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Bargirl Appreciation Thread.

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Yestarday was the third Sunday in a row I had gone to while away the afternoon at a particular bar in Nana.

The two who serve behind the bar are very nice to me, they tell the shoeshiners and chewing-gum hawkers not to hassle me and they discreetly let me buy my own water from 7-Eleven.

They know I am neither rich or on holiday and have even given me a free Heiniken on more than one occasion as a thankyou for correcting their latest English mistake or helping them type an SMS to an overseas boyfriend.

The other girls who 'work' the customers are busy coming and going and being social butterfly's and they often stop to chat and playfully flirt or give me a quick backrub if I'm lucky.

I've had some very intelligent conversation with some of them and it's interesting to talk to them once you have gained their trust and shown that you are not just there to look for a <deleted>.

These girls are here to make a living and constantly have to be friendly, smile and fake interest in the customer.

Out of every ten men that join them for a drink, maybe only one will 'go' with the girl.

I have heard no sob stories of woe, their job is just a boring, soul destroying one and difficult because, naturally, men do not want to pay for sex, or they want as much as they can as cheaply as possible and many men think they have the right to free sex just because they are young or good looking.

One of the bartenders, Nye, met me when she finished at 6pm and we went to the night bazzar where I bought her dinner and we went to meet her sister and friends who, to my surprise, were all high society types.

We ate cashew nuts and drank beer and her sister gave me a lift home in her car as I was so exhausted from a sleepless weekend.

Nye helped me into my apartment and gave the place a quick tidy while I collapsed on the bed.

She gave up trying to get me to have a shower and instead stayed with me and gently scratched my back trying to help me to sleep.

She left this morning at about 10ish and didn't even ask for any taxi money.

Now all this criticism we see on bargirls which myself, some others and probably the moderators find rather boring is - I believe - down to the shortcomings of the author. MAYBE his intentions were good and he got stung but bargirls generally hear more bullshit than they give out and that always seems to go unmentioned.

They generalise us just as we generalise them and they only have the majority of men who visit bars as an example of how farang men are - unless you prove youself to be different and show them respect and a genuine interest in them as individuals.

As Nye pointed out last night... It is very very rare for a farang man to be accepted by a group of bargirls as one of their crowd, and I do feel honoured because unlike your snobby, white skinned Thaigirl who drinks at Q-Bar and drives a Mini - these are real people with real lives who understand bulshit, dissapointment and struggle... And fun. :o

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And they know how to look sexy, as I once more realised on Saturday.

Actually, when I was still single, I had experiences similar to yours, Scampy, more in the Philippines, but very similar. Got stung a few times, there are some pretty nasty animals in the bars, but I mostly found some genuine friends through hanging in one bar, once it was noticed that I wasn't just looking to pick somebody up for the night.

Some sex workers inspire a lot of respect, when you get to know them and their lives and attitudes. Being a family man and having a somewhat boring social life (like mixing with the other sad losers from thaivisa) all the partying is a bit too much for me these days.

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I must concur. I have had nothing but good times with bargirls over the years.

If your're a prick or a sucker, you'll be treated like a prick or a sucker. If you use common sense, and gravitate towards the goodies, you'll have fun.

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im with you scamp,

as i work in the country i only get to bangkok every 2 weeks,but when im there i have a great time, i really enjoy talking to the bar girls and like you i have a regular bar in nana that i have been going to for 2 years.they all know me and always seem genuinely happy to see me.

i just like to go and have a conversation that is light hearted and fun.something i cant get where i live (cos i canty speak thai good enough)

i see them as friends. not as bgs.

ps. did you manage to hit on strolls daughter without him seeing??? on saturday night :o:D

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Gent Scamp  ...  a nice thread Call on me if Erco or other Chaam punters try to hijack it.

Thanks Doc, I was unsure of weather ANY bargirl topic would be deleted or not as it's an exhausted topic (on the negative side of the arguement) so I appreciate that comment.

Some would say that coming from you that was a rare compliment. :o:D

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For the 3 years that I worked in Malaysia, the regular breaks I had in Phuket helped me keep my sanity. So a heartfelt thanks to all those wonderful bar girls who looked after me so well; I will always be in their debt. :o

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No I didn't, apparently I was busy on the pool table with LovlyCutie.  :o

Oh, I thought it was my pom?

your pom or any pom?, she is a very randy girl is our Elsie, she has propostioned everyone but me, even Jay got a proposal and he is so old he should be dead.

Sometimes it pays to lie about being a soap dodger :D

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your pom or any pom?,

I'm getting dizzy, Tornado. But I meant my pom. People now have stopped attacking me concerning the Gulls, and have started slagging me off for being a t@rt.. or so they think. Jolly good!

Sorry Scampy. Didn't mean to hijack your thread.

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Lovely, Darling, Cutie, you have just spent the last 6 hours in the chat room talking about your breasts and trying to get some attention my love, it sounds like it is time to drop the soap dodger and get a real life boyfriend as it seems you are chomping at the bit :o A tart? well a tease maybe..... :D

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Of course we appreciate them (BG's)

Just think where we would all be if we didn't have these people on tap to service our every need.

I think that the fact that the realm has so many BG's is a very positive element of life in the country.

Seriously though these girls are probably the real people here in Thailand. They work their little butts off to support their families.

Where else in the world would you find people willing to make this sort of sacrifice.

What you see is what you get too. :o

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Nice to know there are people out there who treat these girls with the respect they deserve, most of my best friends in LOS are bar girls and I would have been lost without them. Like a few people have said, treat them with respect & they pay you back tenfold. Act like a w*nker & you'll get everything you deserve!

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Totally agree with you Scamp, these girls get a hard enough time from the many pricks out there (no pun intended) :D ,. I too live in Bkk and know many BG's as friends, i treat them like friends and get on well and can have a genuine laugh with them.

Sure there are girls that are well hardened and will stop at nothing to grind the last dollar out of you, but i dont think thay are all like that. Too many people on this forum give BG's a hard time. We have all been ripped off in some way or another by the thais but hey thats part of the game. If you dont like it then go home or spend your 2 weeks a year somewhere else.

I truly think we can all learn a lot from the Thais. Treat people as you wish to be treated yourself and you will do alright.

Jai yen yen.

Cheers 8ball. :o

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Lovely, Darling, Cutie, you have just spent the last 6 hours in the chat room talking about your breasts and trying to get some attention my love,

You just missed the morning session while I was cursing like mad. And I've got more than enough attention already. Thank you very much. Regarding the soap dodger, there is something about him I really like, but I should just keep it to myself.

Back to the topic, of course there are good and bad people everywhere, as I always say. I had a little chat with two on our night out at the Gulls. I delivered one of them a bad news politely and she took it all right. They never bitched or got nasty whatsoever.

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If there is anything I hate, it is bargirl bashing. People who think "bargirls" and "normal Thai girls" are two completely different specieses are dead wrong. So many girls work in a bar just briefly before discovering it is not for them, and move on to restaurant waitressing, working in a 7/11, factory work or whatever. Still, during the period they do barwork, they are bargirls, right? Also girls who do barwork for an extended period are by no means always prostitutes. Almost 5 years I owned a beerbar, and three of the girls working for me never went with foreigners or had a long term relationship just once before they permanently left for Europe with a steady boyfriend or husband, all of them have a child now. Foreigners who proudly announce they met their wife/girlfriend not in a bar but in a restaurant or travel agency only make themselves ridiculous, very well possible the lady has taken that job in order to fish for money, in other words for a farang.

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If there is anything I hate, it is bargirl bashing. People who think "bargirls" and "normal Thai girls" are two completely different specieses are dead wrong. So many girls work in a bar just briefly before discovering it is not for them, and move on to restaurant waitressing, working in a 7/11, factory work or whatever. Still, during the period they do barwork, they are bargirls, right? Also girls who do barwork for an extended period are by no means always prostitutes. Almost 5 years I owned a beerbar, and three of the girls working for me never went with foreigners or had a long term relationship just once before they permanently left for Europe with a steady boyfriend or husband, all of them have a child now. Foreigners who proudly announce they met their wife/girlfriend not in a bar but in a restaurant or travel agency only make themselves ridiculous, very well possible the lady has taken that job in order to fish for money, in other words for a farang.

I'm not here to bash BG's (I have met a few that I might do worse with though)

I would however argue/debate with your views or opinions (which you have every right to hold)

So many girls work in a bar just briefly before discovering it is not for them

That may be correct for some but I think that you would find that for every one so described there would be 10 who work in a restaurant and then move into the bar trade.

Why? because all their girl friends have told them that the rewards (financial) are a whole lot better.

And in reference to what you say about "not all BG's are prostitutes" is again correct but then again if you accept the fact that "anyone who accepts money for sexual services is a prostitute" then they come from all walks of life.

And that means ALL walks of life.

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Still, during the period they do barwork, they are bargirls, right? Also girls who do barwork for an extended period are by no means always prostitutes. Almost 5 years I owned a beerbar, and three of the girls working for me never went with foreigners or had a long term relationship just once before they permanently left for Europe with a steady boyfriend or husband, all of them have a child now.

I would call them barmaids (collectively, bar staff), not bargirls.

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I would just call them prostitutes trying to make a living without having too much of an education if any at all! Come on get real they are there as prostitutes! Disguise it however you like BUT everybody knows exactly what they are and what they are after!!! MONEY!!! And how do they get it lucratively? SEX!!! :o:D:D

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Nice to know there are people out there who treat these girls with the respect they deserve,
Me too.

Not that every bg is good but certainly not all are bad.

But I always say, you have to look at what people they are dealing with in everyday life to make them who they are. Just walk in to a go-go bar and have a look at some of their customers. Very disgusting people!

Very nice! Scamp :o

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