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I did two 90 day, one 60 day, a couple of 30's. And a dozen 10's in meditation retreats all over the world.


Truthfully? Unless you are naturally gifted as a meditator, it's diminishing returns, just as it would be if you were a bog standard average player who keeps going back to tennis camp.


I like where I've gotten to, I don't expect to move the dial much more pre-death without a serious time commitment that I would not make.


Anyone who puts in 2 years+ is in the ballpark of a famous in the west meditation teacher. It would be like having a BA in meditation.


And then also have the ability to really compel people AND be an effective teacher. That's about .0002% of all meditators.


Prob 50 of them on earth. I've been with 3 who really, really had it.

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