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New paper using data from 29 countries calculated COVID death rate


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Well well, John Ioannidis (one of the paper's authors here) is back with more of his dubious projections...




This is the same man who predicted back in 2020 that COVID might result in 10,000 total deaths in the U.S.  -- when of course the world ended up at 7 million official and up to 20 million or more estimated, including 1.1 million official COVID deaths in the U.S.


So hey, he was only off by a factor of about 100 -- 10,000 projected deaths vs. 1.1 million actual ones.


March 17, 2020 article by Ioannidis:


"The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco."


"If we assume that case fatality rate among individuals infected by SARS-CoV-2 is 0.3% in the general population — a mid-range guess from my Diamond Princess analysis — and that 1% of the U.S. population gets infected (about 3.3 million people), this would translate to about 10,000 deaths."




This guy has been so wrong about the pandemic it's not even funny.... And it also brought scorn on his career:


From a Dec. 2020 profile of the guy:


"But his critics say the Stanford doctor is violating the principles of intellectual rigor he has spent much of his career espousing — refusing to admit his mistaken judgments and recklessly lending a scientific imprimatur to forces that defy public-health directives for irrational reasons."




"The predictions of a second wave Ioannidis had told Fox News viewers not to trust had proved right. The 10,000 American lives he said might be lost to the pandemic were vanishing almost every week."




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Perhaps Ionnidis here should have taken a lesson here from his own past comments on published research:

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

Published online 2005
"There is increasing concern that in modern research, false findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims [6–8]. However, this should not be surprising. It can be proven that most claimed research findings are false."
And yet this same guy keeps publishing his own nonsense.


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Here's the U.S. CDC's breakdown of cumulative actual U.S. COVID deaths by age group. Lots of COVID deaths of people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, in addition to the oldest age groups.




source link


Percent of U.S. COVID deaths by age group (partial list from above):


30-39 -- 1.72%, 19,872 deaths

40-49 -- 4.01%, 46,250 deaths

50-64 -- 17.62%, 203,123 deaths

65-74 -- 22.35%, 257,640 deaths

75 and above -- 53.54%, 617,187 deaths


Nearly half of the total U.S. COVID deaths have been in people age 74 and younger.



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The 'official' Covid deaths as a percentage of Infected people is as follows:

6,948,577 Total Deaths

699,006,517 Total Infections

Covid Death Rate equals: 0.994%

COVID - Coronavirus Statistics - Worldometer (worldometers.info)


However, there are many assumptions that can be made that could reduce the death rate, as taken from the numbers above.

Maybe many of those deaths recored officially were not only because of Covid, but because of comorbidity reasons (cancer, heart disease, etc.).

Likewise annual seasonal flu deaths were often attributed to Covid - average about 500K per year - so over 2 years of Covid maybe 1 million.

Additionaly, many infections that were overcome naturally and/or due to the vaccinations, and were not reported officially.


But even with a 'liberal' interpretation of those factors, the Covid death rate would still be massively over the annual death rate from the seasonal flu, which is about 500K of about 1,000 million infections each year, equalling a death rate of 0.05%.  

Influenza (Seasonal) (who.int)


And of course, the authorities will claim that the Covid death toll was massively reduced due to the vaccines and isolation.

Impossible to prove that is a false statement, but it is clear that many things were done very wrongly - especially isolating everyone and crashing the world's economy for over 2 years which will take another 2-3 years to recover (maybe more). If Covid is as infectious as the seasonal flu, then all that isolation and economic disaster stopped 300 million getting infected, and therefore about 29 million people dying over a 2 year period.  There was about 55 million who died in 2019 - which equates to 110 million over 2 years.  

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