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Most Inspiring....


You can almost dream of Mao swimming the ChangJiang River.....even...


I love this music.


What about you?


Do you have any great CCP Tunes to add?


Best to you....






ZhouEnLai is in one of these MTV productions.

But, I did not see his Buick ...



You know,


If I listen intently enough,

I can almost hear William Holden singing in the background.


But, where is Suzy Wong?



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I apologize for adding something that I forgot to add to the original topic, but it's important...


What I neglected to mention is that this song reminds me of breaking my cherry with the first GF...



You see, this type of Chinese music is inspiring.  And if you listen to it long enough, you can do almost anything.

If you look at the words, this song speaks of STRENGTH (li liang), and so much more.


I HATE to listen to this music when they force me to listen.

However, when I listen of my own accord, I find this music second to none.


Such wonderful music, especially when one is heading out to new pastures, and one needs INSPIRATION!



(One thing that cannot be denied is that there are a few amazing talents who are singing some of this music.  The CCP had the option to choose the BEST, among millions and billions.)



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