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Ladies...if you don't already know this, there is now a Thai brand cranberry juice available in all the 7-11 shops )haven't seen it anywhere else yet). Discovered this while suffering through a recent UTI. Entered the shop with little hope but..eureka!!!! As most of us know, cranberry juice helps a lot.

The brand name is Unif and it has 2 kinds, one labelled "Mixed fruit juice with cranberry formula" (tastes just like regular cranberry to me) and another which is "mixed juice with prune juice formula" (Apparently elimination is their theme...). 29 Baht a 350 ml bottle.

My other great discovery of late is an absolutely miraculous hair conditioner unlike any I have ever tried. Apparently comes from China and is widely sold in Cambodia where it is quite popular with the salons. Comes in a large mustard colored jar and is labelled: "Thermal Mud' (Chinese characters) "Positive Ion Treatment " (Chinese characters) "New Zealand Technology" (Chinese letters). No brand name unless it's in the Chinese. My niece recommended it to me and it transformed my hair.

I'm planning to stock up when next in Cambodia, if anyone wants some let me know, it's around $8 a jar.

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That cranberry juice is delicious btw!

My best discovery so far has been that if you put the "plain flavour" no-fat Dutchie yoghurt in the freezer, it tastes awesome. Oh and that the 20 baht nailpolish they sell at Tesco is really good.

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Have also tried the cranberry juice. Very nice! Bellatrix, talking of putting things in the freezer, have you ever tried putting bananas in? They come out really creamy, like ice cream. Bananas are also delish split lengthways with 2 or 3 squares of chocolate inside, wrapped in foil & bbq'ed, but that's another story... :o

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I am liking this forum more and more!!! :D:D

If you want to make your own yoghurt get a plastic container that has a firm fit lid, fill with milk, add a spoonful of yoghurt (for the lactobacillus culture), stir, wrap in a towel and leave in a hot place for half/full day...then you have your own yoghurt!! It tastes like Greek style yoghurt which goes well with lots of things.

Sorry to butt in on the cranberry juice but felt I had to share my recent discovery too!! :o

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Sheryl what kind of hair is it best suited for?

I have thick curly hair and i recommend for people with similar hair to once a week or so use coconut oil and then wrap your hair up in either cling film or a plastic shower cap and (so long as noone can see) sit in the sun (if people can see use a warm towel like RueFang suggests). Wash it out with a little gentle or watered down conditioning shampoo and regular conditioner. Feels so silky after!

(Also a few drops of coconut oil or scented olive oil on dry hair is good for hair like this too)

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To be prefectly honest.. I don't know how it smelled! If it smelled at all, it was not strong enough for me to notice.. nor my husband.

I am ashamed to admit it, but I found this really weird site! I googoled Apple Cider Vinegar to try and see if anyone else had experimented with it also, and well here is the link.. I will let you check it out.


It is almost like being in a sunday morning revival. Complete with testimonies.. but interesting enough to make you wonder.........................

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Sheryl, is the conditioner helping with the frizzies at all? I remember suggesting deep conditioning.

I need to find that conditioner. I actually had to go to a salon while I was in BKK last and pay 900 baht for a deep-conditioning treatment. I need another soon, and would prefer to do it myself. Failing all else I'll hit the Amway place since I know their hair products do well by my hair.

The Tesco nail polish is good? I actually have nails right now, and they need a bit of polish. I'll have to check it out and see if they sell Barbie Doll Pink, my favorite shade for nails.

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Since you mentioned Apple Cider Vinegar, can i just say that its also great if you have oily or combination skin as a toner (i think it would be too drying on dry skin).

Just dilute it with mineral water (i go for a 50:50 ratio but suggest less vinegar for first time users). I gen rinse it off after between a minute to 10 mins depending on time, just so i get rid of the smell.

Tightens the pores and is a very natural astringent. Much better than fancy expensive shop stuff loaded with god knows what in it.

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I am ashamed to admit it, but I found this really weird site! I googoled Apple Cider Vinegar to try and see if anyone else had experimented with it also, and well here is the link.. I will let you check it out.


Brilliant! tnx.

It mentions mixing baking soda with acv too..but another tip is that baking soda is great as a facial scrub. Most scrubs have a roughness to them that can actually damage the skin, but baking soda is very gentle. Makes your skin feel great. (I also make my own egg white face mask with egg whites and lemon juice. Just a drop of lemon. )

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eek, would you be kind enough to share your face mask formula?

You know.. baking soda is a cure all for just about anything. If you have acid refulx, you mix alittle bit in milk, add honey and down it. Takes care of the reflux in minutes.

Cathyy: since eggs are cheap here in thailand. Have you ever considered making your own mayonaise and then using that as a deep conditioner on your hair??

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Sheryl, is the conditioner helping with the frizzies at all? I remember suggesting deep conditioning.

I need to find that conditioner. I actually had to go to a salon while I was in BKK last and pay 900 baht for a deep-conditioning treatment. I need another soon, and would prefer to do it myself. Failing all else I'll hit the Amway place since I know their hair products do well by my hair.

The Tesco nail polish is good? I actually have nails right now, and they need a bit of polish. I'll have to check it out and see if they sell Barbie Doll Pink, my favorite shade for nails.

Hi Cathyy, yes it seems to be helping with the frizz a little more each time I use it. I am also putting on "Frizz Ease" afterwards. With the heavy rain recently of course my hair frizzed nonetheless but I think in more normal weather it's moving towards the point where it wouldn't.

This Chinese "ionic mud" or whatever it is, works better than any treatment I have ever had, including at salons. It really seals moisture into the hair and leaves it very very soft. It also leaves it taking forevere to dry, but I suppose that's to be expected if it seals in moisture. Apparently it is all the rage in Phnom Penh and all the salons there are using it, but unknown in LOS.

I'm going to Cambodia early next month, glad to bring you back a jar.

Apple cider vinegar fans: have you found it vfor sale in Thailand?? Where???

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