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In my opinion, hating Israelis comes from the same place as hating Jews and promoting one promotes the other. The "reasons" that bigots give for hating them are exactly the same for both.

The problem is that political correctness promotes hating Israel and Israelis as acceptable and so anti-Semitism is being spread again by some of the very "liberals" who would have spoken out against it in the past. :o

i never had much to do with jews/ Israelis in NZ, actually I probably hadnt met one until arriving here, so didnt have any opinion what-so-ever- good or bad. Well now I have, and its not so complimentary, based on several interactions between Thai selling to Israelis. I know its generalising but there seems to be a common disposition amongst them that makes them hated. Does this make me a bigot??

As for political correctness or PC, <deleted> that! finger007.gif

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In my opinion, hating Israelis comes from the same place as hating Jews and promoting one promotes the other. The "reasons" that bigots give for hating them are exactly the same for both.

The problem is that political correctness promotes hating Israel and Israelis as acceptable and so anti-Semitism is being spread again by some of the very "liberals" who would have spoken out against it in the past. :o

i never had much to do with jews/ Israelis in NZ, actually I probably hadnt met one until arriving here, so didnt have any opinion what-so-ever- good or bad. Well now I have, and its not so complimentary, based on several interactions between Thai selling to Israelis. I know its generalising but there seems to be a common disposition amongst them that makes them hated. Does this make me a bigot??

As for political correctness or PC, <deleted> that! finger007.gif

This started off as a ridiculous warning about people running off without paying for 5 Baht worth of goods - whatever that may be. And it all went downhill from there!! Let's hope that not too many people visit this site to follow this dribble. They may get the wrong(?) impression of Chiang Mai expats!!


".....now I have, and its not so complimentary, based on several interactions between Thai selling to Israelis. I know its generalising but there seems to be a common disposition amongst them that makes them hated. Does this make me a bigot??"

So despite all the BS'ing that goes in on the forum, the Forum is better than where this topic headed. I've had the pleasure to meet unpleasant and untrustworthy people from almost every nationality, race, and religion. I've also met some great ones from all those same groups. Now if I want to generalize and draw conclusions about one group or other..... that's the kind of stuff best whispered in small circles. People are people. I'm not pc, not by any means. But there are different types of folks you run into here, from very different cultures, and they may come off one way or the other. If you take the time to learn the context of their speech and behaviors, you may find it either goes to figure, or that it is not quite as you perceived it in the first place. And two excellent examples of this is 1) the many meanings hidden behind every Thai smile, and 2) the calmness and happy manner with which a Farang will raise his voice or yell when upset. Given where we're from, and what we mean by it, not really a big deal. By those unwilling to understand and go outside of their usual way of looking at things, the Thai smile may seem fake, and the Farang like a rude clod. THis is obvious stuff.

Anybody could go n warning about one type of shady ethnicity they think others should look out for, but this isn't the place. Again the forum's better than that. And UG has a point about how these things start and perpetuate. This stuff is ugly. Thankfully we are in a land of tolerance, right ? The one that let's our sorry a$$es hang out here everyday. Let's not forget to not be too serious. Mai pen lai!

Let's hope that not too many people visit this site to follow this dribble. They may get the wrong(?) impression of Chiang Mai expats!!

I think it gives a very good impression of so many of the "Chiang Mai Expats"

Let's hope that not too many people visit this site to follow this dribble. They may get the wrong(?) impression of Chiang Mai expats!!

I think it gives a very good impression of so many of the "Chiang Mai Expats"

Sad, but true.

Won't talk about nationality, but none of the culprits looked neither "typical-Westerner-like" nor "typical-East-Asian-like".

The OP has a very funny way about NOT talking about nationality.

BTW, haven't been there, but do know that the Jews of Israel look all kinds of different ways, Arabic looking, black as coffee, dark skinned, blond and blue eyed, Woody Allenesque, and also dark haired white skinned and hunky.

As long as we are getting RACIAL, don't hold back!

I think it would have been perfectly OK to say "lately a bunch of Israeli dudes have skipped small change bills, whats up with that?" if that is the truth, but the way it was presented in trying to act like he was sensitive, was actually much worse.

And, yes, I am a Yid. So sue me.

In my opinion, hating Israelis comes from the same place as hating Jews and promoting one promotes the other. The "reasons" that bigots give for hating them are exactly the same for both.

The problem is that political correctness promotes hating Israel and Israelis as acceptable and so anti-Semitism is being spread again by some of the very "liberals" who would have spoken out against it in the past. :D

i never had much to do with jews/ Israelis in NZ, actually I probably hadnt met one until arriving here, so didnt have any opinion what-so-ever- good or bad. Well now I have, and its not so complimentary, based on several interactions between Thai selling to Israelis. I know its generalising but there seems to be a common disposition amongst them that makes them hated. Does this make me a bigot??

Yes, a lot of Thais hate Israelis. The funny thing is that they can't spot one unless someone points them out. They have been taught that they are "cheap" - and everything else bad that you can think of - by their bigoted farang spouses and business partners.

Very few of them can tell our nationalities apart, so anyone who drives a hard bargain becomes "Israeli".

One restauraunt owner that I often bring up doesn't have a drop of Jewish blood, but has been here a long time and thinks that he knows all the "real" prices. Whenever he goes shopping at the Night Bazaar you hear all the vendors talking about "The Israeli" as he walks down the street, but he is a Polish American. :o


Yes, a lot of Thais hate Israelis. The funny thing is that they can't spot one unless someone points them out. They have been taught that they are "cheap" - and everything else bad that you can think of - by their bigoted farang spouses and business partners.

Very few of them can tell our nationalities apart, so anyone who drives a hard bargain becomes "Israeli".

One restauraunt owner that I often bring up doesn't have a drop of Jewish blood, but has been here a long time and thinks that he knows all the "real" prices. Whenever he goes shopping at the Night Bazaar you hear all the vendors talking about "The Israeli" as he walks down the street, but he is a Polish American. :o

Does this site get any lower? Sad b*$tar!*s.

Last time this was up, it ran 300 pages..... :D

Soooooo... they were Bolivian tin miners, in hard hats with carbide lanterns, right?


Hate to quote MY OWN POST, so tacky. :D

I sure hope this thread dies a well-deserved death, soon. :o


PS I'm a secular Episcopalian, with a smattering of Buddhism, and worship at the alter of Mai Ben Rai... :D

PS I'm a secular Episcopalian, with a smattering of Buddhism, and worship at the alter of Mai Ben Rai... :o

The OP seems to have left the sinking ship, let's hope the sinking is swift!

Hey Macca what's an atler? :D

PS I'm a secular Episcopalian, with a smattering of Buddhism, and worship at the alter of Mai Ben Rai... :D

The OP seems to have left the sinking ship, let's hope the sinking is swift!

Hey Macca what's an atler? :D

Antler; he means antler, I think :D .

The part I don't get is : if "PC" (source of all evil, according to some) is supposed to have made the OP cloud his description of the ... er ... "perps", and "PC" means hating Jews/Israelis, why did the OP cloud the issue of nationality ?

How does one arrive at Jew hating = PC, at all ??

I am willing to entertain the idea that members of particular cultures/sub-cultures might be more disposed to display particular behaviours than others and that many Thais would find the behaviour of some Western groups offensive, and within broadly similar Asian cultures, one sub-culture will find another's behaviour offensive on some counts. That's life; no big deal ?

If there's any culture or nation/s not much internationally admired at this point in history, it would have to be the USA or the

Arabic, I suppose; rightly or wrongly in both instances. So what is "P.C." , exactly ? ?

I think the meaningless use of "P.C" as a slur should have been abandoned long ago by thinking people :o .

PS I'm a secular Episcopalian, with a smattering of Buddhism, and worship at the alter of Mai Ben Rai... :D

The OP seems to have left the sinking ship, let's hope the sinking is swift!

Hey Macca what's an atler? :D

Dyslexia rear its ugly head! :o

Example of a Church Alter:


Actually I worship antlers, as well. Must be the trace of Nordic in me.



To be honest, I have no idea of what you are objecting to Mr. BLUENOSE.

Perhaps, if you could explain what you are going on about? :o

What am I on about? This is a thread that started off as a WARNING about a businessman being robbed on 4 occasions for a grand total of 40 baht. A dollar! The guy is down a dollar, and we should all be alarmed, on our guard, suspicious.

Who cares? Half of Chiang Mai Visa forum apparently!!

And it was Israelis!! Israelis are here, amongst us, planning, scheming. Trying to run off with 5 bahts worth of .... whatever is worth 5 baht. We should be careful because, as was clearly pointed out , THESE GUYS ARE DESPERATE!!!

If this was a joke it would be mildly amusing, but since it probably isn't ... it's hilarious. SOE's strike again!!!

I think the meaningless use of "P.C" as a slur should have been abandoned long ago by thinking people.

If it were used "meaninglessly", you might have a point, but it is indeed PC to demonize anything to do with Israel or Israelis and the only ones not jumping on the bandwagon are the few thinking people that are left. :o

Let's alter the altar..........Sometimes I'm a real <deleted>. :D

" Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings....." :o

When are you back??

Let's alter the altar..........Sometimes I'm a real <deleted>. :D

" Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings....." :o

When are you back??

I try to keep up to the standard of so many posters MaeJo.


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