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Hasty EC decision to seek Charter Court ruling on Pita’s share case slammed


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Chaithawat and a group of Move Forward MPs held an impromptu press conference in parliament this morning, immediately after the EC submitted the case to the Constitutional Court and asked the court to order Pita to stop performing his duty as an MP immediately, before the court even decides whether to accept the case

Back room games at play.

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3 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Thai coup mechanics

It is decided by a select few that this country needs a coup to remove an elected government, because that government does not carry out policies beneficial for the select few. The select few summon a General (usually a Army Chief who has been put in place prior by an establishment faction) to organize this coup. The General is provided with a checklist to follow:

In order to keep a semblance of democratic process (saving international face is important) you will need to corrupt the following institutions: the senate (fill it up with brothers to vote for you), the Election Commission (appoint it with lickspittles to do your bidding), the Judiciary (create sympathetic judges in all courts, but mostly the Supreme Court, in any way possible: appoint, bribe, intimidate).

Now you will have to rewrite/amend the constitution (don't forget to give yourself immunity, after all you have committed a crime) and give it a democratic flavor by ratifying it with a referendum that you organize.

Find yourself a legal mind who will loophole, block, justify and create legalities for you, and give him a cabinet ministry, he is your trouble shooter bending the system for you while looking "legal".

Need Money? The select few include certain corporate families who will finance the coup and your subsequent government (you will remunerate them for services rendered).

After the coup, take as many years as you need to improve your image and appear "democratic", then, when the time is right, hold an election. If you do all this, any following democratic process (elections, law making, parliamentary votes, etc.) is rigged in your favor and should be a cake walk.


Now, the General did all that down to the T. Yet, the unthinkable happened. The select few are panicking. The appointees, cronies and perpetrators are having nightmares.

Things unfold fast, hasty decisions are being made, loopholes are constructed, accusers are created... everything is done with the mindset to save themselves from the consequences of their actions.


I'm getting the popcorn...

the challenge that Thaiand faces is not a coup because most of the people both MFP and PT supporters know that song and dance too well and have stopped drining the military will save us Kool-Aid.


The only way out of this is 


a. put MFP in power as the people want

b. put PT in power and let The man in Dubai run things again

c. have either Anutin or Prawit for a government.

d. go with no government


Of the 4 choices I think the best one for the country would be A  Next would be C.  C because the only way to resolve this that the people will stop protesting is to put in a minority government to act as a caretaker.  then VOTE NO CONFIDENCE and have a brand new election.  The requirement is that all parties submit their nominations for PM to the EC and they be vetted and approved or denied prior to the election.  


MFP art 112 

This is a joke and a non starter. 

Also stopping Joe Shmo from eavesdropping on a conversation in a coffee shop and charging the person sitting beside him of Lese Majeste is a good thing.  


What the Senate and backers of the military are forgetting along with MSM is that even if Pita and MFP run the government ANY LEGISLATION OR AMENDMENTS to the constitution have o be voted on by the House and Senate. In order to pass an amendment to the new constitution  


a.a new rule on constitutional amendment, requiring a vote of merely three-fifths of the members of the combined two chambers of

b. a referendum to the people must also happen.


the articles in question are not guaranteed to be changed by MFP.


The bottom line is that young people and Big City dwellers are not going to want a Military government


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and we really have to wonder how big the cake boxes were that were given to them to do it, special delivery by hand to follow their bosses orders, they have broken their own regulations so they must have been pretty big boxes and once again we will see no police action against them for their graft



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