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Thaivisa Cliches

November Rain

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What miffs me the most is that some Members keep on moaning about other Members posts of spelling mistakes and/or grammar witch is outside of the Original Fred, meaning completely :o

Kan Win :D


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The cut and paste cult with just a :o or a :D as a comment.

The grammar police.

The pom poot passa Thai keng brigade posting here instead of in the Thai language thread.

Edited by qwertz
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Retired old-timers claiming that Thai and Thailand haven't changed since the seventies and never ever will, when it's all so evident that it's their points of view that haven't changed since the seventies and never ever will.

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The "I can't learn Thai as I'm old, don't need to, and have no time people"

Don't come to Thailand until you have a house, yacht, and $1,000,000 in the bank and wated most of your life working in a job you hate, people.

The generalisation that Thai people are honest.

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So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Just the usual ones about how all Thai women are just out for money, all western women are fat and bossy, and all western men came to Thailand for prostitutes. :D

so what % of western men came to thailand for sex in your opinion?

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It really irks me that in the visa thread...apart from being all knowing we are expected to be all guessing as well. If people dont tell us where they are from or aiming to go, whatever...how de heck can we help them!!!!

People who build big houses in rural Thailand with all mod cons...then put a big wall around it...and those who display a lord of the manor attitude. If you want to know Thailand...do it their way!!..dont make your little corner of "back Home" in Thailand.

People who live there but dump crap on the Thais...

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The assumption that newbies to Thaivisa are new to Thailand.

That white men living in Thailand with a Thai wife aren't able to get a girlfriend or wife in their own country.

The hang 'em high, throw away the key brigade (yes, you know who you are).

Any and all posts by a certain klown.

Oh. :D:o

Nonetheless, I must respect that you've put the k instead of the c.


Posts by people who place too much importance on post counts, virility, or nationality.

Congrats on your big 6355!

:D :D

Yours truly,

Horny Lime.

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So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Just the usual ones about how all Thai women are just out for money, all western women are fat and bossy, and all western men came to Thailand for prostitutes. :D

so what % of western men came to thailand for sex in your opinion?


Pretty high really compared to the %age of women who come for sex, which is around 1%.

Could it be that Thai women are good, hard-working people and Thai males are wasters?

Edited by Neeranam
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OC, There are no posts describing men as mysoginists - only ones describing mysoginists as mysoginists :o:D

And posts where the spelling nazis have nothing else to offer than to pick on spelling errors.

(I couldn't be bothered checking the spelling in this case, but knew a member of the SN would help!)

Edited by Old Croc
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"That white men living in Thailand with a Thai wife aren't able to get a girlfriend or wife in their own country."

For me the cliche is 50 year olds guys claiming they can get a 20 year old girl friend in the Uk or where ever they came from.

They can but instead of being gorgeous they may have one leg a face like a bulldog, weigh 150kg and spend their days in a psychiatric hospital.

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"That white men living in Thailand with a Thai wife aren't able to get a girlfriend or wife in their own country."

For me the cliche is 50 year olds guys claiming they can get a 20 year old girl friend in the Uk or where ever they came from.

Oh... Never mind... :o

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Oh and to the other brigade counting the percentage of thai men in thailand for sex etc...

someone said only about 1& of women come to thailand for sex.

But let's take some (several) african countries:

About 40% of women go to these for sex. Apparently has something to do with endowments of a central african average male being more attractive to a woman than the average thai male.

SO same same, but different countries.


Said my (cod)[piece.

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QUOTE(SiamSquare123 @ 2007-07-23 23:32:52) *

"That white men living in Thailand with a Thai wife aren't able to get a girlfriend or wife in their own country."

For me the cliche is 50 year olds guys claiming they can get a 20 year old girl friend in the Uk or where ever they came from.

Wasn't me; mine is 18 years old.

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btw, you tardos never read past the first page. no one ever responds to posts in the middle probably because most of you are too old and dont really get how the internet works or something. uh. old people are everywhere on this website. i can just see some of you with the long noses and hair coming out of your ears.

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Oh and to the other brigade counting the percentage of thai men in thailand for sex etc...

someone said only about 1& of women come to thailand for sex.

But let's take some (several) african countries:

About 40% of women go to these for sex. Apparently has something to do with endowments of a central african average male being more attractive to a woman than the average thai male.

SO same same, but different countries.


Said my (cod)[piece.

What do the other 60% go for?

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Oh and to the other brigade counting the percentage of thai men in thailand for sex etc...

someone said only about 1& of women come to thailand for sex.

But let's take some (several) african countries:

About 40% of women go to these for sex. Apparently has something to do with endowments of a central african average male being more attractive to a woman than the average thai male.

SO same same, but different countries.


Said my (cod)[piece.

What do the other 60% go for?

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Just because a statement falls into the category of cliche does not necessarily mean it's not true which is just as well since many TV posters evidently can't think in any other terms.

" If you can't do the time don't do the crime" generally posted by the hang 'em high brigade in support of the appalling Thai justice system, a view typical of the less well endowed intellectually and therefore well represented in TV.

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