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New Laptop For $150


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Seems fishy, have a look here.


I've wrapped it in 'code' tags as it's a link to another forum, hopefully won't invite the wrath of the moderation team :o

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Yep, it's a scam. Look at the attached 3 pics. First is the "Medison Celebrity", second is the Clevo M540N, third image is Pic 1 minus pic 2 (Photoshop Difference layer). You can see that he just took the clevo pic and put a different image on the screen and added a reflection effect. The black area indicates a 100% match.




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Simple and effective plan:

- Offer ridiculously cheap laptop

- Add 4-6 weeks shipping - enough time to hide the cash and flee to the caymans

- Sit and wait for the gullible, the greedy, and the stupid to sign up

Erm. Stay away.

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Remembered it.. EEE PC by Asus..

I tend to like small ultra mobiles (as a desktop does anything serious) and still sometimes carry a libretto (hopelessly old and out of date) if just popping off for a long weekend for mobile email, photo storage and some music in room.

Will definitely look into one of these for travelling tho the 10 inch (suspected) 1280x768 screen would be a real help.

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Remembered it.. EEE PC by Asus..

I tend to like small ultra mobiles (as a desktop does anything serious) and still sometimes carry a libretto (hopelessly old and out of date) if just popping off for a long weekend for mobile email, photo storage and some music in room.

Will definitely look into one of these for travelling tho the 10 inch (suspected) 1280x768 screen would be a real help.

Yes, the Asus EEE is the one I'm waiting to see as well. The last I heard though, the basic model, due in late August or September, will now be U.S. $250. From what I'm reading, Europeans will be paying a lot more than that though. The 10 inch screen model is supposed to be released sometime in 2008.

There's one or two preliminary reviews, if you do a search for it. Also, youtube has a few interesting videos showing this laptop PC.


One other thing, I haven't been able to find anything even close to competing with the Asus Eee, (and I don't include the OLPC). The few laptops in the 2 to 3 lbs. weight range are going to cost well over U.S. $1000 new, and many so called ultra-portables are in the U.S. $2000+ bracket.

Edited by Taggart
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Yeah I read a few reviews..

Everyone has different needs.. Even different times etc.. If I was moving around rarely and simply needed a computer I could lug about a nice big screen high rez and good full size keyboard would be essential.. If your off for the weekend, something small to download the digi pics to, maybe some tunes, and the ability to get email and online banking would do.

I like the idea of a internet appliance with near instant on and good email system.. Small and cheap enough to keep just for online banking when moving and that sort of stuff..

I have been sending PM's to a user on here about an OQO+ he was advertising but he seems to read PM's and not bother to respond.. Odd if your advertizing an item !!

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Yeah I read a few reviews..

Everyone has different needs.. Even different times etc.. If I was moving around rarely and simply needed a computer I could lug about a nice big screen high rez and good full size keyboard would be essential.. If your off for the weekend, something small to download the digi pics to, maybe some tunes, and the ability to get email and online banking would do.

I like the idea of a internet appliance with near instant on and good email system.. Small and cheap enough to keep just for online banking when moving and that sort of stuff..

I have been sending PM's to a user on here about an OQO+ he was advertising but he seems to read PM's and not bother to respond.. Odd if your advertizing an item !!

That's exactly what I would need it for: e-mails, online bank/brokerage, a little internet surfing, not much else. I'll be interested to see what kind of a warranty Asus will have with their Eee. I know that for some (if not all) of their computer's, it's a two year Global warranty.

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I think they will be very popular certainly more useful than the 'one laptop per child' program which seems cut down too far.

At +-9k baht for a 'laptop lite' I think they will sell like hotcakes. I would have one just to use for weekend trips.. A small external drive for music or more storage would solve some issues with only 8GB.

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I think they will be very popular certainly more useful than the 'one laptop per child' program which seems cut down too far.

I think the one laptop per child project was one of those things that made everyone involved feel good, but accomplished little. The money would be better spent on basic school supplies for poor kids.

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