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Prayut says he respects election results


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'Prayut says he respects election results'

So we wait for him to request his appointed friends in the Senate to no longer oppose the formation of the new government

Wouldn't that be nice.  A Statesmanlike way to pass on his powers and and show respect for the country and its people.

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21 hours ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You, at some point, are going to have to wake up and accept reality - Prayuth is gone, finito, done and dusted. You are unfortunately going to have to spend the rest of your days in Thailand suffering under democracy.

I wish that were true, the next coup's ink will still be wet. The only way to end the cycle is to hand out severe punishments to all those officers who were involved as well as removing all their assets which I suggest might help the country out financially for years.

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2 minutes ago, BritScot said:

I wish that were true, the next coup's ink will still be wet. The only way to end the cycle is to hand out severe punishments to all those officers who were involved as well as removing all their assets which I suggest might help the country out financially for years.

It turns out the only way to end the cycle is to let the military run the country under their own constitution for 9 years… their ineptness has unified the people as they have never been unified before. Next election the military vote will be even more dismal than the pathetic showing they had on Sunday.


Done and dusted.

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10 hours ago, Actually lives in Thailand said:

100% with you on that! 

What is he supposed to have done that is so wrong ?

Steered through the way he thought best...

Didn't scam his country out of Billions in tax for a start...Kept the country going through horrendous times...

If Thaksin loves his country so much how about throwing a few billion in to help out??!

"Steered through the way he thought best..."


Sorry, but best for WHO?

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On 5/15/2023 at 4:57 PM, h90 said:

they were less corrupt than the Thaksin Mafia.....they may collect their 10% from everything....Bad enough. No one in politics is not corrupt, just the military was the lesser evil.
I would advocate for much harsher laws....

Mate, IF you cvan prove what you say, eg 10%, then I might believe, but please no guess work.

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Prayut is probably happy that MF has come out on top in the civilian parties lolly scramble.

Personally think he will be ensuring that MF leadership and party are not kneecapped in their bid to form the lower house. That then keeps the corrupt Shinawatra mafia clan under control and gives MF this election cycle to gain a stronger following and gain a stronger poll result next election.

The opposite of that is if MF leadership is knee capped then the Shinawatra mafia trash gets their hands on leadership and Thailand then stays in the constant cycle of the last 25 years of Shinawatra corruption and Army incompetence. 

For Thailand's sake MF needs to lead the civilian government with Prayut's acceptance. 

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1 hour ago, Roadman said:

Prayut is probably happy that MF has come out on top in the civilian parties lolly scramble.

Personally think he will be ensuring that MF leadership and party are not kneecapped in their bid to form the lower house. That then keeps the corrupt Shinawatra mafia clan under control and gives MF this election cycle to gain a stronger following and gain a stronger poll result next election.

The opposite of that is if MF leadership is knee capped then the Shinawatra mafia trash gets their hands on leadership and Thailand then stays in the constant cycle of the last 25 years of Shinawatra corruption and Army incompetence. 

For Thailand's sake MF needs to lead the civilian government with Prayut's acceptance. 

You could not be more wrong, which, to be honest, is par for the course with you Thaksin obsessives.

Prayuth and the military are extremely conservative - they want all things to stay as they are, the rich getting richer and remaining above the law whilst the poor continue to wallow in misery in silence.

MF are the most progressive party - they are at the opposite end of the spectrum to the conservatives and unlike Thaksin, they have no interest in coexisting with the “establishment”. MF is terminal to the elites way of life, PT is not.

BTW - Prayuth is now irrelevant, as such, his acceptance or non acceptance of anything is irrelevant.

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