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UK statement to the house - net migration measures - did I hear right? Family visa financials doubled, NHS charge up 66%?

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8 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

Crossing any Country's  border without the correct travel documentation required by the law of that country is illegal under International Treaty. If subsequently, refugee status or political asylum is requested, then that is a separate process which does not negate that the first entry was illegal. 

I freely admit I am not a legal expert, but common sense tells me that a fraudulent asylum application would also be illegal .   Which begs the question why do so many of  these relatively young single men  ( as that description fits 99.9% of those arriving on small boats)  destroy their passports on the way over. 

Occasionally there may be a child on board but the sole reason for that, is so they can be thrown overboard, to ensure the lifeboats will pick them all up and taxi them to the shores of the promised land.    

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On 12/8/2023 at 9:37 PM, Bday Prang said:

so we should just let them all in then?  Would that make you happy?


Let whom in? Refugees? The answer would be yes and a qualified yes. Because its a sad world we live in that there are refugees at all.


Or do you mean criminal gangs? The answer would be No and Yes


Or do you mean Thai wives? Yes and yes.


Or do you mean unaccompanied children? Yes and Yes.


You need to be more precise when asking strawman questions that you are shrieking for a response to.


A headline from 1900. Note the language in reference to people fleeing pogroms.





You complain about changes in culture. These people mostly setting in places like Limehouse, Stamford Hill. The local culture changed as a result. One aspect is that East Enders now enjoy a Wally with their Fish and Chips. In truth, the British have had a mongrel culture since the day Julius Caesar rocked up. And I am proud of that.  It has made Britain distinctly different from Continental neighbours. The ability of the English language to absorb non-English words into our everyday parlance has meant it has become the lingua franca globally. We, thankfully, do not have an equivalent to the Académie Française. German agglutination has becoming a running joke (the German habit of adding new words by combining existing words into increasingly long words, some of which exceed 80 letters). 100% of British people have so-calling immigrant blood. Everyone.


And here is the same paper, 38 years later, further complaining about refugees





Obviously, that problem was dealt with not by sinking the boats, but by addressing the problem at source. Arguably, we should have dealt with the problem much earlier, but by not doing so, it cost us more.







Edited by MicroB
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35 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Asian grooming gangs have been a huge problem in parts of the UK   here's one link to assist you in removing your head from the sand, you can find the rest yourself,    Anyway lets hear what julie thinks about it all, or is she as blind and blinkered by wokeness as you?


Western sex gangs are a huge problem in SEA. Gary Glitter.

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12 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

I freely admit I am not a legal expert, but common sense tells me that a fraudulent asylum application would also be illegal .   Which begs the question why do so many of  these relatively young single men  ( as that description fits 99.9% of those arriving on small boats)  destroy their passports on the way over. 

Occasionally there may be a child on board but the sole reason for that, is so they can be thrown overboard, to ensure the lifeboats will pick them all up and taxi them to the shores of the promised land.    

The reason that they throw all of there travel documents over board is that they are not refugees, with a legitimate case for refugee status, but are actually economic migrants and the UK is too soft, stupid and liberal that it can't or won't stop them.  They enter and many just disappear into the country, never to be seen again, or processed.  The others sit around and take the generous benefits that the idiot country provides, at massive cost to the UK taxpayer.  

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5 minutes ago, Doctor Tom said:

The reason that they throw all of there travel documents over board is that they are not refugees, with a legitimate case for refugee status, but are actually economic migrants and the UK is too soft, stupid and liberal that it can't or won't stop them.  They enter and many just disappear into the country, never to be seen again, or processed.  The others sit around and take the generous benefits that the idiot country provides, at massive cost to the UK taxpayer.  

And the worrying thing is that the economic migrants are not the worst of  them,  There seems to be very little concern regarding other motives they may have.  Who knows how many jihadists we have welcomed and are currently allowing to live in relative luxury,  whilst they wait for "the text message"  Far from ideal to put it mildly

Those enabling this should be tried for treason

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23 minutes ago, MicroB said:


Western sex gangs are a huge problem in SEA. Gary Glitter.

One man does not a grooming gang make, Glitter has been tried, convicted and vilified and quite rightly so.  He was unfortunate in that he did not have a battalion of human rights lawyers arguing his case for him. and he was also unfortunate in not being allowed to continue for fear of upsetting certain racial and cultural sensitivities, 

On a more positive side it was partly due to effective immigration procedures that his location was known, and effective immigration prevents many others from copying him

The UK does not enjoy such effective immigration controls

Edited by Bday Prang
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19 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

And the worrying thing is that the economic migrants are not the worst of  them,  There seems to be very little concern regarding other motives they may have.  Who knows how many jihadists we have welcomed and are currently allowing to live in relative luxury,  whilst they wait for "the text message"  Far from ideal to put it mildly

Those enabling this should be tried for treason

Relative luxury?

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1 hour ago, stuandjulie said:

A typical response, ignore the facts and bang on about rusty razor blades, surprised you didn't bring up rape gangs as most Little Englanders do (BTW that is also untrue)

So do you (and Julie of course) consider FGM to be acceptable if conducted with sterile surgical instruments.   

In fairness I must concede that at least they took time to groom the british rape victims,    a courtesy not extended to their own females who are simply held down and mutilated , and at least the procedure is normally conducted by another female which no doubt saves them any unnecessary embarrassment.   whilst the procedure its self is not a burden on our NHS  repairing the damage done often is  (for the lucky ones)

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9 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:



I was assuming you know what "luxury" means? 

 we don't all come from your obviously privileged background,  but many would consider living for free in a 4 star hotel as a situation bordering on luxury, compared to the accommodation provided by the French . Especially when you throw in a bit of spending money, a mobile phone, access to free legal representation, and priority access to dental and medical care.  Not to mention that when the asylum application eventually fails  a gang of lefty activists will be rounded up to protest about ones deportation.  What not to like?



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2 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

well we don't all come from your obviously privileged background,  but many would consider living for free in a 4 star hotel as a situation bordering on luxury, especially when you throw in a bit of spending money, a mobile phone, access to free legal representation, and priority access to dental and medical care.  Not to mention that when the asylum application eventually fails  a gang of lefty activists will be rounded up to protest about ones deportation.  What not to like?

You've been taken in, haven't you?


You do realise the hotels are taken over by the government? You do realise 4 star accommodation offers no luxury in the case of asylum hotels? Asylum being the clue here. Only asylum seekers.


Some of your other ideas just made me laugh. Not worth talking about.



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5 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

You've been taken in, haven't you?


You do realise the hotels are taken over by the government? You do realise 4 star accommodation offers no luxury in the case of asylum hotels? Asylum being the clue here. Only asylum seekers.


Some of your other ideas just made me laugh. Not worth talking about.



Taken over by the government or not they still provide accommodation of a far higher quality than that enjoyed by many in the UK

I think you are the one who has been taken in

I'm glad my ideas made you laugh,  but it's not really a laughing matter.   

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14 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

You've been taken in, haven't you?


You do realise the hotels are taken over by the government? You do realise 4 star accommodation offers no luxury in the case of asylum hotels? Asylum being the clue here. Only asylum seekers.


Some of your other ideas just made me laugh. Not worth talking about.




   Hotels Taken  over by the Government and the tax payers pay the bill and a rise in hotel prices because lack of rooms available 

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2 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   Hotels Taken  over by the Government and the tax payers pay the bill and a rise in hotel prices because lack of rooms available 

Personally when I work in the UK, I work all over the place, many of the hotels I regularly used are not available anymore, Its a pain to say the least, and prices have in some cases doubled.  Sadly many of the hotel employees have lost their jobs as a result of this. 


 Would any of those in favour of this disgrace like to take this opportunity to apologise to those unfortunate hotel employees whose lives have been ruined !     Thought not

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9 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   Hotels Taken  over by the Government and the tax payers pay the bill and a rise in hotel prices because lack of rooms available 

I've just had a nice stay in a hotel on the south coast of England. Double room with bathroom, £101 for two nights. 


If that's a price rise, it must be a real bargain in real time.

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13 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Personally when I work in the UK, I work all over the place, many of the hotels I regularly used are not available anymore, Its a pain to say the least, and prices have in some cases doubled.  Sadly many of the hotel employees have lost their jobs as a result of this. 


 Would any of those in favour of this disgrace like to take this opportunity to apologise to those unfortunate hotel employees whose lives have been ruined !     Thought not

£101 for 2 nights. If that's double, must have been great before.


Around 9600 hotels in UK. Around 300 hotels being used for Asylum seekers. I think you need to look harder. Try Booking.com or Trivago. Loads of available rooms. Great prices too.



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14 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

Taken over by the government or not they still provide accommodation of a far higher quality than that enjoyed by many in the UK

I think you are the one who has been taken in

I'm glad my ideas made you laugh,  but it's not really a laughing matter.   

It is when people believe fake news.

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8 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

£101 for 2 nights. If that's double, must have been great before.


Around 300 hotels being used. I think you need to look harder. Try Booking.com or Trivago. Loads of available rooms. Great prices too.

  |Bang on pal...£25 per night is now £50 per night     However  when i need advice about hotel accommodation I will ask for it thank you very much

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11 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

£101 for 2 nights. If that's double, must have been great before.


Around 9600 hotels in UK. Around 300 hotels being used for Asylum seekers. I think you need to look harder. Try Booking.com or Trivago. Loads of available rooms. Great prices too.




   I read of so many people in the U.K complaining about high hotel prices and they prices have doubled recently 

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15 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

I've just had a nice stay in a hotel on the south coast of England. Double room with bathroom, £101 for two nights. 


If that's a price rise, it must be a real bargain in real time.


   It doesn't matter where you stayed recently, Hotel prices in the U.K have risen by a huge amount recently  

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9 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

It is when people believe fake news.

Fake news ?  like that extolling the virtues of uncontrolled immigration 


But lets get back on topic a bit, Thai Spouses and there visas ?    A subject also worthy of. , closer inspection, I personally have visited at least 5 brothels owned and run by Thai women, ( not even in the name of research but for good old fashioned paid for sex! ) and I seem to remember a few prominent MP's who were caught , literally with their pants down in similar establishments.  

Do you think these women might just have arrived on dubious spouse visas?

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