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1 hour ago, CallumWK said:


That is where your post lost all credibility, quoting Trustpilot.

I have no doubt that you are promoting the service of which you are a reseller.

Sir: A reseller has no use of both a main and a backup provider!

Please explain why, if I am a reseller, I have been looking for a bckup to my main source for the last 3 years and wasted a not insignificant sum of money checking suppliers that turned out to be of no use but then again, this is the story of my life:-

I try to assist others and am kicked in the teeth for my troubles.

C'est la vie!


An aside:-

I said I have a main supplier.  Maybe you would like to check out:-


but don't waste too much of your time as the website is no longer used due to the safety issues I mentioned in my post.


My 10 second review suggested you took the free trial so that you could make up your own mind but you prefer to accuse me of being a reseller whereas all I am trying to do is pass on my hard earned experience gained over 3 years.

Thanksk for nothing.....

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