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Honey bee hive removal

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Hello all,

Having a little isssue with a hive of bees moving into one of the outside house tool cupboards.

I have been avoiding the need to use any of the items stored in the cupboard in the hope they will move out to a new location at somep stage, but alas it has now come to a point that i do need access to the items within the said cupboard. If i was able to clear my items out of the cupbaord i would happily let nature take its course on thier departure.

They look only small in size and my limited reasearch tend toward them being native honey bees. They keep themselves to themselves and do not behave in an agressive manner.

So, located Suthatip, 15 min out of the hat yai cbd. Any  leads or advice on relocation or removal crews woul be warmly accepted.


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I would leave them along, but if you think they are becoming a problem, if you talked to the headman in your village, (assuming your in a village) I am sure there will be someone happy to come and remove them. Thais love the wilde honey.

I had one on a tree years ago, we mentioned to neighbors and with in a couple of days someone showed up and said that he heard we needed a beehive removed. (it was a big one) , he lit a fire under the tree and smoked them out. or something like that. He even gave as a bit of the honey with the wax, It was very good.  

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You could pop along to Lazada and buy one of the many Bee Smokers that are available. There's plenty of instruction sites on the web to advice you how to use them. 


As I understand it, once you've smoked them for a while , they become calm and soporific for a while.


Bit like smoking a dong I guess. ????

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You could find a local that would take it for the honey. They are not aggressive, as long as there isn't a bright light shining on them. I have worked up close to them in the trees (within a couple of feet) cutting out branches. They will leave at some point. When they are on the move they are attracted to light. I find them covering my windows when I turn on the lights early in the morning during that time.

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