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Zabriski Point

Odyssey 2001

The Day the World stood still


Clockwork Orange


Das Boot

Maltese Falcon


Ten out of at least a couple a hundred really great movies...

as there was

Ben Hur

Lawrence of Arabia

The 7 Samurai


Wizard of Oz


The Rock

Back to the Future





The Killing Fields as it was made from my bar in Bangkok

George Harrison's Hand made films Water has to be well up there

The Gods must be crazy

Kelly's Heroes

Number one, without a doubt, would have to be Apocalypse Now.

However, the Sound of Music and the Wizard of Oz certainly deserve honorable mention.

yes many of my CIA friends love that too reminds them of Laos and Cambodia wiith the copter sounds


An unforgettable film which requires a box of paper tissues.

Everytime I think of it I could watch it all over again.

Amazing story.

"Colour Purple"

If you have never seen this move you have lost out in a big way.

  • 2 weeks later...
rak hang siam (love of siam) just saw yesterday and is now the best I've seen.

Everyone I know went to see it and gave such a bad review. Half the movie they walked out. Guess it's for the local and teens to understand the point of the movie. I am not a thai's movies fan. Not that it is not good but I just don't get any msg. in the movie or maybe it is NONE.

i watched mr brookes ,probably kevin costners best movie for 15 years .

First off, this movie was very, very graphic. It had some very good scares, and few intense fights now and then, and very unpredictable twists and turns and thrills. The plot was wholey original, and it really stands out not being a sequel. It stands alone. Now, the sex wasn't that big of an issue. The violence was very graphic. Throats slashed. Gunshots to the head. Wounds. Spraying, spurting, and literally pouring blood from being stabbed or slashed at the neck. In one scene, I see the entire process of blood being lost at the neck from being stabbed with scissors. Blood constantly pours, gets on the walls, the man's body everywhere. Then I see the light leave his eyes. There were over 30 F-words and its derivatives, and a lot of S-words and other milder terms (B-words, D-words, H-words, A-words, etc.) ***** out of ***** stars. 10/10. Graphic. Thrilling. Intense. Frightening. Bloody. Sexy.

That's how you like lazeeboy?


Lots of good movies already mentioned, also reminded me of some of my favorites that I had forgotten about over the years. Must get hold of some of those and watch again.

Ice Cold in Alex

This one of my favorites not yet mentioned, especially like the scene near the end where the glass of “ice cold” beer is put on the counter with the sunlight shining through it and the condensation slowly running down the outside of the glass.

That’s how a beer should be. :D

D.D. :o

  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if it's been mentioned, but Glengarry Glenn Ross was a cracker. Particularly Pacino's superb monologue below:

On a similar theme, Boiler Room is another classic.


Not in any particular order!!

Das Boot..Very realistic story of a German Sub trying to escape from the Med.

Band of Brothers..True story of the 101st Airborne in Europe. Excellent.

Out of Africa..Beautifully shotsuperb scenery and sad ending. Been there in Africa too!!

Braveheart..Celts v the English. A good romp if not 100% accurate.,

Fistfull of Dynamite..Rod Steiger as a Mexican rebel teams up with an IRA bomber James Coburn...Ace!!

Leon..Good story if a little risque??

The Longest Day..Definitive invasion movie??

Enemy at the Gates..Great cat and mouse between the German and Russian snipers in Stalingrad (?)

Harry Potter..What can u say...escapism for all.

Lord of the Rings..Have to really after the books. great effects and stories.

Saving Private Ryan..Best war movie ever????? :o

I'll stop here!! Too many more and lots of foreign little known ones. :D

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