full of Valium to open his airways up, as bits of concrete  had gone down his throat from the Edge of the Holes road surface, and done a Lot of Damage ! ... But they then tubed him ! … and he Survived ! …


Like (Probably) Drunk ? Racing, on a Motor bike ! at Night, in the Rain, and taking him on the left Lane ! ... This is Realy REALLY ! What NOT TO DO.


Like THIS is just total Miss management, and not even a bit of Miss adventure I think .... And also Very VERY Lucky.  He must have been about 22 ? Or something back then,


And now as I say Lived Happily in the US with 2 Nice Little Kids I heard ! and a very Nice wife also ! … So, well Yes, There is NO such Thing as beyond Hope Folks ? … It is all just how hard that you want to try ? right ? … and how lucky They are.


So well, ... He got Lucky Right ??? and that is Bikes also I think ALL ROUND ! ... If you miss everything you might just walk away !!! ? … If you Do not !!! ...Well then you are Toast, Right ???

? Unless you are Lucky Like J was.


Have a Nice Day ! … But Be Careful ! Right ???


And Well Way over time here, ! … But it is quiet I think now ??  ...


... So,  …Well ! it IS ! ... Over and OUT here!


Mark mark.

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Just filling in time in the Ayuttahya Out Patients waiting room so please excuse the Touch Screen Typing errors. (A routine Visit!, basal skin cancer !!! A white man born in a Brown man's country's problem over 100,000 or more in Australia every year I think ? .    Right ? ... )


So had time to think about this one as I do similar every day, only in a little Sportie Toyota Vios !!! ... Well which "Goes" !!! And is almost as good as a bike ! ... And also good for a 67 year old also. ...Like Sports School run's right ! ? .. 


RIP Mr Edward. A canadian was he ? ...


I think that the Truck probably had something in the way and probably Did move well over in to the right lane. ... but TIT This is Thailand and that is what they have to do some tomes. Like we all enjoy the freedoms here so let's give the Poor Bloody Truck Drivers some as well.


He probably indicated, but well indicators notoriously are not very good On low Loaders I think. ... and well it would have been a move that we all would have expected right. ? 


And the truck drivers do have very good Mirrors which they do use, like the rest of us. ... ??? So Mr Edward must have just being trying to get past the truck and out in to the clear ? !!! ... As we all do.


Or Been already there in the right lane or behind but speeding up ? Well just trying to get past it so NOT breaking ... Like TIT ... when a low Loader in front of you has trouble ? Or next to you ? You get ? Keep out of his way ! ... Like he, has a lot mire troubles than you do !!! (And it is called Courtesy you know)


So it is pretty obvious that the bike did not take avoiding action right away? I think ? ...  or yes Mr E had trouble controlling it ? Like are the breaks on that Bike ? In the same place ? Or are tgeyscoota placement ???


And well sad but going under the back wheels and nit just bouncing off does indicate the the truck Was still moving right. ... still no blame here I think. But He the bike rider ... should NOT have been still there !!! ... like I would not be !!! Like do not want to get my great little Vios bent right ??? 

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Last One Fellows - I saw this in the TThaiger ... And in just the few words of it pretty well does Clear things up, for me any way, and the way it is writen IS pretty easy to Believe also I think, like basic, Accident English.  ... "But the motorcycle lost control and collided with his truck" ... Like this makes it Just so much Clearer. (I think) .... And the Photos clearly support the Drivers story, of him being IN the left Lane all along. (Just google the Head line of this story in to Google search, and look in the TThaiger Link that was at the top for me I think, and it is in English.


So well it does Look like the bike, was Trying to over take the slower Vechiel, and Probably was speeding up to try to do this ... But d/t Inexperience with the new Bike ? ??? ... probably, ??? ... He hit the back Right hand side of the truck, .... I read the driver said that he hit his back wheels ? ... So well Poor Mr Edward, was Thrown forward ? Probably ? ... and under the truck, ... and was then crushed under the Wheels ... This also suggests that Mr Edward was Heading more in the wrong direction, ... to the Left also, as that is the direction that he flew. ???


Like the Positions of the Drag marks in the photos would indicate that the truck Was well in the left, or even further left, ... and also going pretty Slowly, as it still seemed very close to where the Bike ended up and Mr Edward was still under the back of the truck ! ?


Like this truck, would have been VERY Hard to Have Hit I think, unless the Ducati, ... was going well off course, and in the wrong direction I think ?


RIP My Edward, a Sad occurrence on your New Bike. ... Sorry. (And for the truck driver also, who you hit, and then had to get you out from under the back of it. ... AND Then !!! ... Talk to the Police !!! )


Time for some work here no and another Thread, well later on. ... Thanks.

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On 2/2/2023 at 11:09 AM, Neeranam said:

I advise the pensioners I know to never ride a scooter. What on earth was this man doing on a Ducatti? 

Have you ever been on a bus, in a taxi being driven by a bloke you don't know in LOS.......?

Well, if you have, then I think you and others should think again about trashing a 2 wheel rider, as you have put your life in the hands of someone you haven't a clue what they are about.......:unsure:

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5 minutes ago, transam said:

Have you ever been on a bus, in a taxi being driven by a bloke you don't know in LOS.......?

Well, if you have, then I think you and others should think again about trashing a 2 wheel rider, as you have put your life in the hands of someone you haven't a clue what they are about.......:unsure:

This taxi driver I reported, looking lagon while driving + all other budda medallions and pictures blocking the view and distracts them, is always a risk. 


What ever happend, if not on video, we will not know



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12 hours ago, Hummin said:

This taxi driver I reported, looking lagon while driving + all other budda medallions and pictures blocking the view and distracts them, is always a risk. 


What ever happend, if not on video, we will not know




Har ! Har ! .   Where has the "Har Har" Emogie Gone Fellas !!! ??? ...


Nice Job Hummin ! ... I had better get my Chain saw out and have a go at all of the <deleted> that my step son has hung from my Rear vission mirror in my Vios !!! ...Well not to much really. But it makes a good story. ... Right ? ...


I think the original as designed window Pillar on the right of the front wind screen blocks your vision just about as much ? 


And the just slight but well real ? Blind spot on the rear left ... if you do not adjust the LH side mirror out enough to cover it, ... is still the main danger. ... I think ???


I never really used my Mirrors on my Bike ! I always went fast to stay out ahead of the other traffic, ... and looked. ! ... When I needed to move either way. ? ... ??? ... But if I was on a bigger, faster highway bikes, and here in Thailand and out on Asia, ... I probably would.

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Well I have written Just Way ! Way ! Way to much on this one, but as an old Biker and having had a few narrow escapes my self ! ... my mind is pretty interested in it, and then there is the Mystery as to why it happened as it looks like every thing was just right ! So ...WHY would he strongly just hit the back of the truck in just such  totally clear situation ??? 


Well I do think that I may have got it Fellows now. ?


Poor Mr Edward probably used to ride Scooters ? ... which have both break levers up on the Handel bars by the handle grips.


He would have been in the right lane going a reasonable speed on hos new Duke. And The truck well in the left, but a wide truck. And going slowly.


He would have speed up to get past this slow truck.


But some how possibly with the Torque applications of the Ducati, if he was slightly off line, and getting  closer to the back of the truck, he would have been pushed further left, starting to get Dangerously close to it.


So He would have started to Panic ... and Being an old Scooter driver ?? he probably panicked and  correctly backed off the power?,  but then  pulled in both front handel bar leavers at the front, like both breaks on a Scooter ? ... but being his new Big Bike ! They would have been the Clutch and the Front Break ? . ..


And like my Experience on Asia when my engine ceased at 150 ... backing of the power would have been slowing it down ...But by pulling in the clutch by accident this woukd have negated she slowing down, and let it surge forward !!! ...Towards the truck ! ? Faster ! ?... and panicked him even further, probably pulling on the front break, the other front lever, even harder ? ...


And on bikes you can not steer when you pull the front break on hard.   . So he would have shot over the road more to the left ! And hit the back wheels of the truck ! ... Him being thrown forward with the momentum,, and he sadly was thrown under the truck. 


End of story ? As to how he got there under a perfectly well driven truck and in very good driving conditions.


I will not give you my opinion on Scooters except they are an Italian ? Or French design arn't they ? Recalcitrant Machines i think, that I would never ride ? ... 


Though we must remember The Who and Quadriphinia, ... and the Mods who used to ride them right ( And also had plenty accidents on them as well.) ...


... But any way this is my theory why Poor Mr Edward hit the back of the truck under perfect driving conditions  and on a Good day.


(My Granddaughter wants a scooter but I want her on a normal bike, so she learns how to ride on a bike that handle like one and also has all of the levers in the right places as well ?.   But well ? ... Def Ms. "Beutiful" !!! ... Only a very brave man would defy her right !! ) ... (But I Will in this one.) ...




RIP Mr Edward.


And maybe those of you who have mentioned it ...  could let your Pensioner friends know about these Two very different configuration of the controls, on these two very different designs of motor bike ...

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