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Which Side Will Thailand Choose?

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7 hours ago, Kinnock said:

Did I miss anything?


yes you did .....   about day 4 the US will eliminate the 3 gorges dam & Beijing ....  then day 5 it will eliminate Moscow. 

day 6 North Korea will surrender along with other Russian allies. 



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13 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

For some time I have believed we are currently in a global crisis. 


The PROXY war in Ukraine, Israel genocide, The US trying to poke China at every opportunity. Even little UK as good as declaring war on Russia with their tiny army.


If the sh7t hits the fan especially between the US and its western monkeys against China... Where will Thailand come down??


The US are going to definitely put pressure on Thailand to side with the west, but siding with China is way better for their interests.


In my opinion we have never been closer to nuclear war and some US political idiots even think the US can win a nuclear war.... Hopefully the Pentagon is staffed with people who are a lot more realistic.

well all of EU could be speaking German, Asia could be speaking Japanese or Chinese only but as shown by the Koran "War", the US became tired of wars.  They continue to have the UN spread out the cost somewhat and continue to fight in other countries so that there is no real war on the US soil.  Now there is an invasion from the southern border, millions literally who have no love lost for the US, only hate for their own countries or are possibly even agents from known anti-US autocrats around the world.  Russia just possibly sent up a rocket to low orbit that might be able to wipe out US satellites there that control many activities of the US and other countries.  China wants a return of Taiwan to the mainland plus control of the western Pacific.  If any country thinks that the US could win a nuclear war then they must have had their heads in the sand - there will be very few winners in my opinion left on this rock that is being destroyed anyway through "natural" evolution of societies be it good but in this case bad.  Unless the world wakes up soon it will be a moot point anyway.  This is my opinion - a baby boomer so OLD and lived and worked around the world - seen too much to think other than what I just wrote above.  I do wish the best for all on this forum and my family still in the US and have no plans to ever return there as I love living in Thailand even though it also is  not perfect in all ways - though there is no Utopia on this rock for me.

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11 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

A nuclear war is always possible as long as mad leaders like Putin , Kim Yong Un are in power and control of their autocratic regimes ,

Can happen anytime that one ignores the deadly consequences and decides to press the button .... for whatever reason ...


But , I think that , after the Coronavirus , Scientists in isolated underground laboratories somewhere are busy creating a  more lethal version of it that will be released when they think the time has come . The vaccine against that only available for the ' chosen few ' . It would be a cruel , but relatively clean way to get rid of the human overpopulation without destroying too much of the biosphere and keep the planet in a livable condition .


Only that would mean that the present capitalistic , profit based system can be replaced by a system where robotic workforce and AI take care for the wellbeing of the survivors ...


But , in the moment , a nuclear war is more probable .


Thailand won't have a choice  , just as any other country ..

Yeah, and if folks think that many senior military like those in Russia will maybe take a stand against Putin...has anyone noticed that 3 of the top Russian military have been removed due to "corruption" recently?  On top of this many have died in the Ukraine plus Putin has a habit of losing some former supporters due to high balconeys and "natural" causes or plane crashes.  Little Rocket Man may be the spark so the Chinese and Russians keep him up with the latest in war machines.  Scary for sure.  Japan and Taiwan folks must sleep lightly if at all.  Hope is about all that is left.

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10 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

Can you please name who he eliminated?.... Don't say Navalny, even the west has now admitted that he died of a strokem also Navalny has already ran againstn Putin and got less than 1% of the vote... In fact his biggest electoral success was for Moscow mayor and he got about 7%.... He was  political nobody and so never a threat to Putin.


As for anyone else expelled from running all have close ties and therefore funding from the west usually through the New Endowment for Democracy, the funding wing of US regime change all around the world. They even do it here in Thailand.


Also all these stupid rumours that he was a ruthless KGB agent responsible for assassinations... Hahaha.... He was a lawyer in the KGB, that's it... A pen pushing lawyer. Not exactly the person you send out on hits.

Most people just bury their heads in the sand so to speak and then there are others that are buried totally.  My opinion but obviously in a different world.

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14 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

For some time I have believed we are currently in a global crisis. 


The PROXY war in Ukraine, Israel genocide, The US trying to poke China at every opportunity. Even little UK as good as declaring war on Russia with their tiny army.


If the sh7t hits the fan especially between the US and its western monkeys against China... Where will Thailand come down??


The US are going to definitely put pressure on Thailand to side with the west, but siding with China is way better for their interests.


In my opinion we have never been closer to nuclear war and some US political idiots even think the US can win a nuclear war.... Hopefully the Pentagon is staffed with people who are a lot more realistic.

Hey, how about the latest where Putin put out a paper saying that he plans to draw the Baltic Sea coasts anew, taking property away from several NATO countries...shown on some media of Russian troop landings and other military activities.  At the same time a 3rd senior defense official has been replaced by Putin recently.  A lot of activity just after his visit with his Chinese buddy.

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17 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

In answering your question it is likely that Thailand will try to stay neutral but will likely be betrayed by its' pro-Chinese politicians. Worth remembering that it was the USA who saved Thailand from world-wide recriminations following Thailand's cooperation with Japan during WW2, and it was the USA who then supported Thailand militarily and financially thereafter. 

The U.S interference has had negative effects on Thailand as well.

The United States conducted military operations in Thailand, including air bases and covert operations, which led to social, economic, and environmental impacts within the country. Chemicals used in warfare and military activities have left lasting environmental scars in certain areas of Thailand.

At times, U.S. support for authoritarian regimes in Thailand has been criticized for undermining democratic principles and human rights. The Cold War context often led to U.S. backing of governments that suppressed dissent and limited political freedoms, contributing to social tensions and political instability.

While U.S. financial support was provided to Thailand, it also created a level of economic dependency that could have long-term repercussions. Reliance on external aid and investment can sometimes lead to unequal power dynamics and economic vulnerabilities.

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16 hours ago, Brewster67 said:

For some time I have believed we are currently in a global crisis. 


The PROXY war in Ukraine, Israel genocide, The US trying to poke China at every opportunity. Even little UK as good as declaring war on Russia with their tiny army.


If the sh7t hits the fan especially between the US and its western monkeys against China... Where will Thailand come down??


The US are going to definitely put pressure on Thailand to side with the west, but siding with China is way better for their interests.


In my opinion we have never been closer to nuclear war and some US political idiots even think the US can win a nuclear war.... Hopefully the Pentagon is staffed with people who are a lot more realistic.

The best would be to avoid any war.

However, there are too many war mongers at present. 

So for Thailand it will be appropriate to become or stay neutral. If not possible then play your role in Asia. You can't rely on US.🙏

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3 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

Thailand will sit on the fence till there is a clear winner. They were too quick to back the nippers in WWII, cost them two provinces.

Not two whole provinces and the land was returned after the war.

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3 hours ago, JoeRan said:

Being someone that has travelled the world extensively, I have witnessed and also read that approximately 70% of the world’s population would like to see harm come to the US. The reasons are far and wide.  They still believe they are the center of the universe and continue to upset much of the world. 
So when it comes to choosing sides for most Countries, I believe the answer is clear. 

In your dreams . 70% of the worlds population LOL


Doesnt matter, for, (and apologies to Hillaire Belloc)

Whatever happens, we have got

The B-52, and they have not.

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Just now, retarius said:

Thailand will wish protect the wealth of the mega-rich and take whatever course of action protects them. Screw the poor and disenfranchised. 

Same as the USA.

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31 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

The U.S interference has had negative effects on Thailand as well.

The United States conducted military operations in Thailand, including air bases and covert operations, which led to social, economic, and environmental impacts within the country. Chemicals used in warfare and military activities have left lasting environmental scars in certain areas of Thailand.

At times, U.S. support for authoritarian regimes in Thailand has been criticized for undermining democratic principles and human rights. The Cold War context often led to U.S. backing of governments that suppressed dissent and limited political freedoms, contributing to social tensions and political instability.

While U.S. financial support was provided to Thailand, it also created a level of economic dependency that could have long-term repercussions. Reliance on external aid and investment can sometimes lead to unequal power dynamics and economic vulnerabilities.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, steven100 said:

In December of 1941  WWII ....  Thailand surrendered to the Japanese since they couldn't possibly defend their country against the might of the Japanese Empire.


Thailand was Japans ally. The only reason there were a couple fire fights during the Japanese invasion was because Pibul had gone missing in the moment of crisis so no one could tell the army to stand down.  Pibul had a habit of getting lost in moments like this. There was never a surrender, there was five hours of fighting & then a stand down order issued. Japan & Thailand then had an alliance which made Thailand a member of the Axis Alliance.

BTW Thailand had initiated a couple border skirmishes with the french in 1940, which Japan then helped negotiate and got back some Cambodian provinces. They already had a working relationship prior to December 8 1941. Likely Thailand thought they could get something for nothing, Japan had other ideas. :biggrin:


Edited by Dcheech
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16 hours ago, save the frogs said:

I came across that conspiracy many years ago.

Could be.

The "threat" of nuclear war has been going on for decades and decades and never goes away. 

Is North Korea another fear-based mind control maybe?


...Nuke the frogs!



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42 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

No they didin't. They saw that they could make lots for money from wars.

query the military which can't fulfill their voluteer quotas anymore although salaries and retirement for the military have increase quite a bit and they can retire at a much younger age with enough money and health care for them to do well.  Most private retirement funds have dried up and folks just don't make enough to save what they really need in retirement.  Folks too are tired of spending so much money overseas for those that really don't support the US anymore.  Yeah some folks make a lot of money off of war but those started rich anyway and just get richer.  Too many folks dislike the US because  they are jealous of the opportunities that do exist and many younger Americans just don't seem to see the same opportunities.  What I guess bothers too many foreigners is that success was born due to immigrants as they are the ones that built the US and instilled the spirit which seems to be fading among my countrymen.  But, I love it here in Thailand and plan to be put to rest here too.  I spent a couple of years at war and became a believer in no-war but if push came to shove - even at a ripe old age I would willingly go to help.  Good luck to all of us and hope none of us ever has to face a war.

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5 minutes ago, Presnock said:

query the military which can't fulfill their voluteer quotas anymore although salaries and retirement for the military have increase quite a bit and they can retire at a much younger age with enough money and health care for them to do well.  Most private retirement funds have dried up and folks just don't make enough to save what they really need in retirement.  Folks too are tired of spending so much money overseas for those that really don't support the US anymore.  Yeah some folks make a lot of money off of war but those started rich anyway and just get richer.  Too many folks dislike the US because  they are jealous of the opportunities that do exist and many younger Americans just don't seem to see the same opportunities.  What I guess bothers too many foreigners is that success was born due to immigrants as they are the ones that built the US and instilled the spirit which seems to be fading among my countrymen.  But, I love it here in Thailand and plan to be put to rest here too.  I spent a couple of years at war and became a believer in no-war but if push came to shove - even at a ripe old age I would willingly go to help.  Good luck to all of us and hope none of us ever has to face a war.

Welcome to Thailand 💌

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