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Crackdown On Bangkok Porn - 91 Arrested


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Money saving effective tip to those lovely boys, well some of them, in brown.

Dress like a foreigner, whiten the skin a bit and stand 6 feet inside the main door of Panthip Plaza.

In a very loud voice shout " i want to buy 10 porn movies".

You will have more than 91 arrests, more than 10,000 CDS in the space of 10 minutes as they will come to you!!

Use the saved officer time and money to protect the British Embassy from distruntled Senators :o

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Who needs Porn-Movies in Thailand?

Plenty of really nice girls around there .....

I wonder how these porn peddlers can make a living out of it?

Who buys that stuff in Thailand?

I see your point Yohan, but I can see a few reasons why people would buy porn. Firstly, porn can become an addiction, and if a porn junkie can't get his fix, he gets cranky, even with a real lady to satisfy his needs.

Also, anti-social or obsessively shy people, people suffering from panic attacks (more common than you might think) may have a problem dealing with a real-life prostitute. Handicapped men might hesitate to go to the bars as well, because of the stigma (self-perceived or not) they might suffer from the girls or other patrons.

And also, some guys simply don't like to overtly pay for sex, they would rather pay to watch someone else pay a girl for sex.

It takes less effort to flick on a DVD.

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I have been to many parts of the world and have yet to experiance a stranger country than Thailand.

Let's face it this crack down is a further attempt by the Thai Gestapo to choke bribes out of people doing relatively nothing.

If they didn't get a bribe at the time of arrest you know damned sure they will have one sometime down the line.

I will never return to that damned country, as far as I am concerned anyone who knows Thailand and wants to stay has something wrong with them. Don't get me wrong I live in the Philippines, I hardly critisize Thailand for being 3rd world, or corupt. No I critisize it for the assinine policies, and how they treat us foriegners, yet expect us to visit and spend our money.


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QUOTE]I will never return to that damned country, as far as I am concerned anyone who knows Thailand and wants to stay has something wrong with them. Don't get me wrong I live in the Philippines, I hardly critisize Thailand for being 3rd world, or corupt. No I critisize it for the assinine policies, and how they treat us foriegners, yet expect us to visit and spend our money.


Something very wrong with someone who lives outside this country, and is never coming back, wasting their time on a Thai website. Get rid of your resentments about Thailand, move on and put you energy/time into something positive in the country you want to live in. Kinda like me going on UKvisa.com and telling all there how bad I think the UK is.

As the wife says :-

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"It is not wise to mess with the big boys, as there is nothing a Thai can do, let alone a farang. The Jeks(Chinese) are taking over!, ACCEPT IT!!!!!"

I know my standing in this country, and I know about other countries.

For today, I choose to stay in Thailand. For those of you who don't - BYE BYE


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The story was humourous, the police called upon to make a wasteful symbolic fuss because it looks good politically -- and that never, ever happens where I come from.

But the responses are depressing.

Thailand is not Europe or North America or Australasia, and thank God for that.

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the fat general rolls out of bed and thinks to himself - I've just bought a new house car and 5 GF on the side and so how can i shake down the tree to pay for it all


I hope the cops got to check all the media to make sure it was porn

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I think the raids all came about because some bonehead Thai guy posted stolen naked pictures on the Internet of that chick from the Butterfly Man film. She has a new picture coming out and pictures were stolen and posted before its release. She went to the police and filed a complaint.

It has been on the Thai news the last few days. Can't really understand all the details myself, Thais not that good.

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So pornography in any format is illegal in Thailand? I did not know that, I had better refersh myself with their laws (any website links?). A little odd to get busted for something which is legal over here.

So what about Penthouse magazine that is sold in shops? That's got exposed breasts in it - so I've heard :o.

Any other odd laws I should know about?

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I think the raids all came about because some bonehead Thai guy posted stolen naked pictures on the Internet of that chick from the Butterfly Man film. She has a new picture coming out and pictures were stolen and posted before its release. She went to the police and filed a complaint.

It has been on the Thai news the last few days. Can't really understand all the details myself, Thais not that good.

I think that this is a bit of a giggle.

If this bird wants to have pictures taken of her furry thing she should have thought of where they might end up (before stripping off her kit in the first place)

Perhaps her old dad got to see them so now she goes running to the cops.

I'm only a bit piss*d that I didn't get to see the pics myself.


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this is a good thing. people here complaining about "what a waste" and "they should go here" crap. saying negative things of the country they decided to come/move to. aparently your country wasn't all that for you to leave right. just like i say about people in the USA who hate the government or the US in general, get the f@#ck out. so the president makes a choice you don't agree with, mutiny is not the answer. your team's coach might make a bad call but you still have to support your team. you don't like the way the country is and you don't vote or try anything to improve it but instead complain; leave, go to another country. Then to move to a country you say has many problems makes you stupid for moving there. two farang guys talking about how sad it is for girls in the sex industry here in thailand as they're on their way to see they're thai girl, what the <deleted>? but of course you know, "well ahhh, she's not a prostitute". what ever you have to say to reason it to your self to make it OK buddy. all i can say is, you wouldn't be doing this in your home country.

why would the police target the street peddlers? do you think the police in your country should go to clubs or bust the street pushers of drugs? "your under arrest for the sale of this 1 gram of marijuana", i mean really. "god it just makes my day knowing i'm getting these people out of society", please. you don't think going higher up the ladder to people who know information that the police can try to get out of them is better? "ah..... well.....that makes sense :D " you think the street pushers know anything more than being able to tell the cops who gave it to them? you think they're gonna know where the warehouse is? who the top guys are in an area is? during war do you think generals are planning on how to attack the enemies infantry? of course not. how does one destroy a wasp hive by killing drones, no you kill the queen. you try and move higher in the chain of command. this is common sense.

if people think thailand is so bad they must be stupid to choose to come here. for sex or the availability of women. "oh no i came because i love thailand and its just so great and...." whatever. for those guys downtalking thailand for the sex/girls industry, shut your hole. who here isn't having sex or had sex with a thai girl? sick of finger pointers saying "you, you, you". when your a brick in the problem's foundation. stick your finger up your a$$ and say "me, me, me". :o any positive move authorities make in this area is good to me. that felt good, no more inside aggression today. :D thats right i'm an angry young man and i don't care. :D thats right free the people, 9 1 1 is a joke owwwwww! (quote by Public Enemy) :D

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This kind of raided opera show have it in Malaysia too, When certain rape cases raise ,the leader will say get rid of those material.

Two weeks later they sure back with better demand and higher prices on street due to shortage of supply.

It is rice bowl for certain enforcement officer and it will not be gone just like that.

You will see!!

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Fellas, Thailand is Buddha country period. They go by the way of the Monk. Purity is one of their agendas. Ever notice how they respect certain individuals up close.

So, they don't want porn. Question why not raid Pat Pong area???? Reason Tourist money. Some places paid for protection, so they get it as long as the fees are paid.

Yes, throwing a cigarette is a 2,000 Baht fine. The stupid farang should look around where they are at before tossing it to the pavement. What an idiot doing it right in front of the Chocolate Boys.

Hmmm, go to Singapore my friends and try tossing just a stick of gum. If you get caught, you got some jail time, not just some cash time.

Whats even worse in Thailand, is the driving. Those motorcycles are a drivers ###### freezes over nightmare!!!!!!!!! Me relax, no way Jose!!!!, not with these bike riders going around like zombies. Like I said, a bus ripped off my right fender while my car was parked snuggly, and next day as I waited at an intersection, a biker hit my right side door and took off my outside mirror with him!!!!!!!!!!

Another gripe is when someone pushes your car and in your effort to avoid the hit, you end up touching either a white line or having to be forced to make a turn which is the Chocolate Boys bread and butter when they catch you. All you can do is say HUH!!!!!!!! What do you mean???????? Duh?????????? Just reach for your wallet and give them some tea money and they smile and forget you exist.

That is Thailand. If it is any more different than what I have said here, please folks say something.

Time for my Vodka Chow chow.



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This reminds us of the recent "bust" of the fetish club. The Interior Minister & a bunch of Top Cops went down there to see girls tied up & getting whipped. The same fetish club that ran adverts in the Bangkok Post. Now John Q Law must have known that the rule at the fetish club is that anyone wishing to enter must be dressed in Black. So El Yabbo the MOI & the Top Cops were all dutifully dressed in black. They must have invited every Thai television station to send a camera crew to cover the "bust". Bottom line: Fetish Club is still open & is still running ads in the Bkk Pest. I suppose now they just "pretend" to whip scantilly clad females tied to poles. TIT.

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I have been to many parts of the world and have yet to experiance a stranger country than Thailand.

Let's face it this crack down is a further attempt by the Thai Gestapo to choke bribes out of people doing relatively nothing.

If they didn't get a bribe at the time of arrest you know damned sure they will have one sometime down the line.

I will never return to that damned country, as far as I am concerned anyone who knows Thailand and wants to stay has something wrong with them. Don't get me wrong I live in the Philippines, I hardly critisize Thailand for being 3rd world, or corupt. No I critisize it for the assinine policies, and how they treat us foriegners, yet expect us to visit and spend our money.


What a comment coming from the Philippines! :o:D

In general this thread seems to be another opportunity to rant on about the shortcomings of Thailand, ever thought about the corruption and twisted logic in your own country? :D

I guess I'll be called a France, Germany, USA, England and so on hater and basher if I started to point to some absurd practises in these countries. :D

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Heck, there is at least 91 punks selling porn discs in Pantip Plaza.

Very pushy and rude.  If I can find them, why can't the cops?

Most of the porn sold at Panthip is sold thru people with police connections.

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The guys/gals at pantip are very annoying. I mean over there you can be the pornstar every night if you can find somebody that will hold the camera and if the gal is not too shy. They usually are too "sye" if they are cute & sah-weet, and your camera man/pal is off starring in his own feature. Somebody must be buying it or they wouldn't be there, but if buying porn in Thailand ain't like buying canned pineapple in Hawaii I don't know what is. Plus the name porn is very common as a person/street name so it must be confusing.

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Porn! O"my God! Can it be true? Say it an't so Joe! :D

What next Prostitution or even worst DRUGS? :D

What would our beloved Thailand be like without these pillars of Fahrang economy Porn, Prostitution and Drugs??


Hmmm!...No selling of young girls and boys, No Pedophile or sex tours, no AIDS galore, less corruption, not likely?

Maybe , I say just maybe, a little more Thai society and whole lot less western debauchery Hmmmm!!?

And O yes can you imsgine fewer and fewer Fahrang of the worst sort imaginable! No reason to come wouldn't you say! :D

Oh please say it an't so!!!! :wub: How would we recognize the place?

You'd think those few that actually came here to contribute something besides themselves, might actual do just that.

No, not me. I contribute only two things. One, love and loyalty to my Thai family of 26 years and few Thai friends and two, to the extent possible, minimization of my consumption and or exposure of things western and Fahrangs in general.

Nay.. Never happen huh? In advance, Man o man is that dude 18th century mush?



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Heck, there is at least 91 punks selling porn discs in Pantip Plaza.

Very pushy and rude. If I can find them, why can't the cops?

Now that is just too easy to answer. They aren't looking for them.

Here in America - North America specifically, prostitution is illegal. Yet, in every city, there is a legitimate paper that advertises for all sorts of massages and TV's and while the ads don't say they sell sex, only an idiot wouldn't think so.

So you might think that all the cops have to do is pick up the paper, make a phone call or just visit these places - after all, their addresses and phone numbers are in the ad.

No. Obviously the cops are paid.

I guess someone didn't pay the cops in Thailand.

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"By this morning, the raids on 182 sites had led to 91 arrests and the seizure of over 10,000 pornographic CDs, DVDs, videos, books and cartoons, worth an estimated Bt532,618."

Bt532,618. An average of Bt53 per CD, DVD, video, book and cartoon. Whooha, what a MAJOR succes. Well done! They must have felt like heroes. :o:D


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