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Man Rams Benz Into Bus Passengers, Killing One


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Just more proof that the whole Thai legal/political machine is a joke, all that is needed is large amounts of cash and you can buy anything you want.

Modest amounts of cash are often more than enough. Long live the status quo.

And for folks in general (IMO most TV'ers included... the ones still in country, even the ones who gave up or quit Thailand and are only living here in memory), deep down, they really like the way things are as well.


Two observations Hengster:

1/ No one's so far reacted to your provocative post - a telling indictment or they all think you are a troll? :D

2/ I believe for many folks, they love the Quo (and I'm not talking about Francis Rossi :o ) and you are perfectly right. When they get their first wai from an upcountry gal on Sukhumvit they are in sixth heaven which moves up to seventh when they realise they can slip the traffic cops 200-500 baht and get away with virtually any traffic offence you care to mention. Thailand appeals to the anarchist tendency in many people's psyches, and all the moral indignation about the yellow and red shirts behaviour is just grist to the mill. :D

However................as you know too well.........the Quo cannot live for ever and the Times they are a'Changin.........

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No. But at least justice would be meted out. However, I appreciate your sentiment.

As much as I hate to say this, it is possible that the man may well have a mental illness and then the responsibilty should be on those who allowed him to drive. To despise or seek revenge of someone who is mentally unwell is as fair as hating a baby for crying. The family in this case appear to have failed their son on so many counts. It is they who should possibly be in the dock.

Lets be honest here, even with the knowledge that daddy will get you off the hook, it still takes one pretty disturbed bunny to deliberately harm others. What never ceases to make me wonder is how his parents, who appear to be intelectually bankrupt can be so stinking rich? If I were buddhist I might wonder if the neglect of their fellow human beings is currently returning in the form of a son that they simply cannot ignore.

It is possible, but still highly unlikely that he has a mental illness. If this is the case, then he would be on numerous types of medication, which would certainly make it risky to drive. There has been no mention of this in previous reports, or no suggestion of a Major Mental illness prior to and after the event being verified by an independent doctor.If as is now stated by the press that he had an "epileptic fit", then there is no way that he should be driving a motor vehicle, and it should now be very easy for them to rescind his licence on that basis. Having spent 14 years working in Psychiatry mainly in Forensic, I have seen many incidences of people feigning mental illness to reduce sentences and such like. My personal opinion is that he's trying to pull a fast one. I am sure that the family are easily in a position to buy an opinion from a Doctor if it is so required and he has probably received some good legal advice on this.Hopefully, the courts will take great care in examing any medical notes and assesments that are available.

Either way, people shouldn't overlook the attitude and contempt that the family have shown towards the victims of this heinous act. It also appears, that Mu Ham is more than aware of his actions when he is threatening police officers with "Do you know who I am" after his latest incident. He is a by product of poor parenting and a lack of social responsibility caused by his parents not making him take responsibility for his action.

I feel that this circus will continue for sometime yet.

My professional opinion could only be given with a thorough MH asessment, so as I have already said, this is just my own personal view.

The arrogance shown by the parents and their son defies belief.

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I wish someone had run her over, too:

"Suchira Insawan, the daughter of the woman he killed, says she feels no anger towards him. She has yet to receive any compensation from the Pachimsawas family - she has asked for 7m baht ($222,000; £111,000) but is likely to get less, perhaps even less than the list price of the Mercedes-Benz that crushed her mother. "The damage is done," she told me. "I forgive him. I don't want to destroy his future, I don't want him to be jailed. I don't want bad karma."

Plus - I know how you feel - boy - does this truly shocking case get my blood boiling too -

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Just more proof that the whole Thai legal/political machine is a joke, all that is needed is large amounts of cash and you can buy anything you want.

Modest amounts of cash are often more than enough. Long live the status quo.

And for folks in general (IMO most TV'ers included... the ones still in country, even the ones who gave up or quit Thailand and are only living here in memory), deep down, they really like the way things are as well.


Two observations Hengster:

1/ No one's so far reacted to your provocative post - a telling indictment or they all think you are a troll? :D

2/ I believe for many folks, they love the Quo (and I'm not talking about Francis Rossi :o ) and you are perfectly right. When they get their first wai from an upcountry gal on Sukhumvit they are in sixth heaven which moves up to seventh when they realise they can slip the traffic cops 200-500 baht and get away with virtually any traffic offence you care to mention. Thailand appeals to the anarchist tendency in many people's psyches, and all the moral indignation about the yellow and red shirts behaviour is just grist to the mill. :D

However................as you know too well.........the Quo cannot live for ever and the Times they are a'Changin.........

No worries, Plachonaroonie. That's the nature of the quo, whatever it happens to be at the moment, that's the way it is. And more often than not, it's the same type of folks ("change" is just an elaborate game of musical chairs) on top selling/pitching the lottery, liquor, and other types of hope or diversion to the masses.


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Seems likely he's mentally unstable. Temporary insanity, etc. I don't think he's just a rich prick, as people like to say in some sort of online outburst about the horrible rich people they've hated all their lives. Just seems like he needs some serious mental help. Mentally ill, quite possible, in my opinion.

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Just so. They have laws for everything and convenient adjustable goalposts that can be almost touching or as wide as is necessary , depending on who's kicking the ball. Which is why when people refer to recent well publicised court decisions ' setting a precedent ' , they just havn't been looking long enough or hard enough.

Well put.

Two side issues exemplified by this case are :-

Firstly a lack of oversight of any effective kind of the workings of the police. If the police choose not to forward the case to the public prosecutor, there seems to be no way way of redressing corrupt police behaviour.

Secondly, the lack of coverage in the Thai press. They report when they are given a statement, a handout or a press conference by the police and then abruptly stop when the police do not give them anything. Through the media's inaction, the police effectively control any press coverage of proceedings. And it might well be there are parts of the proceedings that the police would prefer not reported.

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Seems likely he's mentally unstable. Temporary insanity, etc. I don't think he's just a rich prick, as people like to say in some sort of online outburst about the horrible rich people they've hated all their lives. Just seems like he needs some serious mental help. Mentally ill, quite possible, in my opinion.

Errr, on the basis of what? I'm curious, you must have some excellent diagnostic skills.

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Seems likely he's mentally unstable. Temporary insanity, etc. I don't think he's just a rich prick, as people like to say in some sort of online outburst about the horrible rich people they've hated all their lives. Just seems like he needs some serious mental help. Mentally ill, quite possible, in my opinion.

Errr, on the basis of what? I'm curious, you must have some excellent diagnostic skills.

You're quite right, sane rational people run over crowds of passengers after having fight with the bus driver about an alleged minor traffic incident every day. (which the bus driver and several witnesses deny even happened in the first place).

His own father described his fits of rage.

He was there with the police and the bus driver to inspect the alleged damage to his precious car when he suddenly attacked the bus driver with a rock then proceeded to ram that same precious car into the crowd. And killed a person!

But that's how any normal, sane, stable person would react, isn't it...

Jail or mental hospital, I don't want to share the roads with loonies mentally unstable individuals like him.

Any updates?

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Seems likely he's mentally unstable. Temporary insanity, etc. I don't think he's just a rich prick, as people like to say in some sort of online outburst about the horrible rich people they've hated all their lives. Just seems like he needs some serious mental help. Mentally ill, quite possible, in my opinion.

Errr, on the basis of what? I'm curious, you must have some excellent diagnostic skills.

You're quite right, sane rational people run over crowds of passengers after having fight with the bus driver about an alleged minor traffic incident every day. (which the bus driver and several witnesses deny even happened in the first place).

His own father described his fits of rage.

He was there with the police and the bus driver to inspect the alleged damage to his precious car when he suddenly attacked the bus driver with a rock then proceeded to ram that same precious car into the crowd. And killed a person!

But that's how any normal, sane, stable person would react, isn't it...

Jail or mental hospital, I don't want to share the roads with loonies mentally unstable individuals like him.

Any updates?

Just because he has done something that would not be seen as rational, does not mean that he is insane.

I'm curious, in that people are giving diagnosis, without even carrying out an assesment. One thing for certain though, is that he should not be allowed to drive a car, but if you trawl back a few pages, you will see that he was in another RTA a few months after this one, so something tells me that all is not what it seems.

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Can we keep politics out of this thread please.

This whole case is about politics! The politics of money, if the family didn't have that the retrobate would have been doing jail time ages ago.

With money, you can get away with murder. It is well know that you can pay some to go to jail on your behalf, by way of paying someone to confess on the crime. It is a a big and known industry. Poor people are queuing up to do that. Or sell heir kidney, etc etc.

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What is the father's occupation? What/where are his businesses?

There must have been at least some people who recorded part of the incident on their camera/phones. Has there been any such video released on youtube or internet forums? I'd especially like to see the mob bashing the guy. Judging by how he looks at his court appearance, I'm surprised that nobody used a knife or other implements on his face or throat.

So, after around 1.5 years, what's the current status?

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