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Nato: Warm words but a diplomatic reality check for Ukraine

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43 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

Keep giving them the weapons to drive the vile ORC's from your land, then lets seem whats what.

Great , but what about the nations birth rate regenerating the Ukrainian army ? I imagine there could be a time the births are much less than the men required to fill the ranks, whilst mad old Putin just drafts suckers and pays mercenaries

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

Great , but what about the nations birth rate regenerating the Ukrainian army ? I imagine there could be a time the births are much less than the men required to fill the ranks, whilst mad old Putin just drafts suckers and pays mercenaries

Do you think Russia doesn't have a problem with demographics?


"Russia is about to enter a prolonged and painful period of demographic decline at home—complicating its expansionist ambitions abroad."


"From 1993 to 2007, the fertility rate (defined as the number of children a woman can be expected to have over the course of her lifetime) fell below 1.5, far below the 2.1 replacement rate needed to hold a population steady."  https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/01/03/russia-demography-birthrate-decline-ukraine/

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

So peace will have to be negotiated with Putin's replacement.  That's ok.

Really? How has that gone in the past 50 years.... dictators don't get replaced by Jed Bartlett. They get replaced by even worse scumbags.  And that isn't a good outcome in a country with an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

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26 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Let's be honest. Ukraine ain't gonna win.  So it is only pragmatic to keep NATO membership as a bargaining chip.

Russia ain't gonna lose either. If they DO start to lose, expect some tragic consequences.  You really think Putin will say, "OK guys, you got me. I'll retreat to the prewar borders. Oh, and you can have Crimea too. Sorry..."

nonsense ...

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1 minute ago, heybruce said:

If the war in Ukraine causes Putin's fall then his successor will understand that it is in his interest to end the war.

Perhaps, but HOW will his successor end it? Not a good idea to corner a country with  hundreds of nukes.  Its gonna be a huge mess with potentially catastrophic consequences. I prefer to sacrifice a slice of Ukraine and keep that possibility at bay.  

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3 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Perhaps, but HOW will his successor end it? Not a good idea to corner a country with  hundreds of nukes.  Its gonna be a huge mess with potentially catastrophic consequences. I prefer to sacrifice a slice of Ukraine and keep that possibility at bay.  

I am happy you are willing to sacrifice a piece of the Ukraine and give it to russia!

Are you crazy?

russia is going to lose this "special operation"

Would you give part of your yard to keep a bully happy?

Personally i would rather die and luckily all of the Ukrainian people

feel the same way.

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7 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

What scintilla of evidence do you have that that corner, which controls Ukraine's access to the Black Sea would prevent Russia from continuing to destabilise and arm separatists as they have done since at least 2014. Of course they would. Russia needs to end this war themselves and put in a government which will deal with the west instead of wantonly attacking random countries and perpetrating horrific war crimes. There's no room here for appeasement.

You build it into the negotiation of course. Ukraine agrees to forego NATO membership. Russia agrees to pull back to a certain predetermined line. Security guarantees are given by Europe to Ukraine. Russia would not have any need to arm separatists as most of the Russian areas would be under their control anyway. In turn, Russia has sanctions lifted and is allowed to trade with the world. Also pulls Russia from the orbit of China, which is the most important objective there is. 

Asking for regime change in Russia is a pipe dream, and doomed to failure at best. 

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9 minutes ago, jvs said:

I am happy you are willing to sacrifice a piece of the Ukraine and give it to russia!

Are you crazy?

russia is going to lose this "special operation"

Would you give part of your yard to keep a bully happy?

Personally i would rather die and luckily all of the Ukrainian people

feel the same way.

No, they won't lose.  Ukraine is running on fumes. The much touted "spring offensive" accomplished nothing- it is already mid July and no results to speak of. 

If Ukraine wants to commit national suicide, that is up to them. But I have a feeling most would prefer to live in peace with a neighbor that can be held in check.

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4 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Security guarantees are given by Europe to Ukraine

you mean like the Budapest agreement where they all lied and reneged on.   You think anyone would believe any security agreement from those lairs ever again ....   Ukraine made the mistake of agreeing then and I doubt they will ever go down that road ...

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I don't think at this stage you can say Ukraine ain't gunna win ....


Define win?

would Ukraine getting exactly what they could have had at the beginning of this conflict (no NATO membership), having the country destroyed, losing  a significant number of its people,  and in the process losing control  of eastern provinces be a win?

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1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

I'm all for Ukraine, but it's no slam-dunk. 


Russian 145M population, US$1.7T GDP

Ukraine 44M population, US$0.20 GDP


clusters,  fighter jets,  LRHMS,  Missiles,  whatever they need then blow Russia outta the water.  If I was Zelenskey and had the capabilities ... I would do a Horishima on Moscow ....  that would send a clear message.  

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3 minutes ago, steven100 said:

I would think that Ukraine and anyone would define a 'win'  as being Russia get the hell otta Ukraine and stay out.   Simple in anyone's language really ..... 

If they had stayed neutral Russia would never had gone in!! 

So what do you think would happen in the end? 

  No NATO membership but neutrality. But in addition for Russian withdrawal there has to be some sort of Autonomy in the eastern provinces . Do you think Russia  will abandon all the Ethnic Russians after all this bad blood?There are about 5 million Ethnic Russians living in these provinces.  what do you think will happen to them without autonomy and or Russian protection?

So if you think having at the end of a fight what you could have had to begin with, getting bloodied  and losing control of part of their country is a win.. Then I don't know what losing is. 


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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

If they had stayed neutral Russia would never had gone in!! 

So what do you think would happen in the end? 

  No NATO membership but neutrality. But in addition for Russian withdrawal there has to be some sort of Autonomy in the eastern provinces . Do you think Russia  will abandon all the Ethnic Russians after all this bad blood?There are about 5 million Ethnic Russians living in these provinces.  what do you think will happen to them without autonomy and or Russian protection?

So if you think having at the end of a fight what you could have had to begin with, getting bloodied  and losing control of part of their country is a win.. Then I don't know what losing is. 


Ukraine had no plans to join either NATO or the EU before the Russian invasion.

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1 minute ago, Yellowtail said:

Ukraine must remain sovereign state! NATO must stand strong as and fight to the last Ukrainian!

Funny, Putin wants to fight to the last Ukrainian as well. He's been wiping out the future fighters every chance he gets.

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

Ukraine had no plans to join either NATO or the EU before the Russian invasion.

Ukraine has been talking of joining NATO for at least 15 years, even before we watched Putin invade Crimea.

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