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Lucifer Disco Walking Street Double Pricing


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I guess the title says it all; Lucifer charge 150 Baht for a beer/standard drink while Thais pay 90 Baht.

I got the above verified several times.

Getting your Thai friend to buy you the beer will get them a "not next time" warning.....

I presume it has already been up on this board before but would like to hear if any comments on this. Is it "public knowledge" in Pattaya? Do Pattaya residents(whatever visa) manage to get the Thai price(drivers license showing or whatever) like in national parks? Or should we just pay up and shut up if we want to go there? :o


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Boycott Lucifer's and make a bold political statement! Attend one of the 10-day vipassana meditation retreats at Suan Mokkh instead of going to the disco and getting bombed and bombarded with cigarette smoke. Come back with a knowing serenity and smile at the doorman as you walk past his door contemplatively. See the envy in his eye at your newfound freedom and thank him for the motivation to change!

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Yeah, who wants those young Thai girls in there anyway getting all those cheap drinks. We all go there to watch balding Russian package tourists and Hampstead ex-shopkeepers shaking there booties, don't we?

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Yeah, who wants those young Thai girls in there anyway getting all those cheap drinks. We all go there to watch balding Russian package tourists and Hampstead ex-shopkeepers shaking there booties, don't we?

Couldn't have said it better.Seems a lot of people still don't know what is a business.

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I don't think that most of the girls there come there for the cheap drinks though.... :o They come to sell massages.:D And get in for free anyways. So I still have a hard time seeing the need for double pricing. (Cheaper drinks for foreigners would bring in more clients for the girls, followed by more girls...).

The place is however packed so maybe just bump the 90 Baht price for Thais to 150 Baht - problem solved. It is the principle, not the 60 Baht that annoys me.


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Went there once and never came back. Much better music across the road with equally high prices for both, Thais and Farangs... :o

seriously...apart from double-pricing, the back part is a death trap. Imagine a fire breaks out and all people inside have to squeeze through that narrow tunnel to escape. Not a leasant sight, I figure!

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The establishment in question is a trap for holiday making punters and nothing more. It is well protected ( cops from BK having to be brought in to check for underage tarts and drugs as even city hall knows the locals have a hand in it ) and in all honesty does not make any pretentions as to the reason for it's existance. If they charge more for non-locals so what ? Don't go in. If you can't see what the <deleted> hole is about, get better glasses and go to Eastbourne for your holidays.

BTW. If those rather tasty chaps down South ever get the idea for a Bali style massacre. Guess which establishment I'd choose on any Friday night ?

Don't go in.

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It's been discussed ad nauseum but I think most agree that the only fair pricing policy for entrance fees in Thailand would be based on the total body weight of the consumer. Thus, the 150 and 90 baht rates seem generally proportional. Why should a 38 kilo hottie pay the same as a 138 kilo pipe-fitter? Especially in the disco where space is at a premium! In this age of rampant obesity and diabetes we need government and private-sector policies and practices that address the problem and encourage the implementation of the solution. That's why one Londoner pays one tax to drive his Range Rover and another Londoner pays a different tax to drive his scooter. The last thing we want is everyone paying the same amount. I do agree that very large Thais should pay 112 baht rather than 90 baht; this would be more fair.

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Consider the two alternatives:

1) Both pay low prices:

The business would not be around for very long. Sure, more drinks might be sold, but the profit margin would be much lower.

2) Both pay high prices:

The business would not be around for very long. A dicso with no Thais means no Thai women. Need I say more here?

The plain and simple fact is, the foreigners in Pattaya, mostly tourists, make more than double the money Thais do and have even saved up for this vacation. (i.e., have more money to burn than usual and planned it this way)

It's no accident this double pricing happens and probably even evolved this way over a long period of time.

With the absence of enforceable laws being strictly enforced against something like this, it's a natural eventuality in this environment.

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It's been discussed ad nauseum but I think most agree that the only fair pricing policy for entrance fees in Thailand would be based on the total body weight of the consumer. Thus, the 150 and 90 baht rates seem generally proportional. Why should a 38 kilo hottie pay the same as a 138 kilo pipe-fitter? Especially in the disco where space is at a premium! In this age of rampant obesity and diabetes we need government and private-sector policies and practices that address the problem and encourage the implementation of the solution. That's why one Londoner pays one tax to drive his Range Rover and another Londoner pays a different tax to drive his scooter. The last thing we want is everyone paying the same amount. I do agree that very large Thais should pay 112 baht rather than 90 baht; this would be more fair.

You are being sarcastic I hope?

I can just see a huge bottleneck as people stand in line to be weighed; and those 'close' to the lower weight stripping down to make it. :o:D:D

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Quite common Firefan - always a diff rate for us farang in Lucifers and Tony's. Also if you are with your bird and she's thai - then farang price for both of u. :o

Sheesh! There's no way we can win.

You can always go feral, find a nice homely Isaan woman, plant some rice and get into the Lao Khow. Cheap as chips :D
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I guess the title says it all; Lucifer charge 150 Baht for a beer/standard drink while Thais pay 90 Baht.

I got the above verified several times.

Getting your Thai friend to buy you the beer will get them a "not next time" warning.....

I presume it has already been up on this board before but would like to hear if any comments on this. Is it "public knowledge" in Pattaya? Do Pattaya residents(whatever visa) manage to get the Thai price(drivers license showing or whatever) like in national parks? Or should we just pay up and shut up if we want to go there? :o


Hey buddy, long time no see :D

I'm not a big Lucifer's fan so I don't care if they charge farang 1,000 baht a beer; I won't be going there anyway. If you like the place probably not much you can do other than pony up :D

IMHO too many "two week millionaires" have proved to the Thais that double pricing will always work in Thailand. I have even talked to many expats that defend the baht bus, national parks and other double pricing scams, explaining that "If you can't afford the extra 5 baht (for a baht bus) go home!


I have come to the conclusion that "it is what it is" and party on :D

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I guess the title says it all; Lucifer charge 150 Baht for a beer/standard drink while Thais pay 90 Baht.

I got the above verified several times.

Getting your Thai friend to buy you the beer will get them a "not next time" warning.....

I presume it has already been up on this board before but would like to hear if any comments on this. Is it "public knowledge" in Pattaya? Do Pattaya residents(whatever visa) manage to get the Thai price(drivers license showing or whatever) like in national parks? Or should we just pay up and shut up if we want to go there? :o


Yep - I started a thread last year on the same subject.

I choose not to go to these places anymore - but we all have a choice eh ?

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The two tier pricing at Luceefurs is not a problem for me.... as I usually get drunk on the steps in front of Family Mart before proceeeding down to said disco.

Spike, LOL! I love it.

More than one way to skin a cat (besides pullings it's hair out:) )

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Quite common Firefan - always a diff rate for us farang in Lucifers and Tony's. Also if you are with your bird and she's thai - then farang price for both of u. :o

Sheesh! There's no way we can win.

You can always go feral, find a nice homely Isaan woman, plant some rice and get into the Lao Khow. Cheap as chips :D


"Homely" UK English - simple, plain, ordinary, unpretentious, informal, comfortable.

"Homely" North American English - ugly, unattractive, unpleasant, uninviting.

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It's been discussed ad nauseum but I think most agree that the only fair pricing policy for entrance fees in Thailand would be based on the total body weight of the consumer. Thus, the 150 and 90 baht rates seem generally proportional. Why should a 38 kilo hottie pay the same as a 138 kilo pipe-fitter? Especially in the disco where space is at a premium! In this age of rampant obesity and diabetes we need government and private-sector policies and practices that address the problem and encourage the implementation of the solution. That's why one Londoner pays one tax to drive his Range Rover and another Londoner pays a different tax to drive his scooter. The last thing we want is everyone paying the same amount. I do agree that very large Thais should pay 112 baht rather than 90 baht; this would be more fair.

Brilliant idea! Could save me a great deal of money! Next step should be imposing a maxium weight allowance to keep those ugly twins from Took Lae Dee out... :o

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Why anyone would want to pay good money to have their hearing permanently impaired by a mind numbing cacophony (loosely described as music); be squashed beyond imagination and in constant danger of being pick pocketed or even have some worse crime perpetrated on your person, is totally beyond me.

Not that I am in favour of double pricing, but let's face it, if you seek your thrills in Walking Street and the surrounding areas, you can't expect much else from the spivs, pimps and mafia that control that part of Pattaya.

No different to the red light districts in any of the world's major cities.

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I ran 13 bars in the States and until the equality thing went legal I always had a lady's night where the ladies got cheap drinks to get the guys to come in. Usually it was a slow weeknight. I think the dicos are doing the same thing here, trying to get the girls in so the guys with then "come in". :o

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I guess the title says it all; Lucifer charge 150 Baht for a beer/standard drink while Thais pay 90 Baht.

I got the above verified several times.

Getting your Thai friend to buy you the beer will get them a "not next time" warning.....

I presume it has already been up on this board before but would like to hear if any comments on this. Is it "public knowledge" in Pattaya? Do Pattaya residents(whatever visa) manage to get the Thai price(drivers license showing or whatever) like in national parks? Or should we just pay up and shut up if we want to go there? :o


Don't think of it as 'double pricing', think of it as half-price for Thais. What's wrong with that? It saves you money if you're out with your 'Thai friend/boyfriend' doesn't it?

I see absolutely nothing wrong with it at all and personally, in SE Asia, I expect to pay more than locals anywhere I go and budget accordingly.

If Lucifer is doing good business the way they are, then what's wrong with that? The few locals who don't like it will not be missed there I'm sure.

As one member mentioned, it's quite common in Western Nations for certain bars to give ladies a discount (on drinks), or free entry just to get them in. This helps everyone.

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Phuket has been like my second home recently, and i'm planing to come to pattaya for 1-2 week stay.

I have to say, 150Bhat is even high price in Phuket, where all discotec charge 120 Bhat, except tai-pan which closes later

charges 140 bhat. Another disco which closes 6:30AM still charges 100-120 Bhat depending thai beer or imported beer

Pattaya 100 bhat only. They will come to know this soon, pattaya means CHEAP $ to everyone, and extra 50 Bhat makes

a different to long-term staying night creatures

Edited by BKKDUDE
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