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A Pattayan Goes To Malaysia, Part 1 Of 2


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This is part one of my two part series of A Pattayan Goes to Malaysia. A little background: I decided rather than do just a straight roundtrip to/from Penang, I would fly on Air Asia’s new cheap flight to Langkawi Island, then take the 3 hour ferry or 30 minute flight on Firefly (Malaysia Airlines new budget airline, www.fireflyz.com.my), to Penang, then fly back on Air Asia from there… sort of a triangle. Since there are a large number of Pattayans that travel to Malaysia for varioius reasons, I hope you will find something useful here.

Part One:

Bangkok/Langkawi (3 day stay)/arrival in Penang

I think this will pretty much give you all the sightseeing information you’ll ever need, so here goes.

At the Bangkok airport, there was a trolley crisis: after checking in at the Air Asia counter, I went through immigration, and there were NO TROLLEYS in sight to go around the duty free area. I asked, and finally someone told me “trolleys only at other end”, (meaning the area where there is that large plasticy faux sculpture of the Thai boat)… but how would I know this… so I had to schlep my backpack all the way over to the other area, and get the trolley there. I felt violated. They should have trolley’s at BOTH immigration exits. Why only one? And why no noticing? This was a sign of bad things to come…

The Air Asia flight was fine, I had a row all to myself, so there was no armrest war, which I don’t really mind, cause I always win those, no matter what. Anyway, I got to Langkawi island about 5 PM, and for a late arrival like that, I always like to stay CHEAP the first night, then move in my solid 3 ½ star hotel for the next to nights, heading over there early in the morning.

EGG PROBLEMS: The next morning, I went over to the more deluxe hotel, where a large breakfast buffet was included. Now I wasn’t supposed to get the buffet the first morning, cause check-in time technically isn’t til 3pm.. But no one really noticed. It was very crowded, very busy… the first thing that made my blood pressure rise was the lack of a scrambled egg warming tray, who one could immediately get their eggs, and move on. Instead, the hotel had two “egg stations”, where there were ENORMOUS lines at each of them… minimum 15 minutes wait. So I called over what looked like a waitress, and asked her if she would just get me some scrambled eggs, because, as I told her, “I’m not the waiting type”… she said, “no, only self-service”…

I decide I’ll just be like everyone else, well-behaved, standing in line, to get my damm omlette… 30 seconds after I get in line, a large rotund guy cuts in front of me, and says, “I already told the guy in front of me, that I would be back…” I said, in my nicest voice, “sir, can I ask where you are from”, and he said “Kazakstan”. I asked him if in Kaakastan it was OK to just cut in line in front of others, then he mumbled something… and I said in a VERY LOUD VOICE “this guy thinks it’s ok to walk away, and then just come back whenever he wants, and cut back in line…” I said this over and over… then I said, “and he’s from Kazakstan, where they have RUDE people that just cut in line…” Then I decided I wanted to push his buttons a bit… so I siad, VERY LOUD, “I love BORAT… BORAT IS GOOD… “, and he says, “No, Borat is bad, very bad…” I said “NO, BORAT doesn’t cut in line like you, Borat is GOOD”… then I told the egg maker to make sure he knew this jerk cut in front of me, and that he was to serve me MY eggs before Mr. Kazak got his… at this time, by the way, Mrs. Kazakstand shows up, and orders her eggs too. I told the egg maker if I didn’t get MY eggs BEFORE the Kazaks, I would SCREAM as loud as I could, and it would be VERY EMBARASSING for the egg maker… He said he understood, and he gave me MY eggs BEFORE the Kazkas got theirs. Then I said to Mr. Kazakstan, “see, I got MY eggs before you got yours… it proves that cheating, lying, thievery and line cutting don’t pay…

I’m continuing my breakfast, and I see some guy in a tank top scratching himself with a fork at the table… totally disgusting.

My hotel was about 90% occupied by people of a particular region of the world, where many people wear 12th century mid evil robes. Now I don’t personally have a problem with that, I enjoy a nice mix of cultures, but I know some people are not comfortable with this… whatever…

I go back to my room, which wasn’t soundproofed all that well… I’m quite certain the people in the adjacent room had curry for dinner.

KENNY ROGERS: The next day, I went to get my ferry ticket… the early one was already sold out, so I had to settle for the later one. I went to this train wreck restaurant called “Kenny Roger’s Roaster Chicken”… it was awful… the chicken was this enormous piece.. I’m certain the chickens are shot up with hormones to make them grow to near human size… tasteless… and the 3 side dishes are served on the same platter, and all the sauces are running together from the chicken, the salad, the cole slaw, the beans, etc… it was one frickin’ mess. But I had to wait there almost an hour, for my ride back to my semi-luxury hotel… the air conditioning was good, so I figured Kenny Rogers was an OK place to wait it out…

I rezlied their CD system had a problem, cause it kept playing only one song, over and over, which was Kenny Roger’s “YOU DECORATED MY LIFE”… now correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Kenny Rogers been married and divorced like 5 or 6 times? So which wife was he supposed to be singing about, decorating his life? Wife #2? Maybe Wife #5??? So I just didn’t want to hear it… I asked the manager if she could fix the CD, and she said it was broken, and it would just repeat one song over and over.

I asked her to at least move it to the next song, and she complied… but that was “COWARD OF THE COUNTY”, and I had less tolerance for that than the life decorating song… I asked her if she could just turn it off while I was there… she said she couldn’t, but they had a Diana Ross CD, I said to put that on… and it played the song “Upside Down” about 15 times… the song has a rather distend beat, with a meter of it’s own…but I got through it. But I couldn’t get the first song out of my head….

“and YOOOOUUUUUUUU, DEC-O-RAY-TED MMMYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyy LIFFFFFFEEEEE…” what a mess that song is… who the frick would decorate his life, with his marriage record? The woman he probably knows better than any other woman in the world is the one at the divorce filing window at the Courthouse. Puh-leese. I’ll bet he’s on a first name basis with her by now.

FRUIT ISSUES: Back at the hotel, they gave out these coupons for complimentary fruit… so I show up about 6 pm, after the beach and pool, and they said, “no, finish at 5 o’clock”… and I said but it doesn’t SAY that on your frickin’ coupon… there’s no time indicated on the coupon… do you think I’m psychic that I should just know the hours I can get fruit? I gave up… I figured I could get some fiber at the dinner buffet in a few hours.

Oh, and at the pool, all the lounge chairs were taken, so I found one that had some old towels on it, threw them on the ground, and settled in… and someone from a particular region of the world said “that chair is reserved”… and I said, “Oh, did you not see the sign that says “NO RESERVING POOL CHAIRS”? And I settled in.. the woman two chairs over was this enormous creature… that literally could breast feed all of Guatemala.

BREAKFAST ISSUES: The next morning, at breakfast, the hostess asks “how many”, I say just one this morning, and I proceed to sit down at the closest table to the buffet area, so I can watch my bag, as I’m on the way to the airport… She says, “that’s a table for 12, you can’t sit there alone… it’s only for a family…” I said “I’m a family”, then I sat down at the table for 12. I enjoyed having all that room around me.

Then, who do I see: Mr. Kazak, at one of the egg stations… I said, “I see you are waiting your turn in line today for your eggs, unlike yesterday when you cut , unsuccessfully, in front of me… so you’ve LEARNED your lesson… you’ve seen the error of your evil ways…” Then as I walked away, I said “Borat good… very good Borat…yes, I like Borat.”

And as I’m completing my breakfast, I have to witness a Korean mother trying to control her unruly infant, dressed only in a packed diaper. Yum. Haven’t they heard of room service?

Then I go to the taxi line, where I’m patiently waiting, just like the little angel that I am… waiting to tell the dispatcher where I’m going… and a man from a certain region of the world just butts right in front of me, and blurts out something to the dispatcher… and quickly gave him a nice firm body slam, and said, in my LOUD VOICE, “YOU DON’T SEE ME? YOU DIDN’T SEE THAT I WAS HERE FIRST? ARE YOU THAT FRICKIN’ BLIND?” (only I didn’t say “frickin’”, I said the REAL word). And I said it right in front of his kids too. What a poor example for a parent. And if he’s going to violate the laws of courtesy, he’s risking that he’s going to LOSE FACE in front of his whole family. He went right to the back of the line. I’m just trying to make the travel world a little friendlier for the rest of you, by taking care of a few bad apples out there.

Then I took my flight to Penang, cause I didn’t feel like waiting til 5 PM for the ferry I decided I didn’t want to take… I had visions of the ferry sinking, and I would be on the news, and there would be this horrible tragedy, and then they would interview my relatives, and they would all be crying and sobbing, and saying things like “Weho was a living saint…” So I opted for the budget airline flight. The flight was about ¾ full… and a large man from a particular region of the world sat down next to me, and I instantly knew there would be an armrest war… So I made it very clear that he could have up to ½ of that armrest, but no more…then I pointed both air vents on me, and finally the guy got the message and moved to another seat… it was a propeller plane, seating was 2 and 2. The plane ticket was 150 ringitt, the ferry ticket was 50 ringitt… I gave my unused ferry ticket to my friendly taxi driver, and told him I thought he could get the money for it at the ticket window, or easily resell it, since the ferry was sold out…

He told me he had completed his “Haj” last year, for 45 days in Mecca. He was most impressed with my knowledge of the Haj, and I told him my famous Haj joke, and he laughed real hard…

ARRIVAL IN PENANG: I was now in a 5 star hotel… the check in gal told me she upgraded me to the larger size room… upon arrival in the room, I realized that it was the smaller room…which was still ok… I called the manager to let them know I knew they made a mistake… they offered to move me, but I said it wasn’t necessary… that’s the kind of giving person I am…

LUNCH CRISIS: I ordered room service, cause I was tired… a hamburger…I said FIVE TIMES: “no cheese, no mushrooms, no sauce on the bun”… I asked how long, they said 45 minutes, I said, can you do it in 20minutes, they said yes… It took 30 minutes, but since I’m such a patient and compassionate person, I didn’t complaint… I tipped the waiter nicely… as soon as he left, I realized there WAS SAUCE ON THE BUN…. Now immediately, I figured this would take another 30 minutes minimum to sort out… I felt violated… I was no longer in a compassionate loving mood… I was angry… my blood pressure was going up.

I said to myself, I’ll call to sort this out, and I won’t scream or raise my voice on the phone, which I didn’t… I got a hold of the restaurant manger, who told me the Food and Beverage manager was in a meeting… I told him to get him out of his fake pretend meeting, and send him to my room at once… along with the Hotel Director… after some discussion, I convinced them to come to my room to hear my side of what happened… they apologized for the sauce, and making me lose 30 minutes. I told them, as I was eating my replacement burger, that they would wait in my room, while I ate my lunch, they wouldn’t say a word, they would just stand there for 30 minutes, so they would know what it means to lose and waste 30 minutes. They said, “but we don’t have time…” and I said, “oh, so NOW you understand what it means to lose 30 minutes… don’t cha…”

I didn’t think they would do it, but they did it… After 15 minutes, I told them that was enough, and they were excused, as I think they understood the point… Remember, this was a frickin’ FIVE STAR hotel… not a one star… They told me they would also cancel the bill, which was fine…

At the dinner buffet, I saw the room service waiter “Alfred”… I told him it wasn’t his fault there was sauce… the F&B manager determined it was the fault of the guy who took my order, who didn’t write it down on the paper… Alfred said at the dinner buffet, I could have free refills on soft drinks… that was sweet…

Well it had been a very emotionally draining day, trying to make the world a better place for the rest of you, so I retired early. There were no further incidents that evening.

So now, you pretty much know all about the sights of Langkawi, and up to my arrival in Penang…

Coming soon: Part two: Penang

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I was lookig forward to your report of Malaysia, as I was thinking of going to take a visit there myself, but the only thing you have told us is that you got on a plane and a ferry then came back.

The rest of the time you have just moaned on about scrambled eggs and beefburgers with no sauce, not to mention the armrest situation. The only thing I can see that is scrambled is your brain.

This is only a wild guess here, but do you travel alone, because if that is the way you carry on, I'm surprised anyone would want to travel with you.


I think you are a head the ball

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Weho.......I made a comment on another thread that you are the funniest and most eloquent person ever to grace the portals of ThaiVisa.com. I wish to retract that remark forthwith.

I too was looking forward to your report concerning your Malaysian adventure but, sadly, I have just read the most puerile, the crassest and the most nitpicking pack of words that I have had the misfortune to come across.

You move from one boring crisis to another boring crisis....... and not only in Malaysia. Frickin' sakes man (your word), grow up and get a real life, won't you.

Edited by Artisan
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Great stuff, Weho.

Your report gives the impression that you never actually got out of the hotel other than to travel to other hotels. That certainly couldn't be the case!

Were the sights of Langkawi beneath comment or do you consider the inside of hotels, planes and taxis enough to get the flavor of a place?

Looking forward to part two.

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Love this report, Weho. Who needs to know all that brochure style crap like what the place is like, how to get from here to there, local transport options and prices and all that trivia?

Why is it that most non-europeans (note I carefully avoid saying non-caucasians) cannot understand the concept of a queue?

And finally, Borat is GOOD.

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Great stuff, Weho.

Your report gives the impression that you never actually got out of the hotel other than to travel to other hotels. That certainly couldn't be the case!

Were the sights of Langkawi beneath comment or do you consider the inside of hotels, planes and taxis enough to get the flavor of a place?

Looking forward to part two.

I think Weho might not have got out of Pattaya rather than his hotel but amusing none the less

B- for effort ;-)

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Another Weho classic! Who cares about beaches, sightseeing etc... How o deal with mobbing kazak at the buffet, that's what we want to know! Wish I witnessed the hotels Managers standing around in his room... :o

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Once again, after taking five minutes to read that mini essay, I am again speechless. What can you say to a story like that? Issues about eggs, hamburgers & fruit. Bananas perhaps? :D Trolleys again? I am wondering whether weho has ever worked in the service industry? :o In fact I am wondering what weho does for a living.....


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I would like to see a Borat/Weho major motion picture collaboration, set in Pattaya.

I had the same idea over lunch break, too....actually I was planning this a while ago about a guy I know who is a bit...errrmmm...bizarre...Me and a friend of mine started secretely taking notes of his off-the cuff remarks and wanted to make a movie out of it.....but it never happened....any volunteer script writers and actors around? PM me! :o

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Maybe some kind of Crocodile Dundee model, but instead of an Aussie country boy goes to Manhattan, a whiny demanding Brooklynite goes to exotic fleshpot Asia and shows them how it is to be done! Instead of go go bars, shopping cart collisions, omelet queues, and chain restaurant mishaps. Now this is FRESH! That scene with the waiting hiso hotel managers would be priceless.

Edited by Jingthing
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Oh dear, looks like I've upset some people...

1. there is in fact a waiting list of people begging to travel with me

2. to the person who was disappointed because it wasn't up to their standards: I wasn't trying to be funny, but rather factual. No wonder you were disappointed. I re-read it, and there's nothing that was supposed to be funny. May I gently suggest you write us a travelogue of somewhere you went, and we'll use it as a template of the way it's supposed to be done.

3. Sights? there are lots of other websites and books that cover them better than I ever could... I did mention the hotel swimming pool, and also gave some informative information about that new Malaysian budget airline, that might be useful to some of you someday.

4. queues... yes, the lack of civility does annoy me, and it's mostly non-Westerns who are usually, but not always, the transgressors. If people self-enforced the lines better, and a line transgressor thought they were taking a risk, by getting YELLED at, and EMBARASSED in front of their kids and family, for a LONG time, perhaps it would come to and end. To those who allow this, you're just as guilty. I say embarass them in front of their kids and family... for like a 2 minute lecture... which is a LONG TIME. I've even pulled out my video camera to document some of these incidents, and it makes for great "home movies".

5. Today is my first full day in Penang, there is LOTS to report, that is IF I "feel the love"... so far, I'm not feeling it... you may never get to hear about my taxi ride to the Penang Hill railway...

And now, weho is off to the hotel pool, gym, sauna, steamroom etc... I could literally write a book on what I've witnessed there so far. Here's a teaser: I'm convinced people don't go there for any unproven therapudic "benefits", but rather they go to prance around naked, to show off their body parts... by jumping from the hot pool, to the cold pool, to the steamroom, back to the pool, then to the dry sauna, then back to the hotel pool, then the steamroom again... In other words, they think "gee, how many times and ways can I prance around naked in front of these strangers?"

More on the sights of Penang, maybe, in 3 or 4 days... IF I feel the love...

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You should write a book, Weho. The only problem would be whether to stock the book in the Travel section, or Humor.

I go to Malaysia three to four times a year, and I find the greatest benefit there is the absence of tax for electronic goods and such. I purchased a new Nikon D200 camera in Penang for 20% less than it was being sold for Thailand. The downside is yes, a dramatic upturn in the number of people bereft of common etiquette... especially those from traveling from countries of which we do not speak.

Admittedly, I'm jealous that you were afforded the opportunity to use the whole 'Borat' fiasco to abase a rude Kazakh jumping an egg queue. I'm not one to use such tactics, UNLESS such rudeness is presented to me. My favorite insult is to Russians who jump queues... "Hey, this ain't a bread line - there's plenty of eggs for everyone".

Your post seemed to ruffle a few feathers here, but I always try to look past the underlying and at times, blatant contempt you describe in your posts, and have a good laugh. After all, these people *are* in the service industry and have to deal with the occasional demanding and high-maintenance client.

Looking forward to Part 2!

Edited by Hobgoblin
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Weho.......I made a comment on another thread that you are the funniest and most eloquent person ever to grace the portals of ThaiVisa.com. I wish to retract that remark forthwith.

I too was looking forward to your report concerning your Malaysian adventure but, sadly, I have just read the most puerile, the crassest and the most nitpicking pack of words that I have had the misfortune to come across.

You move from one boring crisis to another boring crisis....... and not only in Malaysia. Frickin' sakes man (your word), grow up and get a real life, won't you.

Weho......I had a particularly bad and humourless morning this morning...filled with crises. Because of this, I thought that your gastronomical confrontations were rather trivial and inconsequential. The World is a nicer place this afternoon and I feel nicer towards your Malaysian adventure. I read it again, a couple of times in fact and, on a second reading, it did provoke considerable chuckles from me. It's worthy of a sitcom series. I think that a mini-series covering your face-offs in Malaysia could compete admirably with something like "Fawlty Towers".

By the way, I enjoyed "Borat" too.

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Oh dear, looks like I've upset some people...

1. there is in fact a waiting list of people begging to travel with me

2. to the person who was disappointed because it wasn't up to their standards: I wasn't trying to be funny, but rather factual. No wonder you were disappointed. I re-read it, and there's nothing that was supposed to be funny. May I gently suggest you write us a travelogue of somewhere you went, and we'll use it as a template of the way it's supposed to be done.

3. Sights? there are lots of other websites and books that cover them better than I ever could... I did mention the hotel swimming pool, and also gave some informative information about that new Malaysian budget airline, that might be useful to some of you someday.

4. queues... yes, the lack of civility does annoy me, and it's mostly non-Westerns who are usually, but not always, the transgressors. If people self-enforced the lines better, and a line transgressor thought they were taking a risk, by getting YELLED at, and EMBARASSED in front of their kids and family, for a LONG time, perhaps it would come to and end. To those who allow this, you're just as guilty. I say embarass them in front of their kids and family... for like a 2 minute lecture... which is a LONG TIME. I've even pulled out my video camera to document some of these incidents, and it makes for great "home movies".

5. Today is my first full day in Penang, there is LOTS to report, that is IF I "feel the love"... so far, I'm not feeling it... you may never get to hear about my taxi ride to the Penang Hill railway...

And now, weho is off to the hotel pool, gym, sauna, steamroom etc... I could literally write a book on what I've witnessed there so far. Here's a teaser: I'm convinced people don't go there for any unproven therapudic "benefits", but rather they go to prance around naked, to show off their body parts... by jumping from the hot pool, to the cold pool, to the steamroom, back to the pool, then to the dry sauna, then back to the hotel pool, then the steamroom again... In other words, they think "gee, how many times and ways can I prance around naked in front of these strangers?"

More on the sights of Penang, maybe, in 3 or 4 days... IF I feel the love...

apparently the island of pennang is nicknamed "the island of rats" it would be nice if you could enquire on this whilst there weho! as i forgot on my rush to get off the island!

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Utter faux bolleaux!

A Weho classic from the trolleys to..........errrrm..............aahhhhhh..............whatever concluded the thesis. I have to admit to having an attention span considerably shorter than the decade required to read the whole piece

The ThaiVisa world awaits part 2 with baited breath. Other websites must view Weho as the internet Ronaldinho so we must be alert for an agressive transfer attempt from less scrupulous sites.

Artisan, your first assessment was spot on correct.

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You have to be the most miserable, tight, Whinging, whining, petty old victor meldrew farang I've heard moan on about everything you do. Im surprised you have not been either assaulted or thrown out of more establishments than you mention. You seem to be able to find something to moan about no matter where you go.You could probably find something to upset you in an empty room. You get what you pay for my friend. You go cheap and moan. You get charged 16 baht extra for rice you spoilt and whinge moan and make a big thing about it yet you will willingly cheat and not pay for your breakfast. Its people like you who give farangs a bad name. Get a life and stop the whinging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You have to be the most miserable, tight, Whinging, whining, petty old victor meldrew farang I've heard moan on about everything you do. Im surprised you have not been either assaulted or thrown out of more establishments than you mention. You seem to be able to find something to moan about no matter where you go.You could probably find something to upset you in an empty room. You get what you pay for my friend. You go cheap and moan. You get charged 16 baht extra for rice you spoilt and whinge moan and make a big thing about it yet you will willingly cheat and not pay for your breakfast. Its people like you who give farangs a bad name. Get a life and stop the whinging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh dear! Weho did not cheat any hotel out of a breakfast... I just checked in EARLY, they ALLOWED me to check in early, while breakfast was STILL being serviced... my deal with the hotel was "breakfast included"... it didn't state which days, or a number of days. Therefore, I had a full entitlement to that breakfast on my day of arrival... the hotel gave me the breakfast card upon check in... if you don't like that, only stay at hotels that have a policy of an exact number of breakfasts included. And I wasn't staying in cheap places, PAL. I know you surely must be a Vanderbilt or Rockefeller, but not all of us are, and we usually like to get what is promised, and what we paid for.

Now. I don't mind criticism, as long as it's followed up with EVIDENCE that the critic can do better themself. In other words, it's OK to say "weho is the worst person in the world, weho is satan, weho can't write, weho is horrible, weho can't write a travelogue... but here's MY travelogue, as an example of what weho should write about..." But you didn't offer that... you just lobbed a bunch of insults, based on nothing.

And I don't "moan"... if cheated or violated, I attempt to correct the situation. I'm doing god's work. And maybe you've had good experiences at hotel buffet stations, because maybe, just MAYBE I got to the people in front of you earlier, and I trained them, and taught them, so you weren't disturbed. But you and your ilk don't think about that. It just upsets you that I am making travel a better experience for those of us that wait our turn, behave within reason, tip, be friendly to other travelers and especially the working people that probably aren't making the big bucks you surely must have.

I am doing god's work. I'm a little angel.

Had you been violated in an egg line, trust me, you would be pretty happy to have had me around to speak up for you, and see to it that the violator doesn't do it again. Pal.

(P.S. weho is back from the pool)

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Now. I don't mind criticism, as long as it's followed up with EVIDENCE that the critic can do better themself. In other words, it's OK to say "weho is the worst person in the world, weho is satan, weho can't write, weho is horrible, weho can't write a travelogue... but here's MY travelogue, as an example of what weho should write about..." But you didn't offer that... you just lobbed a bunch of insults, based on nothing.

Quite right Weho. :D There are too way many critics on this board.

(P.S. weho is back from the pool)

And in the building :o

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Weho.......I made a comment on another thread that you are the funniest and most eloquent person ever to grace the portals of ThaiVisa.com.

I agree with this comment. You had me in stitches this morning. I've never seen any of your posts before but I'll definately do a search now on your trip reports.

Keep up the good work and don't worry about people criticising you on here, I think you've got a great style of writing with humour/wit mixed in!!



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