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Bahtbus Regular Fares


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To Dr. Numb:

You sir ignored my question. If you wish to have a rational discussion based on fact not emotion, then answer my question.

1. Can you prove that the base fare fo the baht buses in Pattaya is not 5 baht.

I can prove it is.

Can you prove that it is not.

Keep ignoring this and I will keep asking the same question until everyone who reads this thread realizes that you don't really want to have a rational discussion based on fact. They will realize that you have a personal agenda and truth is not part of it.

Answer my question.

you Honourable Sir do not play in my league, we are worlds apart. i therefore take the liberty and refrain to answer your questions. however, i have to admit that your questions are indeed rational. but i strongly doubt that it is an advantage being rational in all aspects of life. based on my personal experience the answer is a clear "no".

but... as already mentioned... to each his Weho :o

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So Naam, the Thai authorities approve of Thai people who cheat farangs? Is that the case?

of course they do. look at entry fees for museum, theme parks, etc. (all officially approved!). we farangs are considered cows and exist in Thailand mainly to be milked. some of us (like me) prefer to be milked for peanuts instead of being milked by the taxman in another country for a multiple.

as simple as that :o

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Go for a ride on the baht bus and observe how much Thais will pay when they ride it. Then go to pay the same amount and see how the criminal behind the wheel recoils in horror.

Ride the bus with your Thai lady.

Case closed.

i hope this does not disappoint you too much OOO. i used to ride a baht bus for decades when i was a tourist. whenever i "ride" now it is in one of my cars driven by the driver of my wife (who by the way is a lady but not Thai).

take it easy mate! life is short and we should enjoy whatever time we have left. like me you don't seem to be a spring chicken.

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Well I'll admit it, I was wrong. I thought we would be rid of the baht bus bashers 90 days after the visa rules changed. :o

but then... what amusement is left Gary? :D bashing baht bus drivers is more interesting than questions such as

-what music we are listening to,

-whether Manchesterpool will beat Inter-RealMilano and win the world cup with Thaksin's money,

-are thai ladies after money or "lubb"?,

-will the Baht be 25 or 55 to the dollar?,

-is the thai economy crashing and how will it affect the price of teriyaki sauce?,

-are Thais xenophobic or do i hallucinate?,

-my girlfriend is pregnant, don't know who dunnit. what shall i do?


-my koi pond is green with algae. what shall i do? :D

-your electricity bill is 10,000 Baht? are you out of your <deleted> mind? GO SOLAR!

please take this posting cum grano salis :D

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To Dr. Numb:

You sir ignored my question. If you wish to have a rational discussion based on fact not emotion, then answer my question.

1. Can you prove that the base fare fo the baht buses in Pattaya is not 5 baht.

I can prove it is.

Can you prove that it is not.

Keep ignoring this and I will keep asking the same question until everyone who reads this thread realizes that you don't really want to have a rational discussion based on fact. They will realize that you have a personal agenda and truth is not part of it.

Answer my question.

you Honourable Sir do not play in my league, we are worlds apart. i therefore take the liberty and refrain to answer your questions. however, i have to admit that your questions are indeed rational. but i strongly doubt that it is an advantage being rational in all aspects of life. based on my personal experience the answer is a clear "no".

but... as already mentioned... to each his Weho :o

No. Meaning you cannot prove that the base fare for a baht bus in Pattaya is not 5 baht. Everything other than the word "no" is gibberish, meaningless.


The fare is 5 baht - base fare - Thais or Farang.

So what was your arguement?

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Well I'll admit it, I was wrong. I thought we would be rid of the baht bus bashers 90 days after the visa rules changed. :o

You were hoping all the intelligent people left leaving behind morons and fools?

Sorry to disappoint.

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Well I'll admit it, I was wrong. I thought we would be rid of the baht bus bashers 90 days after the visa rules changed. :o

You were hoping all the intelligent people left leaving behind morons and fools?

Sorry to disappoint.

It will never go away.

The baht bus bugaboos are as Thai as som tam and military coups.

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000, you were correct to confront that driver. Just because you are accompanying a Thai person doesn't make them a temporary farang. I don't think we can always avoid double pricing because it is just not worth the hassle and potential violence, but that case is a point of principle that does need to be confronted.

Yes, I agree Thai authorities do condone much of the corruption surrounding Pattaya public transport. Doesn't mean we as farang have to adopt and internalize those rotten values, going so far as to defend them.

If Tony Soprano wants you to pay the vig, you better pay it or he will break your face. If the baht bus driver wants to double charge you and you don't want to pay it, you say you afraid of violence.

This is why the term mafia and baht bus drivers do hand in hand.

They are mafia.

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I prefer to take the aircon bus from jomtien to Big C. 20 baht, same price or all, clean, no fumes, much saver and no hassle. The tv I dont count as a plus.

The worst bath bus bastards are those at the bus terminal to BKK. If I arrive during the day I walk just past them, cross carefully pattaya nua and pay my 10 baht for a trip to beach road up to pattaya klang.

I simply hate these rude bastards, treating people like cattle, being drunk or drugged half of the time.

Problem is after 5-6 pm then we are hostages to these semi-criminals. But perhaps I m unfair, they surely have to pay a lot of tea money to the local chinese lords.

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