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DIY Fabrication of Air Purifier: Anyone Here Tried It?


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The SMOKING Season will soon be upon us.


I am going to prepare early this year.


I have an old fan that is just sitting around, unused, collecting dust.

This fan still has a few revolutions left in it.

I plan to find a HEPA filter to attach to the front/back of the fan, in order to DIY a third air purifier for my abode.


I have seen some good HOW-TO plans.

According to some of the people who provide such plans, such a rig as this can be even more effective than the expensive air purifiers coming out of China, and you know the brand most popular.



Have you tried this?

How did it work out for you?


Maybe I will post a few links in the comments section detailing how this can be easily assembled out of just a fan, a HEPA filter, and some cheap materials such as cardboard, for example.


At present, I am using two XiaoMi air purifiers running 24/7/365.

They work fine...IF I can believe the PM sensors that are integrated in the XiaoMi machines.


However, there have been reports that the sensors on the XiaoMi machines are not, of course, as accurate as the very expensive air-quality monitors used in research labs.


In my opinion, which is just not worth much, I think that one might do better to DIY an air purifier from a household fan and a HEPA filter, rather than to splurge on a third air purifier similar to the two machines I already have.


Here is a good place to begin, maybe:  https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/how-to-make-diy-air-purifier/





This guy  is NOT a nitwit....

He actually knows a thing or two about HEPA filters, and DIY fabrication of effective air purifiers....I THINK...


Any thoughts before the Burning Season Begins???


Best regards....



NOTE:  There is NO REASON to live with smoky air in your house...IF....you can follow a few easy steps, and you have an old fan....is MY thinking.....



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Please note:  I have no FLAT Fan.  I only have round fans, such as the Philips type of fan on a pedestal.


So, I guess...This means that I will need to design a cowling to fit the HEPA filter to the fan without allowing any air from the fan to pass by (escape passing through) the filter attached to the cowling.


I have not yet thought through the best design strategy, but I am sure it will come to me in a dream, this evening, before I wake tomorrow morning.


If only I were an Edison, it might be easier.


Actually, this seems like a piece of cake compared to the other problems I have solved throughout my difficult life.


If one can use scissors, for cutting cardboard, like Edward Scissorhands, then there should be zero to worry about.





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18 minutes ago, flyingtlger said:

Just buy one. If its for my health, I'll pay top dollar but there are so many good air purifiers now and relatively inexpensive....

Why risk your health?


This is no risk to health, by any means.


If you read the research and test reports, you might find that using a fan with a high-quality HEPA filter attached can outperform some of the more expensive air purifiers.


Please just google the research....


There are several more authoritative sites on the internet which discuss this very thing....


BUT, as you say, for most of us....it is just easier to buy an air purifier which has been tested by a third party research org....


Ups to you.


Or, do BOTH....buy one and DIY one....


Or, in my case....buy two and DIY one....



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