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I get so much bad service here its unreal sometimes, I will call a shop ask if they have something , they will say yes and when i go they dont have it. I ring the massage place and ask for my favourite woman and say will she be there today? they say yes, when I arrive she isnt its her day off???????

Happens many times with many different scenarios. Maybe they think if they just say yes Ill come and buy something anyway but what it does for me is make sure I dont go there again.

Oh its the wife who asks not me just incase you think they dont understand me.

Today has been a day like this driven me nuts especially after wife called and asked have you got enough plates in stock to replace the ones you told us were ok which you gave us yesterday but when we opened them many were not ok even thought we asked them to check each one. Yes they said. Wife asked again are you sure, yes they said. we go down after sitting in traffic for 40 minutes and surpise surprise theyve only got about 30% of them. Oh and we must go back again sometime??????

One of my Thai customers who works in the oil business often tells me many Thais are lazy and stupid and Im sorry if it offends you here but I am starting to agree with him, from the taxi drivers who wont go the way you want, drive with just a stop and go pedal cannot hold a steady speed so you are either lurched forwards or hurled backwards etc to the above shops.

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Have found Tesco to be particularly good for crap service. I now go there just for the laugh.

Like the time I bought a Fridge freezer, they then phoned up on the day of delivery to say that it wasn't working properly, but they would still deliver it if I wanted. Yeah, right. So I said when will you deliver the next one - oh maybe about 4 weeks. Are you seriously telling me that this was the only fridge of this spec in all of there stores in BKK. I went and got a refund and they were suprised I didn't want to wait. I went down to Central and bought an identical fridge without any problems.

Last week I was in the Lat Phrao branch and wanted to buy a roasted chicken. There were still a good few left, but when I asked she said they didn not have any left. It was only whn I pointed at the item, that she reluctantly agreed with me and served me. I must have disturbed her daydream or something, but it was a real case of a lazy moron not wanting to do any work.

By the way, there's crap service in every country so this is not a Thai bash.

Have found Tesco to be particularly good for crap service. I now go there just for the laugh.

Like the time I bought a Fridge freezer, they then phoned up on the day of delivery to say that it wasn't working properly, but they would still deliver it if I wanted. Yeah, right. So I said when will you deliver the next one - oh maybe about 4 weeks. Are you seriously telling me that this was the only fridge of this spec in all of there stores in BKK. I went and got a refund and they were suprised I didn't want to wait. I went down to Central and bought an identical fridge without any problems.

Last week I was in the Lat Phrao branch and wanted to buy a roasted chicken. There were still a good few left, but when I asked she said they didn not have any left. It was only whn I pointed at the item, that she reluctantly agreed with me and served me. I must have disturbed her daydream or something, but it was a real case of a lazy moron not wanting to do any work.

By the way, there's crap service in every country so this is not a Thai bash.

yes crap service in many countries but in Thailand it seems rather extreme. I like the fridge story , of course you know you should have asked if they had any broken fridges first as you wanted one or after they told you it was broken asked if they had any other non functioning electrical goods you could buy just to see what would happen!!

Im beginning to think there is a zero thought proces going on with a lot of them. I found a great guy the ohter day at TOT who told us Tot customer service was crap and to call him first. Now we do and hes really good. wifes taking him some chang noi chocolates tomorrow for helping us, shame the pther 95% are so useless . The sales and profits they must be losing with many of these businesses must be horrendous.


My worst experience was when I ordered some tiles from Bangkok for my house up in the north. Our builder received them, opened a box and saw they were what we had told him to expect, so he signed for them. A few days later he opened the other boxes to find that they were a different colour, albeit the same design. He called us. We went to the store we'd ordered from, where the sales assistant explained that they hadn't had enough brown tiles, so she had taken it upon herself to fill the order with black. Well, the company ended up sending a truck to pick them all up. We got our money back after complaining in front of other customers in their showroom and refusing to be shunted into a quiet office. So it cost them my custom and a truck and a driver for two days. I still don't know why the lady didn't call us in the first place!

oh dear....here we go again!!!


Not sure what you mean, but I assume that it's okay to accept crap service then?

I don't see that it's so bad to complain about bad service, as I pointed out in my post crap service is not limited to any one country. After all, this is a Thai forum so people will share their experiences of crap service here in Thailand. I have many from England that I could share as well, but thats not Thai related is it?


Yeah, Tescos are classic. I went there to get a table lamp, they had 20 almost identical models except on that stood out and I wanted to buy it. Unfortunately they had no boxes left of this particular model. Saw one of the workers near buy and asked if they got any more in the stock, immediate answer no. Not bothering to check it. I asked if I buy this dusty display lamp would I get any warranty for it. She wouldn't understand and went back to arrange her shelf. I went back to her and asked could she get some who can speak english since it was complicated with my thai. She said no. I then asked that is it true that there are no english speaking staff at the whole Lotus. She said it's true. I started to complain pretty rudely that you really don't want to sell things, this is a shop right... etc. She then left to get someone cos I continued to bothering her. After few minutes here comes nice thai gentleman with almost perfect english skills. Anyway he wouldnt give me any warranties nor discount for the display one, and told me to buy another model. Then I asked if this model is finished, why it's on display. He couldn't answer. I then asked will you be getting more of the particular model later perhaps. And the answer was yes, come back next week. The guy would have never told me this IF I hadn't asked.

I also hate it when I go buy my favorite gin and the helpful sales girl tells me no that no good, buy this instead.

oh dear....here we go again!!!


Not sure what you mean, but I assume that it's okay to accept crap service then?

I think the point that burnsie was making is that complaining on Thaivisa won't improve the service in Tesco.


Funny that ...I have always had good service whenever and wherever I have been in LOS.......well most of time... :o mpr

oh dear....here we go again!!!


Not sure what you mean, but I assume that it's okay to accept crap service then?

I think the point that burnsie was making is that complaining on Thaivisa won't improve the service in Tesco.

Mmmm, I would never have guessed that.

I'm pretty certain that it doesn't, but that surely doesn't mean that we can't complain does it?

In fact, I have found some of the service in Thailand to be excellent. As long as people are balanced on it, then I see no reason why people can't share their experiences of bad service. I am sure there are some quite amusing stories to be heard. I for one have no desire to see this thread to turn into a Thai bashing one.


Yeah, I'd say I usually get good service most of the time as well. And when the bill at a restaurant is a little slow, or the service at wherever is a little grumpy... I usually just let it slide/or go into self service mode -which I'll do just about anywhere except for a bank or hospital- as I try not to ruin someone (who is likely living hand to mouth or at best week to week or month to month) day by biting their head off ...which I used to do, years ago... and I might still do, maybe once a year if it's really blatant.


Funny that ...I have always had good service whenever and wherever I have been in LOS.......well most of time... :o mpr

I agree. Where else does the entire staff of the 7-11 stop what their doing to welcome you.

When in most restaurants I have exemplary service, I can't take a sip of beer without being topped off immediately.

When shopping I'm usually followed by one or two sales girls eager to help.

Even "Big C" has a helpful staff....though you may have to get someone's attention occasionally.

I believe Thailand is one of the most service oriented countries in the world.

Perhaps it's Tesco that needs help........Could it be it's British management's faulty training?

I get so much bad service here its unreal sometimes, I will call a shop ask if they have something , they will say yes and when i go they dont have it. I ring the massage place and ask for my favourite woman and say will she be there today? they say yes, when I arrive she isnt its her day off???????

Happens many times with many different scenarios. Maybe they think if they just say yes Ill come and buy something anyway but what it does for me is make sure I dont go there again.

Oh its the wife who asks not me just incase you think they dont understand me.

Today has been a day like this driven me nuts especially after wife called and asked have you got enough plates in stock to replace the ones you told us were ok which you gave us yesterday but when we opened them many were not ok even thought we asked them to check each one. Yes they said. Wife asked again are you sure, yes they said. we go down after sitting in traffic for 40 minutes and surpise surprise theyve only got about 30% of them. Oh and we must go back again sometime??????

One of my Thai customers who works in the oil business often tells me many Thais are lazy and stupid and Im sorry if it offends you here but I am starting to agree with him, from the taxi drivers who wont go the way you want, drive with just a stop and go pedal cannot hold a steady speed so you are either lurched forwards or hurled backwards etc to the above shops.

:o Are you having a frustrating day then?

As I hope you know many Thais hate to have say "No". It's part of the "Face" thing. They don't want to be embaressed by having to admit that they dont know/don't have/can't do what you are asking them to do. So the the standard answer when asked Can You do something is Yes, I can do that when No I can't is the true response. It's frustrating to many non-Thais.

You'll just have to learn to live with it. Learn how to frame your requests or questions so that a direct answer is not required, but a more round about approach is possible. Not "Will you be able to locate the parts?" but "Will I be able to get the part?".

Yes it's difficult but learning to do it correctly will get better results, and it will keep your blood level and anger level down. In the long run that's good for your health.

And yes, it will work better if your Thai wife asks. Sometimes that doesn't even work.

It's just one of the frustrations of living in Thailand. In Thailand a "type A" personality" doesn't work.

Learn to relax and live more slowly. Otherwise you'll just be spinning your wheels (no traction there).



I go to a Tesco Lotus Express (mini market) in the soi by my apt. They greet you on entry; store is immaculate and well stocked; if you need an item they'll have it the next day....Don't expect personalized service at a zillion square meter hypermarket, is my advice.

Having said that, I will agree that...ermmm...I see staff at some stores (even national chains like Central, etc.) chatting with fellow employees, lounging about, etc. By in large I would say that service here is good, considering how little people are paid in the service sector.


I believe Thailand is one of the most service oriented countries in the world.

I agree. But can they do it, 90% NO. They are trying hard YES.

Thats what you get when you hire uneducated people with no motivation/low salaries.

This is the whole concept of supermarkets with cheap products.

But when you go Central it's almost same, unknowledgeable, some times lazy, and I would say mostly stupid people trying to serve you with full effort. But getting it almost always wrong.


If you want good service, pay someone to get everything ready for you. Hire a uni-grad as a maid and tell her what you want and let her prepare everything for you.


Didn't think it would be long before this thread made its way back round again............

I agree, sometimes it can be bad, but you should by now understand where to go and where not to. :o


I believe that, when well-managed, Thailand's businesses have the *potential* to be the most service-oriented in the world.

It's certainly clear in that, when one goes into a store or restaurant or other place of business, either *all* the employees are on the ball and doing their thing well, or *none* of them are. The key is to notice which of these cases is true for any store, and avoid the stores with all employees in "zombie-mode" (or at least go into them without high expectations). There's also an unfortunate middle-zone where the employees are all trained to do their best to annoy the customers, by pushy sales, standing over their shoulder when browsing, "helping" when it has been made clear that no help is required, etc....

I've noticed in many foreign-managed places a cycle in which the employees shift from one of these states to the other depending on whether the foreign owner is in residence or not- a warning for anyone who wants to run a business here "remotely."


I believe that, when well-managed, Thailand's businesses have the *potential* to be the most service-oriented in the world.

It's certainly clear in that, when one goes into a store or restaurant or other place of business, either *all* the employees are on the ball and doing their thing well, or *none* of them are. The key is to notice which of these cases is true for any store, and avoid the stores with all employees in "zombie-mode" (or at least go into them without high expectations). There's also an unfortunate middle-zone where the employees are all trained to do their best to annoy the customers, by pushy sales, standing over their shoulder when browsing, "helping" when it has been made clear that no help is required, etc....

:o I hate the stalkers. They follow you round everywhere without saying a word.


This thread reminds me of the bad services I got in Italy. I still feel very very angry. The experience I had in Turin airport was really really bad. If you don't find thailand easy, I don't know what to say.

This thread reminds me of the bad services I got in Italy. I still feel very very angry. The experience I had in Turin airport was really really bad. If you don't find thailand easy, I don't know what to say.

That's because there is bad service in certain places all around the world. Thailand is certainly not the worst, but like all places it is not perfect.


We learnt not to order a full meal in one hit, or that's how it comes - entree, main, dessert all together.

It is so easy to get frustrated with being told 'yes' when 'no' is the correct answer. When TW is on the phone is hard to see if she understands (always says 'yes, undertand'). The tone may drop a touch if I'm lucky & can pick up on it. Watching her is far better, I can see if she understands. I'm sure sometimes it's as bad for her.

Locally, service in Chaiyaphum hasn't really been a problem. We had a fun couple of hours looking for some tools there one visit. TW not really knowing what I'm after, shop assistant doing everything possible - wouldn't have been many boxes left un-opened, but we got what was needed. They get repeat business (I know where to look now). Whitegoods - again no problem. If what I want isn't there, we find it in the catalogue & it's deliverd to home a few days later. Around the ampur, the majority of the shopkeepers / market holders seem quite happy to track things down for me. Service here - I'm happy with.


on the whole customer service is good in Thailand, most of the time you get serviced with a smile and respectful manner. In my experience most Thai are keen to secure the sale and will do or say almost anything to get it. On the hand the after sales service is poor, definitely not to western standard. But you lot should count your blessings to live there and not in Australia, here they have refined horrid customer service to higher level.


mee mia thai has said it so clearly.

if you go to get service in a "cheap" low cost place you can expect to get bad service. if you go to a very expensive place you will get excelent service.

service like any other comodity is cost oriented. the more you pay the better the quality.

this is not typical to thailand but all over the world.

in Thailand many forigners go shopping or dining in "bargin places" and are surprised that the smiling staff dont understand them or give "good" service.


I hate the stalkers. They follow you round everywhere without saying a word.


Me too! I always say to them quietly in Thai (and with a smile) 'If you keep following me, then I won't buy anything'. They always get the message!



Yes, MM. I never dreamed there was shoplifting in Thailand; very naieve of me. Several months after our Tesco opened, I went to buy a 15kg bag of dog food. On entry, the guard asked my to check my mid-sized handbag before shopping. No, thank you. That's when they instituted the grocery check and bill stamping at the exit. Just never dawned on me that people would pilfer goods.

Almost every shop here in Canuckland has a security alarm gate. I cannot go shopping if I have public library materials in my bag as they set off all the alarms. Very embarrassing. Service isn't always that much better here, either.

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