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What US TRICARE Overseas Health Coverage Documentation is Acceptable to Thai BOI for LTR 10Yr Visas?

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I have already applied for the BOI LTR 10 Yr Visa (Wealthy pensioner), using the $100K reserve self-funding method.  However, it is worth continuing research to answer the question of how to obtain approval for TRICARE coverage.


Pib has reported that BOI is “Sympathetic” to approving TRICARE for a LTR 10Yr visa if US Military Retirees can prove their TRICARE coverage is consistently current year to year.  BOI will likely want an annual official TRICARE document explicitly certifying TRICARE coverage is Current.  How can US military retirees easily access such proof annually?  


One issue is that BOI could become “Unsympathetic” at any time in the future if they change their minds about the adequacy of documentation retirees are able to obtain from official TRICARE sources /milconnect - DMDC websites.


 A second issue is that it is currently difficult, if not impossible, for retirees to Logon /gain access to those unfriendly websites, because they now demand a US address & phone# for enhanced security /identity verification. 


A third issue: Military retirees under age 65 are entitled to free overseas TRICARE health care funding, but at age 65+ TRICARE coverage stops if they do not voluntarily pay SSA Medicare “Part B Insurance” premiums.   Even though they are still entitled to lifetime military retired pay, retirees will indeed lose TRICARE coverage if they don’t voluntarily pay.   We don’t want anybody who has lost TRICARE coverage to represent themselves to BOI as still having it, based solely upon the DFAS document (1 below) certifying current /lifetime receipt of military retired pay.  If mis-representation is discovered, BOI could become unwilling to consider granting approval for true TRICARE covered recipients


In light of the above issues, it is very doubtful, but perhaps worth asking BOI to accept the following 2 documents (edited copies attached):

(1) An easy download DFAS letter that certifies a named individual is on the lifetime military Retired pay Rolls.

(2) An easy download “SSA Benefit Verification Letter” proving Medicare “Part B Insurance” payments are current. 

Having both letters is implicit evidence, but not Explicit proof, the individual currently has TRICARE coverage.


If in future anybody identifies what specific TRICARE documents BOI will accept, & how US military retirees can easily annually access such documents, please share that information in this or a new thread, & unburied in other threads.


Quote Pib 31Jan2023:

IMO the DFAS prior year 1095B or DFAS letter saying you are receiving retirement pay wouldn't hack it with BOI as evidence you have the required health care coverage.   But that's only my opinion.  Yes, the 1095B is just fine to prove prior year health care coverage for U.S. tax law purposes, but I seriously doubt it would be accepted by BOI since it does not provide any details on the coverage such as the name of the insurer (e.g., Tricare), amount of coverage, whether coverage applies to Thailand, etc.” 


“Now even the Tricare enrollment/coverage benefits letter you can get from DEERS does not mention coverage amount or coverage area but it does say you are enrolled in Tricare.  And per my emails and face-to-face meeting with BOI, Tricare is now accepted since around the Dec 2022 timeframe as I posted about on page 57 of the other LTR thread.”


It's very easy to get locked out of DS Logon milconnect.  I would only recommend using DS Logon if you have no other choice because once you connect to a certain website via DS Logon that website will then only allow you to use DS Logon vs a separate logon acct you may have had.   milConnect also used to allow a connection via DFAS credentials, but I don't think that's allowed anymore...now I think it just DS Logon or active duty CAC ID card.” 


“I would recommend you call the Benefits Support phone number at milConnect to see if you can request a Proof of Health Care Coverage Letter via phone....like the example I gave in the other thread..  Humans are supposedly at that number (after going thru the interactive prompts) from 5am to 5pm "Pacific Time" Mon-Fri.   You may be able to request the letter that way and they would hopefully mail it to you.  https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/    Unquote Pib.     (My edit: if anyone tries this, please report back outcome)

Edited 2023 SSA Benefits Ltr Verifies Medicare++.pdf



Question: Did you call milConnect Benefits Support phone number at the bottom of the milConnect webpage to see if they could "mail" you a copy of your Proof of Health Benefits Coverage letter vs using the online DS Logon method? 


If they can/will then a person should receive it within 30 days which should be fresh enough for LTR application purposes.


And "if" they can provide the letter based on calling then maybe they could also email it to whatever email address you have in DEERS.  I'm kinda doubtful on the email method. but a person could ask.


And yea, DS Logon can be a pain even if only already having a DS Logon credentials--believe me, I know based on my usage of DS Logon  as person can easily get locked out for 30 days due to the system glitchy software.  But supposedly for anyone still on active status with a CAC ID card DS Logon works pretty good....but for retirees which must used the standard User ID/password/2FA authorization method to logon then DS Logon can be unforgiving.  





Hi Pib,

I tried calling an 800 number shown at the bottom of letter TRICARE sent you (pg 57 long thread that you referred me to.  Couldn't get through.  I'm completely locked out of milconnect/DSLogon now.  Out of extreme frustration (perhaps due to own ignorance) I said to hell with it and filled my application with BOI using the self insured option just like you did.  If BOI refuses that I'll start the TRICARE letter exploration dilemma all over again later  


 BTW, your pg57 long thread discussion of BOI approving TRICARE now was very good, thank you for that; and thank BOI as well. 

2 minutes ago, Pib said:

Update:  I called that milconnect Benefits Support phone number.  Listening to the interactive system offering different reasons as to why I was calling I selected Healthcare and then Letters and within about 5 minutes I was talking to a very nice human lady.


Told her the benefits letter I needed (I.e., the one I posted in the main LTR visa thread).  The rep knew exactly the letter I needed.   After verifying my identity with various questions, info from your military ID card, and confirming/updating my current DEERS info she submitted the request as another department actually sends out the letter. 


Surprisingly (to me at least) they will send it to the email you have on record in DEERS...and/or will send it via snail mail.   The rep said even by email it will probably take a few days to be sent.


Time will now tell if the Tricare benefit letter arrives, how it arrives, and how long it takes. I sure hope it does show up via email...that would be sweet.  And if this Call Them Up method truly works it gives a person a method of getting the letter without needing/using DS Logon.




Excellent Pib, Thanks.

For all readers future reference, exactly what phone number did you use? 

6 minutes ago, OneZero said:

Excellent Pib, Thanks.

For all readers future reference, exactly what phone number did you use? 




Call the DMDC/DEERS Support Office (DSO): (800) 538-9552.

Keeping your DEERS records current helps speed your TRICARE medical benefits.

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, Pib said:




Call the DMDC/DEERS Support Office (DSO): (800) 538-9552.

Keeping your DEERS records current helps speed your TRICARE medical benefits.

That's exactly the number I called on my mobile, actually twice:  18005389552 and also just 8005389552.  Both times I got a Thai recording saying in English that the number does not exist. I just tried again with the same recording.         What could I be doing wrong?

59 minutes ago, OneZero said:

That's exactly the number I called on my mobile, actually twice:  18005389552 and also just 8005389552.  Both times I got a Thai recording saying in English that the number does not exist. I just tried again with the same recording.         What could I be doing wrong?

I used a U.S. VOIP number to call.


But if you are using a mobile Thailand number (I.e., AIS, True, DTAC) you just can't dial 1800xxxxx...you need to precede the number with an exit/country code.  See below for examples.


https://www.wikihow.com/Make-International-Calls-from-Thailand#:~:text=Dial Thailand's exit code%2C which,this case%2C it is 001.


How to if using DTAC as your mobile service provider.



  • Like 2
9 hours ago, Pib said:

Update:  I called that milconnect Benefits Support 1800 phone number about 30 minutes ago...around 10:25pm Thailand time.  Got thru no problem.  Listening to the interactive system offering different reasons as to why I was calling I selected Healthcare and then Letters and within about 5 minutes I was talking to a very nice human lady.


Told her the benefits letter I needed (I.e., the one I posted in the main LTR visa thread).  The rep knew exactly the letter I needed.   After verifying my identity with various questions, info from your military ID card, and confirming/updating my current DEERS info she submitted the request as another department actually sends out the letter. 


Surprisingly (to me at least) they will send it to the email you have on record in DEERS...and/or will send it via snail mail.   The rep said even by email it will probably take a few days to be sent.


Time will now tell if the Tricare benefit letter arrives, how it arrives, and how long it takes. I sure hope it does show up via email...that would be sweet.  And if this Call Them Up method truly works it gives a person a method of getting the letter without needing/using DS Logon.

Update to above:  I did receive the Tricare letter via email approx 7 hours later.  The letter was a password PDF attachment to the email.  And a second email showed-up at the same time which provided the password to open the PDF document.   The PDF attachment was a 3 page document with the first page being a Privacy Act Cover page, second page reflecting case number info (kinda like a document documenting the order you placed for the letter), and then page 3 the actual letter.  Redacted page 3 letter shown in 1st snapshot below.


So, you can receive the Tricare Proof of Health Care benefit letter by "calling" the DMDC/DEERS Benefit Support Office as shown in the 2nd & 3rd snapshots below (please note the specific days/hours you can call).  Or, if you have a DS Logon acct you can download the letter from the milConnect DEERS website.


And just for those unfamiliar with DS Logon it's the DoD version of login.gov, ID.Me, etc., and to login to certain DoD sites like milConnect which allows you access to your DEERS record.  Using DS Logon is the only way to log onto certain military/govt sites.  In my opinion, DS Logon can be a temperamental system and once you have a DS Logon acct it's also easy to get locked out....I avoid using DS Logon unless I absolutely have to.  So, if you need below letter you can just call the DMDC/DEERS office at the phone number shown at the bottom. 


1st Snapshot



2nd Snapshot






3rd Snapshot



  • Thanks 2


Excellent explanatory post, thank you.  I'm not sure where you find the time to be so continually up to date and helpful on a myriad of issues.   I will try the options in the links for calling US when I'm back from traveling. 


How does one become enabled to a US VOIP number (excuse my ignorance).


9 hours ago, Pib said:

I used a U.S. VOIP number to call.


But if you are using a mobile Thailand number (I.e., AIS, True, DTAC) you just can't dial 1800xxxxx...you need to precede the number with an exit/country code.  See below for examples.


https://www.wikihow.com/Make-International-Calls-from-Thailand#:~:text=Dial Thailand's exit code%2C which,this case%2C it is 001.


How to if using DTAC as your mobile service provider.




1 hour ago, OneZero said:


Excellent explanatory post, thank you.  I'm not sure where you find the time to be so continually up to date and helpful on a myriad of issues.   I will try the options in the links for calling US when I'm back from traveling. 


How does one become enabled to a US VOIP number (excuse my ignorance). 

VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol.  A fancy name for call services like Skype, Google Voice, MagicJack, etc.  Just signup with one of those services.  You can google how to do it. 


And remember you can call any country like to the U.S. from your Thai mobile number....but you can't just dial it like 1800-xxx-xxxx because you first need to proceed that number by long pressing (i.e., a second or two) the zero on your mobile phone and then a + symbol will appear which has told the network you want to dial a non-Thailand phone number..  Now you can dial the U.S. country code of 1 followed by the area code (like 800) and the remaining 7 digit number


.  Another example of how to do it say if you use AIS mobile service is at this weblink.


  • Like 1

OneZero Posted:  "Military retirees under age 65 are entitled to free overseas TRICARE health care funding, ..."


For TRICARE Select and TRICARE Select Overseas, ENROLLMENT and continued payment of the monthly enrollment premium is required to retain access to civilian care under TRICARE:




As some local TRICARE Select Overseas US military retirees (retired for longevity) have learned the hard way, when you miss a monthly enrollment premium payment, your access to civilian care under TRICARE is suspended.  To request reinstatement, one must contact TRICARE Overseas. 


Contact TRICARE Overseas:  https://www.tricare-overseas.com/contact-us/country?tricareRegion=pac&country=thailand

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, Neocon said:

OneZero Posted:  "Military retirees under age 65 are entitled to free overseas TRICARE health care funding, ..."


For TRICARE Select and TRICARE Select Overseas, ENROLLMENT and continued payment of the monthly enrollment premium is required to retain access to civilian care under TRICARE:




As some local TRICARE Select Overseas US military retirees (retired for longevity) have learned the hard way, when you miss a monthly enrollment premium payment, your access to civilian care under TRICARE is suspended.  To request reinstatement, one must contact TRICARE Overseas. 


Contact TRICARE Overseas:  https://www.tricare-overseas.com/contact-us/country?tricareRegion=pac&country=thailand

Aha, I didn't know that.  I guess I have "TRICARE For Life" (TFL) plan.  I see the monthly costs are roughly equivalent to Medicare Part B ($170/Mo range), which "Select Overseas" doesn't have to pay.  But "Select" cost start much earlier in Life.   Is "TFL" not available to everyone, or are there other reasons a person would choose "Select" instead of "TFL" plan?

11 hours ago, Pib said:

VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol.  A fancy name for call services like Skype, Google Voice, MagicJack, etc.  Just signup with one of those services.  You can google how to do it. 


And remember you can call any country like to the U.S. from your Thai mobile number....but you can't just dial it like 1800-xxx-xxxx because you first need to proceed that number by long pressing (i.e., a second or two) the zero on your mobile phone and then a + symbol will appear which has told the network you want to dial a non-Thailand phone number..  Now you can dial the U.S. country code of 1 followed by the area code (like 800) and the remaining 7 digit number


.  Another example of how to do it say if you use AIS mobile service is at this weblink.


Learn something every day.  I have Skype already.  So, does that means that as long as I have some money in my Skype account, I can use the keypad to dial the TRICARE landline?

Assuming Yes, which number would I use:  800-538-9552   or   1-800-538-9552 or

some other prefix-800-538-9552?


I'd test it out myself right now, but I have to top up my Skype account first.  I'm traveling for a couple weeks & purposely left my US credit card at home because I didn't think I'd need it.  

Just now, OneZero said:

Learn something every day.  I have Skype already.  So, does that means that as long as I have some money in my Skype account, I can use the keypad to dial the TRICARE landline?

Assuming Yes, which number would I use:  800-538-9552   or   1-800-538-9552 or

some other prefix-800-538-9552?


I'd test it out myself right now, but I have to top up my Skype account first.  I'm traveling for a couple weeks & purposely left my US credit card at home because I didn't think I'd need it.  

I should have added: I will use SKYPE on my pc or laptop, not on my mobile phone (using Skype, I don't know if that would make any difference or not).

10 hours ago, OneZero said:

Learn something every day.  I have Skype already.  So, does that means that as long as I have some money in my Skype account, I can use the keypad to dial the TRICARE landline?

Assuming Yes, which number would I use:  800-538-9552   or   1-800-538-9552 or

some other prefix-800-538-9552?


I'd test it out myself right now, but I have to top up my Skype account first.  I'm traveling for a couple weeks & purposely left my US credit card at home because I didn't think I'd need it.  

I don't have a Skype acct so I can't speak to details or managing/using your Skype number.  But typically when dialing from one U.S. number (like your Skype number) to another U.S. number you do not need to dial 1.  However, it should still work fine even if using 1.   Just dialing 800-xxxxx or 1800-xxxx should work fine.  One way to find out....just dial it both ways.


I know you said in your other post you don't use the Skype mobile app, but I would think using Skype that way also would make making and receiving calls much easier....I know it sure does with my VOIP services.

  • Like 1

Using Skype to call US is free for a toll-free number (800, etc)  I tried it & got a recording which I expected with office closed.  So, M-F next week I will call back 5am-5pm Pacific Coast Time.


Using Skype the number has a "+1" prefix, so:  +1-800-538-9552.     But Skype automatically adds the "+1" itself when you ID on pull down screen that you are calling the US.     


This will help many people looking for proof of TRICARE coverage.  Thanks for your knowledge & experience Pib.   

20 hours ago, OneZero said:

Using Skype to call US is free for a toll-free number (800, etc)  I tried it & got a recording which I expected with office closed.  So, M-F next week I will call back 5am-5pm Pacific Coast Time.


Using Skype the number has a "+1" prefix, so:  +1-800-538-9552.     But Skype automatically adds the "+1" itself when you ID on pull down screen that you are calling the US.     


This will help many people looking for proof of TRICARE coverage.  Thanks for your knowledge & experience Pib.   

Hopefully you will call soon to request the letter.  Will be good to see another person confirm they can get the letter by calling and getting it sent to the email address  you have on file in DEERS.   Remember the office you are calling is open from 5am to 5pm "Pacific time" Mon-Fri which means they open at 8pm Thailand time.....Thailand time is 15 hours ahead of standard Pacific Time.


When I called them it was around 10:30pm Thailand time which would have been 7:30am Pacific time.  I was talking to a human within minutes. 

4 hours ago, Pib said:

Hopefully you will call soon to request the letter.  Will be good to see another person confirm they can get the letter by calling and getting it sent to the email address  you have on file in DEERS.   Remember the office you are calling is open from 5am to 5pm "Pacific time" Mon-Fri which means they open at 8pm Thailand time.....Thailand time is 15 hours ahead of standard Pacific Time.


When I called them it was around 10:30pm Thailand time which would have been 7:30am Pacific time.  I was talking to a human within minutes. 

Using Skype free call to a US toll free number, I called TRICARE +1-800-538-9552 at 9:15 pm Thai time.  Smooth as silk, as Pib has already described.  Within 5 minutes the lady put in the order to email me the TRICARE Current Coverage verification letter.  She said it could take 2 to 3 days to arrive.  Since Pib got his within 8 hours, I'm guessing that I will also.  I'll update this post stating how many hours it took to arrive.


Painless and cost free. How easy once one has established exactly how to do it.  Hope the word spreads to everybody needing such a letter.

  • Like 2

Just reporting on the timeframe to receive my emailed TRICARE current coverage verification letter:

34 hours (from call Thai time Mon 2130 to email receipt Wed 0730 hrs).  Well done TRICARE.



  • Thumbs Up 1
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2023 at 9:40 PM, OneZero said:

Using Skype free call to a US toll free number, I called TRICARE +1-800-538-9552 at 9:15 pm Thai time.

Glad it worked out for you.


You had phoned the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Support Office (the office that manages DEERS).  You'll notice that the letterhead on your TRICARE proof of eligibility letter is from DMDC.  TRICARE has no involvement with determining one's coverage eligibility.

  • Like 1


An update.  I checked on the STATUS of my application, STEP 4, ACTION /View and noted that a document review screener made the following comment ref self-funding medical insurance, quote:  

"Financial evidence showing a deposit of no less than 100,000 USD which has been held for no less than 12 months at the time of application. For this one, it must be cash only. Do you have TRICARE Overseas health insurance?"


My DFAS pension may have alerted them to the possibility that I had TRICARE coverage.  So, I successfully uploaded my Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) letter proving my current coverage.


Note that after I had already submitted my original application, I went back and tried to upload that same letter before, prior to being asked for it, and the already submitted application would not successfully upload any new documents.  Once a screener specifically asked me for it, the screener also provided a location for me to upload what they asked for.



Sounds very positive Tricare is now indeed accepted.  And hopefully the DMDC letter confirming Tricare enrollment will be satisfactory proof of coverage.  You should find out within a few days to a few weeks.

4 hours ago, Pib said:

Sounds very positive Tricare is now indeed accepted.  And hopefully the DMDC letter confirming Tricare enrollment will be satisfactory proof of coverage.  You should find out within a few days to a few weeks.

Yes, indeed that was the case for me.  When requested the DMDC letter was all I uploaded, and my application was endorsed within an hour after that.


The screener was aware I was a military retiree.  That is probably why the screener specifically asked me if I had TRICARE coverage without me first asking the screener if TRICARE was acceptable. 




  • Like 1

The DMDC letter comes with a password to open it.  I named the DMDC letter I uploaded the same as the password.  The screener caught on that the name of the document was also the password.

19 minutes ago, OneZero said:

Yes, indeed that was the case for me.  When requested the DMDC letter was all I uploaded, and my application was endorsed within an hour after that.


The screener was aware I was a military retiree.  That is probably why the screener specifically asked me if I had TRICARE coverage without me first asking the screener if TRICARE was acceptable. 

16 minutes ago, OneZero said:

The DMDC letter comes with a password to open it.  I named the DMDC letter I uploaded the same as the password.  The screener caught on that the name of the document was also the password.


Congrats!!!!  If I remember right you submitted your application in late Jan/early Feb and got the endorsement (approval) notice today.  That's fast....about two and half weeks!!!!   Now you just need to do the final administrative steps of getting the LTR visa inked into your passport....and you now have a Bt50K bill coming due.  ????


Regarding the password protected DMDC letter, to remove that password protection once you open it in Adobe Reader you can then use the Print function where you print/save the document to a new "Microsoft Print to PDF" file....then that new PDF document is no longer password protected....opens without a password.  If you don't use Windows then I expect whatever operating system you do use (Linux, Apple, etc) has a similar print function.



Snapshot when selecting destination/printer to print the new PDF file...select Microsoft Print to PDF....then save/print the new PDF file to the location/folder/directory desired.






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