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DeSantis Signs Bill Removing Climate Change Considerations from Florida Law

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He's as entitled to federal assistance when natural disaster hits as any state that is all into the IMO man made climate changed scam.

The planet is clearly warming, as predicted by scientists. Why?

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5 hours ago, pomchop said:


and the sun shines down on the oceans that cover most of the earth and have massive impacts on what happens on the land masses in terms of weather and yes climate....and when man made co2 destroys layers of the atmosphere more sunlight hits the oceans and the temps go up....it's not rocket science but it is science something that seems to elude internet sleuths that think they know more than experts who study decades or even centuries of data and measure everything down to the millimeters.

Actually, the warming is mostly caused by sunlight hitting the surface, being reflected back, and then being trapped by CO2 in the upper Troposphere.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The only relevant thing would be if it was moved to a higher location. Was it? If it was put at the same elevation it's still indicating that sea level rise is just another hoax by the man made climate change lobby looking to cash in on the gullible.

Sea levels in the Boston area, just north of Plymouth, have risen just over a foot in the last century, Yellen noted. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, sea levels in Boston have risen by 2.89 millimeters per year. Since 1880, the average global sea level has risen 8 to 9 inches, or 203 to 228 millimeters, according to NOAA.

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8 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Land masses shifting, continental drift, sea level & tides controlled by lunar gravitational pull, and rotations of both around each other (sun, moon, earth), all things shifting ... yea, science.


Not melting ice & rainfall.  Y'all probably think the tides come in & out ... :cheesy:


In case you need a visual aid ...


If anything man made, would probably be the ever expand metro areas along waterways and coastal areas, where mismanaged water run off, no long goes in the ground but is directed into the streams & rivers and eventually out into the seas.   That's a bit of a stretch also.

The problem is that the Highwater mark at hide tide is rising every year.

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6 hours ago, honcho said:

yes but scientist dont all agree... its not fact but theory..so far sea levels have not changed, and no one can predict the futere. in with de santis on this one

It's ironic but when you contest Science, you just handwave. You don't provide any facts, you just make something up.


In the last 80 years, sea level rise has risen about a foot. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, that pace is expected to speed up.


A chart showing the data was posted here earlier.


Given that you are clearly wrong, perhaps it's time to re-evaluate the talking points about climate change that you saw on the internet.

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

So you make claims, can't substantiate those, and then get upset when your posts are deleted.

It's really easy, if your claims can't be substantiated they're incorrect, as are your opinions based on those claims.

The Deniers don't seem to have enough self-awareness to reflect upon why their posts are deleted.


Or when their claims are refuted, they just scramble for more talking points.


You can't walk them through the Science because when they realize that they are wrong, they just launch insults.


When asked why the planet is warming, they claim it's from natural forces. When asked why the Stratosphere is cooling, they glitch out.

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7 hours ago, honcho said:

yes but scientist dont all agree... its not fact but theory..so far sea levels have not changed, and no one can predict the futere. in with de santis on this one

so according to you the sea level rise of 4 inches since 1993 as measured by satellites  is just all some conspiracy theory....got it.
Is it true that sea levels are rising?
Climate Change: Global Sea Level | NOAA Climate.gov
The rising water level is mostly due to a combination of melt water from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms. In 2022, global mean sea level was 101.2 millimeters (4 inches) above 1993 levels, making it the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present).
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Final thoughts, to point out what I think is the obvious, in the MMCC / GW discussion.

... the Denialist / me, may or may not be correct

... the believers may or may not be correct, is it MM ?, and are the seas, if rising, because it's MM.


And 'most' scientist, for or against, must get funding from one side or the other, so there's that.  Yes, the meme goes both ways.  Note, I don't argue if GW is real, as it may or may not be, though leaning towards real, but don't think it's MM or that anyone can do anything about it.  As they've known and predicted it for how long, and nothing is being done or can be done IMHO, to change that.


If the planet is warming up, so be it.  Deal with it ... but if you believe and think it is, keep reading.


This whole post is simply my opinion, and based on my readings, which many may agree with or not.  Obviously from different sources of many folks.


Big difference that I notice, the believers, most of, aren't doing anything but talking about it.   Where me, the denialist, is doing everything eco friendlier that I / we can think of...purposely or not.


... do you have a yard, any size ... are you composting.  If not yard, you could still compost, and give it away, or simply spread it in you favorite park.  See vid below ...

... still driving that petrol/diesel vehicle

... still not using solar for at least part of your energy needs, if not all

... still taking unnecessary holidays, especially if flying, local or international


The hypocrisy is hilarious... over to you Greta ... How Dare You :cheesy:


Me the denialist on the other hand, my carbon footprint is almost non-existent.  Though I don't think the planet needs saving at all.


As much as I can do or have control over.   And we / you, do have control over the items I listed above.


My favorite vid for those not solving the problem, but are the problem,

keep talking ...



Composting .... not doing so, accounts for a huge amount added to the landfills.



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Most scientists work for universities or other organizations who don't derive their funding from Climate Change.


And then there are the grad students who don't get paid at all.


Michael E. Mann, the scientist who predicted the current spike in global temperature, works for Penn State University. His hockey stick chart was derided by oil company funded trolls until global temperature spiked. Now the trolls admit the planet is getting warmer.


So, the claim by trolls that scientists lie for money is a lie.

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No point in posting sense on the IMO man made climate change scam. Like science, opinions are fixed, are they not?

Because if you think that the world's scientists are engaged in a giant scam, there's a padded room waiting for you.

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Posted (edited)

It's interesting to watch the Deniar talking points evolve from "there is no warming" to "there's warming, but it's not caused by humans".


The Deniers don't have the self awareness to notice that their old talking points are obsolete.

Edited by Danderman123
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