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Import Duty On Harley Davidson

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I've tried to find an answer to this question by searching, but haven't turned one up.

I note that in general members of this forum are encouraging people not to import anything. That said, if one were to import a used Harley Davidson, what would be the duty percentage, and to what number would it be applied? Meaning, let's say I bought one for $10K, which would have been $20K new, how is the tax base rate determined?

Tks in advance.

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Just quick and dirty, you would be looking at about $40,000 in duties and tax to put your baby on the road. However, even if you were foolish enough to hand this cash over to the saints in customs, the probability of ever seeing your pride and joy is just slightly less than bumping into our ex prime minister in Nana disco this month.

Dont even think about it even if you have about $40,000 to throw away.

Lots of great bikes here, I strongly recommend that you stop by Powerstation Harley Davidson. They will take great care of you.

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A couple of years ago I wanted to import my beloved Fazer from the UK. I contacted Thai customs and they told me import duty was 150% of their valuation of the bike.

So you can guarantee that if someone in customs takes a shine to the bike then they will put some outrageous valuation on it and there will be sod all you can do about it.

Best stick with getting a locally registered bike imo.

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I would again ask the mods to put a pinned post in the motor forum regarding the foolishness of importing anything into Thailand, and most specifically a motor vehicle. This question is a regular about every three months.

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Another option is to leave it in your own name and home country plate.. and visa run it every 6 months.. Unlike a car you can bring a bike into the country legally without posting a hellish large bond.

I know a few guys rolling round Phuket on USA registered harleys, one doesnt even bother to visa run any more either.

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I have been looking into this as well, because I own 7 bikes in the USA, and really don't want to sell all of them However they are mostly Aprilia 1000cc bikes of various flavors.

I have found that where it comes into the country makes a huge difference, and do you negotiating along with pictures of the bike before it arrives. When you set down to negotiate the 2nd time, a nice gift of some name brand whiskey is certainly appropriate, just slow and easy with lots of smiles.

Once you have struck a deal fill out the paperwork showing the duty and price of the bike, then bring the bike in. Again if you are a bit of a mechanic, pull off a few parts, and separate the crates. An afternoon of wrenching will have it all back together. but will discourage someone from deciding they really want that bike.

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I've tried to find an answer to this question by searching, but haven't turned one up.

I note that in general members of this forum are encouraging people not to import anything. That said, if one were to import a used Harley Davidson, what would be the duty percentage, and to what number would it be applied? Meaning, let's say I bought one for $10K, which would have been $20K new, how is the tax base rate determined?

Tks in advance.

Thanks to all for your replies, I'm the original poster. My conclusion at this time is that it's more trouble than it is worth (I know, better late, though, than never.)

I've checked out the dealers/shops at RCA in Bangkok, where are the other places to look for an HD in Thailand, in particular those with web access?


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